“Princess.” he pulled me into his chest and started rubbing my back.
“No.” I pulled away. “I have to finish my mistakes, sir.”
“Princess, You had Hades leave your apartment early morning and then you still had breakfast with him.” He said as if it was a typical day to stalk people. “I don’t want you close with my brother.” He looked at me and I looked at him. His gorgeous eyes giving away no emotions. “I’m serious, Princess. Hades is not to be trusted.”
This is so sweet. If I wasn’t sad, I would be over the moon. “He came to be to talk about a girl,” I said and put some distance between us. “He respects you but he wants to be your older brother, Mr. Black,” I said. Hades came to me because he met this girl in his hotel and first thing first, he wanted to sleep with her but when she sprung the one night only bomb at him, he was shocked. He came to be me because after he slept with her, he wanted more and now, they have an exclusive sexual relationship but no feelings should be involved. He wants more but he doesn’t want to seem desperate so he involved me and I was glad to help. He asked if I could have a coffee date with them soon.1
“He will always be my older brother.” Was all he said. He handed me a handkerchief. I gave a little laugh. I didn’t picture him as a man that carried a piece of clot around. “We have issues, Princess and I believe my brother knows why.”
I nodded and handed him my phone to keep as a mirror. I didn’t have my bag with me so no mirror and no make-up retouch. “Oh my, I look horrible.” my eyeliner became runny and dried against my cheeks. My eyes were red and puffy along with my nose. I hated crying, just because of this.
“You look beautiful, Princess.” He lifted my chin to look into his eyes.
I was thankful for my red face because now no one can see the blushing rising to my cheeks. “I…” I cleared my throat. “Still look horrible, thank you.” I cleared my face as best as I can. I couldn’t work with Mr. Black staring at me like that. “Mr. Black, your brother has your surname and all he wants is his baby brother counting on him like any younger brother would. I’ll do anything you want for a day if you do a little assessment with me.” I met his eye contact.
“It's bad making a deal with the devil.” He said with a smirk and eventually shook my hand.
I took my phone from him. I completely ruined his white handkerchief. “I’m sorry about this.” I lifted the cloth. It had black patches all over it. I looked down and I knew I couldn’t see my salary. “My word, I’m sorry.” I tried to fix the black stain on his shirt. “I’ll replace it or give me the shirt, I’ll clean it at home and send it to dry cleaning.”
He buttoned up his suit jacket. “It’s fine. The assessment.”
I had a guilty feeling. He was wearing a ruined shirt and it was my fault, the least I could do is replace it. With my savings and this month’s salary, I’m sure I’ll be able to afford a designer shirt. If he didn’t want me fixing his shirt, I can at least buy him something. “Your phone.” I was determined to buy him something and fix his relationship with his brother.
“Jealous, Princess.” he wore his smirk proudly.
I rolled my eyes at him. “I need to make a phone call.” he handed me his phone and he had the cutest photo of Candice as his background. I pulled up Hade's number. “You going to tell him you need help convincing me and if he is excited then I was right and you get your day and if he is not, then you still get your day. And the plus side, he might actually help you to convince me.” I smirked this time around.
He pulled me in by my hips. He was sitting on his desk and I was standing between his legs now. “I don’t need help in that department.” and he was right because I blushed like a red tomato.
I called his brother and we both waited in silence as the phone rung. “Speak to me, holy one,” Hades answered. He answered the phone differently for each person, it was unique and cute at the same time. No one said anything. I looked at Mr. Black, telling him with my eyes to speak but he said nothing. He nodded his head towards the direction of the phone as if to tell me to wait. “Really, Luci, it was an innocent breakfast. God, you possessive ass, I’ll stay away.” that’s when Mr. Black smirked as if he won.
“I didn’t want to call you, brother but seeing as you are willing to adhere to my request.” he stopped and I looked at him strangely. Mr. Black didn’t play games, he didn’t know how to lie for the fun of it. The frustration on his face made me want to speak out for him. “I..” He sighs and laid his forehead on my head. “I need your help, brother.”
“O, my god!” I swear I thought Hades was gay for a minute. His voice went up a whole octave when he gets excited. “My therapist was right, oh god, I prepared for this.” he was going on like a five-year-old on Christmas. I believe Mr. Black just made his day. “I love you, Luci.” He was excited. He just wanted his family, that’s all Hades asks for. “What do you need help with?”
“Rosella.” he looked into my eyes when he said that. “I need her to be my queen.” He was staring me as if he was talking directly to me. “and you close with her.” he broke contact. “I want..”
“Say no more, I’ll phone her now and we’ll get this ball going, thank you for involving me. I’ll be at the office in five minutes.”
“No.” Mr. Black said. “We’ll do this at home.”
I felt like I could see his smile from this side of the screen. “Thank you.” and the call ended.
Hades was an excited bird because he phoned me as soon as the call with his brother ended. I didn’t answer because he knew I had a meeting because of the stock problem. He did send a text and I quote: “Sister, answer your phone, we about to get your dessert ass pussy some liquid.” He thought if I slept with his brother I could be convinced as if his brother has some magical penis.5
I took a seat by his desk and Mr. Black continued working. He didn’t want me going to the office for a while because this meeting had to be longer than it ended. He didn’t want to be unfair to the other workers and he also enjoyed my company. I loved that. He respected his workers even though it doesn’t seem like it.
“I fired the production manager. Your stock problem should return to normal as soon as the new manager sorts out the mess.” Mr. Black said breaking the silence. “If anyone disrespects you tell me, immediately.”
“No one does, because I treat everyone the-”
“same,” I whispered completing my sentence.
A blond-headed guy stormed into the office. He banged the door close behind him and he looked fairly familiar but he was so angry it made me feel invisible. I wasn’t short of height but I was shorter than Mr. Black but with two tall men in one room, I felt extremely short. I felt tiny and invisible especially when the angry man didn’t even notice me.1
“Anderson, this is one of the multiple times, you stormed into my office and I have no problem but you-”
“You had the software updated when everyone told you it is near impossible. Your risks could cost some of us our businesses.” Mr. Angry stated.
The software he was talking about referred to the software on the laptops. We were competing against windows because no matter what anyone says, Windows had cheap and reliable software. Our new launch was the first of many series to follow on out winning the Windows software.
“Never interrupt me. And secondly, it was a success.”
“It was?” I immediately closed my mouth. I didn’t mean for it to come out that loud. “I’m sorry, I’ll leave.” I stood up.
“Anderson, you disturbed a meeting.” Mr. Black indicated to me.
And this was how a ghost became the center of attention. All eyes were on me now. “It's fine, I’ll leave. We can do the meeting some other time, Mr. Black.” I said and as I turned to leave, I wished I didn’t.
“Lucifer.” Mr. Black said. “Now we all know each other, what’s going on.”+
I smiled at Mr. Black, an odd time to be smiling. “That was almost a direct quote out of lion king.”
“Now is not the time, Rosella.”
And so the past and the present meet again.