I was happy. Candice came back and handed the car keys to Mr. Black. Hades was as miserable as the Grinch on Christmas. He had to walk up and down with the bags until Mr. Black had someone do it. Hades was still angry because he was the typical male, he hated malls. Apparently, someone else buys his clothes or he does it online.
Candice and Hades left us after Mr. Black gave her his other card. He was lucky. He had so much money to spend that he didn’t care how it was spent. We were in and out of shops and for the first time since forever I was happy. I was laughing and joking as if there was no tomorrow.
“No…” I said. “It's ugly,” I whispered to Mr. Black.
Today had been so wonderful that I forgot about him being my boss. I called him on his name on multiple occupations. He was fine with it, in fact, he was ecstatic about it. We both unlocked our true selves. Something we kept hidden for quite some time. We never allowed ourselves to have fun because everything came with a price.
He was holding a flannel shirt and it was ugly because really? Floral? “Come on, Princess, let's get something to eat.”
“Ooo, I have this perfect place in mind but I don’t think you would like it,” I said as we walked toward the cashier.
“Are you testing me, Princess?” He questioned and I just gave him a grin.
“We still need photo frames and I need to get a key chain for myself,” I told him. We took a couple of pictures and I went to developed my favorite ones.
So I got him his copy and now we needed photo frames. I wanted a key chain because there was this cute photo I wanted to keep on me at all times. He wasn’t smiling or doing anything photogenic but he had this smirk on his face that was just…I don’t know. It was out of this world and I loved it. I enjoyed seeing his face light up.
“Can you let my sister know we getting lunch?” He asked me, to which I nodded. I quickly phone Candice to tell her where we eating.
The place was amazing. They had a no cutlery rule and I love it. You had to eat with your hands and they had these exotic dishes. I never left my country so I tent to explore within my surroundings. I had Mexican, Italian, Chinese, Tai, anything I could get my hands on.
He paid and we went to buy the key chain and photo frames on our way to the restaurant. Hades and Candice already had a table and drinks ordered. “Fam,” I said as I slot into the booth.
“Guys, today has been the best family day ever,” Candice said. “Hades even started enjoying it.”
I looked at Hades and he had a smile on his face. “We’ll talk later.” Was all he said and I smiled at him.
“Two milkshakes, chocolate, and bubblegum.” The waiter placed down the milkshakes. “A coffee and a cappuccino.” She placed the cups on the table. The coffee was Mr. Black and the cappuccino his brother. It was obvious.
“Do you sell alcohol?” Lucifer asked.
“No sir, but we are connected with the bar next door.” She said with a smile. And then her face changed totally.
I looked at Candice. “She finally knows who her customer is,” she whispered to me. “Watch as the movie unfolds.”+
And Candice was right. Our waitress was dumbfounded. She kept saying he was the man that designed their menus and most of the electronics. It was fun to watch. After her shock phase, her flirt came on and it was like watching a horse trying to transform into a donkey.
“Get me a whiskey, Ms. Amelia.” He said. “And bring my brother one as well.”
“We want the stew and bread,” Candice said.
“Oh god, the best,” I told her and she nodded.
We kept our conversation light so much so that even Mr. Black took apart in the conversation. Our food came and slut Betty changed her whole uniform. I swear, her skirt became shorter and her shirt lost a few buttons to reveal the perfectly done breast job.
I couldn’t help but laugh at Lucifer when he received his plate. He looked at it as if it was out this world. I showed him how to eat. Break a piece of bread off and scoop some of the food and into your mouth, it goes and allows yourself the heavenly taste.
And when he copied my movements, I swear, time stood still. He was sexy as hell. The sauce escaped heaven’s gate called Lucifer’s mouth and his tongue came to the rescue and sweep over his lips and I couldn’t help but mimic the action.1
“We could -” Candice's voice snapped me out of my love spell and as soon as my eyes connected with Hades, he had a knowing smirk on his face and I shook my head at him. “watch a movie in the home theater,” Candice suggested.
“And I must probably cuddle with myself,” Hades said and continued eating.
“With Candice,” I said. “And I have watched multiple movies on my own and self-love is one of kind.” I continued.
“I have never cuddled with Hades,” Candice said. “I shared a bed with Lucifer but never Hades.”
“I cuddled with all my brothers. Beckie was a tough nut to crack but my brothers, they were my human teddy bears.” which wasn’t a lie. My brothers and I had a close relationship. I could undress and cuddle with them at any time. August climbed into my bed in the middle of the night and I did the same to him and Charles. Oliver always had a guest and I didn’t always trust the bed.
“We different,” Hades said.
“Okay, then Hades, we can pair up and Candice is comfortable with her brother so it’s problem solved,” I said with a smile.
“Not Happening.” Mr. Black said and we all turned to him. “I don’t trust Hades.”
“Hades and I cuddled together once,” I said. “And he was the perfect gentleman until he had to pass the snacks.”
“Hades, find a female or use Candice but you will not have Rosella.”
I sigh. “Why must you be like that?” I asked. “Consider Hades for once.”
“This is not up for discussion.” He said.
“Rose, Love. It’s fine.”Hades said. “I have a sexy sister whom I love and I shall cuddle with her.”9
And so the day went on. Hades tested Lucifer at every turn. He even used the card to buy some sort of game that he didn’t even want but had to have. He did everything to work on his nerves but never succeed. Mr. Black could care less about the pity party Hades was having.
We reached home late afternoon and Hades couldn’t wait to get alcohol into his system. Candice and I got the popcorn and snacks ready for our movie night and Mr. Black had business he had to take care of.
“You have strange brothers,” I said as I hopped on to the counter.
“Tell me about it.” Hades' voice came through.
“Hades like testing Lucifer,” Candice says. “Even if he knows that Lucifer is way to mature for him.”
Hades came around and stood in between my legs. His back was against my chest. “Nice boobs.” I hit his head. “Look at it from my point. He's my younger brother and I am proud of him but he acts the older brother. Can’t I at least have my role?”
“If you didn’t hide behind mother’s skirt then yes, maybe.” Candice bit back.
I encircled my arms around his neck and laid my chin on the top of his head. “Candy, He is trying. He doesn’t want the relationship you have with Lucifer.” I said. “He wants something with you but you have this perfect brother and how can he compete?”
Hades made a sad face and Candice groaned. “Why I love you, idiot is a serious question.” She came and hugged her brother. “I never wanted you to be Lucifer, I wanted you to be you. I wanted my playful brother.”
I moved a bit to the side to give them there moment. I loved this. They were talking out there problems. I understood Hades' side. He had Lucifer to look up too. His little brother never needed him and that made him feel incomplete. What made it worst was when his baby sister took his baby brother as the father figure in her life, it pushed him away and went to the one person he knew would need him and that that was his mother. I never had to complete with Rebecca for attention. Beckie got everything she ever needed and she didn’t need a man or her brothers to make her feel special, neither did I. I loved my brothers equally and when I was angry I didn’t favor the one, I was angry at all of them and that’s what strengthen our family because we never had favoritism. We loved each other equally because we only had each other.