"Why didn't you just fucking leave her alone?" I love Lucifer but sometimes I wish he could just die and get over it.
"Candice, you know I can't," he replied in a weak voice.
I gave a heavy sigh. "She is my best friend, brother." I turned my back to him. "Flaws and all, she is the only one outside the family that accepts me as I am. No one treats me normal because like you said...I am of royal blood."
"Save it, Lucifer. I don't need it now."
The almighty Lucifer. I was the odd one in my family. I looked more like an American than Italian. I loved Mexican food instead of Italian food and worst of all, I am American by nationality. My brothers were both born and raised in Italy but I was born here and moved to Italy.
My family isn't normal but they not crazy as well. My great grandparents joined the mafia and as all loyal soldiers, they were given a rank. My great-granddad took over and turned a small mafia group into Italy's most wanted. My grandmother was unlucky being the sole heir to the business, she was pawn off to a different Italian mafia group for an alliance. She hated her life or so says my father. And like that the infamous Black mafia gang came into existence. My father impregnated our mother and eventually married her after Hades. Both brothers looked like our father and I, like my mother. My family believed the last born gets the business thus Lucifer now runs Italy and half of the American underground, if it wasn't for the Russians and Chinese, we might be the most powerful group alive.
Lucifer was given the task of making us the biggest mafia group in existence. In doing so, he created the cover, Devils' Tech. The company is owned by the mafia. We have gang members who need cover-ups working there, including Stephanie and Zephanie. Alison and Rose are the only two of my friends who aren't involved in the business as a gang member. We have a few other innocent citizens working there as well. Lucifer made one stupid move and that was naming the company, Devil's tech. He had to overtake little gang members and wannabe gangsters to create his name and he did. The serial killer, The devil was and is, in fact, my brother.
We had an attack at the warehouse and normally it's the person that runs the warehouse responsibility but my brother was pissed since this morning. Him knowing that the female he regards as his future queen is with another man for the whole day nearly got a lot of people dead. Rose got a Ben day and that meant no friends, only her and Ben and that angered my brother even more.
Later during the day, we had to find out that the warehouse under Ben's control and another member was under attack my brother jumped headfirst into action. Not only did he almost get himself killed but he almost lost all of the shipment. Many dead but our gang came out on the other side.
"A Black car with a driver named Rose is here to see you, boss." One of the members said.
"You fucking idiot." I slap Lucifer's arm. "She fucking stresses over a spider that got killed even though she wanted it dead." I ran a hand over my face. "You are fucking stupid, you dip shit." I took a deep breath.
"Let her enter," I said.
He nodded and turn to leave but turned back to face me. I raised an eyebrow. "Ma'am, I was just informed. She came with Lady Maggie."
"Fucking fantastic." I gave my brother a sink eye. "Just let them enter." I waited till the man left before I turned to my brother who was nearing a fucking coma. "Don't you dare fucking sleep." I slap his cheek.
"Fuck off, Candice."
"She came with Maggie." I turned my back to him. "She's going to have my ass."
"Deal with them." And his eyes closed. He just fucking fell asleep on me.
I sat in the room and put on a worried face. Thank god for drama class or I wouldn't be able to keep up with my brother. I hate lying to Rosie. She never lied to me and I hated it with my whole gut.
The door opened and in stepped the beautiful female, I call my best friend. Her striking blue eyes were filled with worried. I loved how her petite frame could pack one hell of a fight when it had too.
"Rosie," I said with as much worry in my voice as possible. "What brings you here?"
She immediately felt sorry for me and how do I know this? Her eyes turn a different shade of blue with she feels sorry for someone. "I-I" She stuttered. "I don't know. Mr. Black sounded strained and I was worried because he isn't his usual self."
She spoke of my brother with so much respect but she doesn't know him as I do. Her brothers are not even half compared to mine and yet she has respect for a monster. "A freak accident. He got himself shot. The guards were training on the yard and he entered the shooting field by accident."
"Oh, my poor baby," Maggie said and rushed to Lucifer's side. My aunt had her favorite and everyone knew it was Lucifer. She might have named me but I am nothing compared to Lucifer. No one is.
Rose was dumbstruck. "He's sleeping."
"Candice come help me." she pulled me away from Rose. "We need to get him comfortable."
We walked to the next room. "It wasn't my fault." I blurted out to Maggie. In her eyes, I had to look out for my brothers and I am but she expects a lot from me and I can't live up to it.
"I know, Love," she said and I looked at her. "Ben died in the attack."20
"Rose is going to need your help. She loved him even though she is unsure." Maggie cleared her throat. "She will receive a phone is about two minutes and I need you to support her."
With that Maggie left and I followed after. How could he die? Ben was supposed to remain alive. Jesus, Lucifer, I swear to god you better not have a hand in this. I walked out of the room and went into the room they keeping my brother. The sight broke me. Rose was standing in the middle of the room crying and no matter what Maggie did, she kept pushing her away.
I walked over to her. "Babe, What's wrong." I was keeping tears at bay but it was difficult. She never cracked in the six years I've known her.
"It's...It's Ben." And that was all it took for her to crack. She broke down literacy fell to the floor. "He's dead, Candy. He left me."
I lifted her and guided her out of the room. I walked us to the only room I knew would be clean and that was Lucifer's room. She entered without a fuss. I sat us down on the couch. She laid her head on my lap and cried. I did my best to comfort her.
She was there when I lost Lee and now I will be here for her. She barely knew me but she suck to me like no tomorrow. The world moved on but Rose and I stood still and grieved.
"We had Ben day." She said in a more normal voice. "He sent me a message this morning that he loved me, Candice." she sniffed. "I told him I loved him back. His birthday. I planned something special. Our anniversary."
"Baby.." I was crying as well. Ben was a good guy and if my brother had something to do with this... I don't think I'll be able to forgive him.
"His friend called me. I was happy to hear from him but he phoned for the wrong reason. The message he sent me...was the last message he sent before he died." she went quite. "Who is going to love me? Who will wake me up on Sunday with breakfast? Candice...I thought my love died but we found each other and he was taken from me. Why me? Why Ben? Why?" I kept quiet. "I..."
"Babe...Ben lived a good life and although it was short, he had you, he will always have you. Didn't he always say that your his one and only?"
"Till forever and after," she replied.
"He will love you from the grave."
And she broke down again. This is the sad tale of how a beautiful Rose lost her thorns.