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I walk through the airport, scanned through the faces with placards to see my name.

I was told that my new PA would pick me from the airport and have my work schedule and information and projects I needed with him.

I hated starting any new projects without being apprised of recent developments or changes of the company I would be working in. It messes up my confidence.

I keep scanning and walking towards the crowds of people at the other side of the line. I see him standing clueless among the crowds of people , waving the card at everyone who passed.

I walk up to him. He looked old. Not white-grey-hair-old but old enough not to be someone's PA. I mean, I wonder if I could scream at him if he messes up and don't get smacked or shouted down.

But my opinion.

"Madam Adora chime? " he asked

He definitely sounded old too.

"Yes please.." I reply with a brief smile.

"You are welcome madam, make we de go".. he says with smiles

He looked around, puzzled.

I followed his stare then I read his mind.

"I sent my luggage ahead. I came with only this"...I held it up, a little bag for him.

He stretches out his hand to take the bag.

It wasn't heavy.

I shook my head. And i follow him to the car as he began to walk forward, slouching abit .

Yep! awkwardly too old for a PA. Who hires these people? Whatever happened to the criterias?

I was wondering to myself. But I kept quiet instead.

He opened the car door and I slid in.

Relaxed! I sighed. It was hot. So when he turned on the air condition, I was grateful.

He put the car on drive and then pulled out of the parking area and we proceeded with our journey.

"Can I have the mail and my work schedule sent from the Lagos office please?" I cross my leg , unbuttoning my jacket

No reply.

"Can I have what's to be given to me? Mails, work schedule and appropriate information and company details I am to be acquainted with please...I would like to go over them as soon as possible"..

He looks at me from the front mirror.. "Er madam I no sabi wetin you mean.."

I was getting visibly impatient..

"Mr Brian...don't tell me you didn't print it as it was mailed to you? I think that was your first pot of duty...and you seemed to have failed? Hand it over if you will, I don't have the patience" I look at him.

He seemed amused. "But madam...why you de call me that one? My nam........'' he was saying but I cut him off.

"Are you slow or just daft Mr Brian Andrews..."? I had to ask.

"But madam ...wetin I do?"

Then he suddenly paused and seemed he recollected something. "Oooh you mean that paper card wei I carry collect you??" I winced with his constant use of pidgin.

Even my driver okon back in Lagos spoke an occasional English and knew to never speak pidgin with me.

I was getting pissed.

He laughs a short laugh. He fishes with his free hand on the passenger's seat where he flung it to as soon as we got in. He gets it without taking his eyes off the road and takes his hand backwards and gives it to me..

"Madam take am!! See me oh...I no even remember say nai that one you mean...I con de Jones for here...".. He shook his head and continued laughing.

I hit his hand away angrily causing the placard to slip and fall to the ground of the car.

He seemed shocked.

He couldn‘t possibly be serious.!!!

"What nonsense is this ...?" i ask

What ignorant fool did they send for a PA. ...???

"Mr Brian, it's apparent you don't know first thing what your job is...and to seriously show me a paper for mails means that you aren't just daft but in need of a re-orientation. Infact!!!"

I fished for my phone in my bag. I was so not ending with this old fool.

I dial the Lagos office, and got through to the secretary.

"Yes please, patch me through to Tina..."i spoke into the receiver as the secretary picked. "Yes I'll hold" I tell her

I threw daggers at the man infront of me...

"But madam wetin dey make you dey provoke? Them tell me say make I go airport go wait for you. Them come give me that paper card wei be like them paste something ontop ...say na your name. Say the person wei the thing or name resemble go see am come meet me. Them tell me say the person wei go come meet me...naim that person na be the madam oh. And I done do everything wei them ask even stay dey wait you. Nai wetin I give you be that oh, me I no sabi again oh..." He kept talking.

"Mr Brain or whatever you call yourself...I am sure you are not blind to see me on the phone. Is something wrong with you as well? Don't infuriate me more. Rubbish!!!" I shout at him..

"Hain madam take am easy no vex...." His constant use of pidgin was making me even worse.

I felt like pulling out my hairs and ears.

He continued talking. "Madam why you still dey call me something wei no belong to me. Weitin my mama and papa dey call me no be that. My na............"

Oh dear Lord, this guy has no idea who I am and how my temper flies.

"Shut up!!!!! Just shut the hell up and drive! Let me just hear one more sound...a tiny little sound from that mouth of yours.....and God help me i would be your worst nightmare...." I threaten him.

He shuts up but murmurs some obscene inaudible comments.

I didn‘t even bother.

"Yes Tina what the hell?" I scream into the phone

"Ma'am...what is the matter? Was something wrong with the travel arrangements, your pick up or your apartment? I made sure they got apprised of your settling arrangements. ...isn't it to your satisfaction?"

I'll be damned. Fools! All of them.

"On the contrary, that's not the issue Tina. The point is i am so infuriated I swear I can break your neck if you weren't so far off.."

Sharp intake of breath. I wasn't sure where it came from.. The other end of the line or the man driving infront of me..

"Were you not supposed to have mailed the necessary documents and reconstructing changes to the new PA, plus every other thing I am supposed to be apprised off plus what and what he needs to know on how I work and what my schedule should look like...? Were you not supposed to compile certain reports as well? Why isn't it in my hands as directed Tina? Have you suddenly lost your touch...or you simply are trying to get me pissed.. Because I am beyond pissed and I can assure you...I may not be in lagos but I can make you burn young lady" I spat

"Hain...my goodness!!!" she exclaimed. "But ma'am I did do as directed. Infact this was sent last night. And I called and confirmed that it was gotten and even printed out by the PA, so I don't know what it is you are saying"

"Are you telling me I don't know what I am saying...have you lost your senses Tina??"

Unbelievable! !!!

"No ma'am but..."

"But what? The fool for a PA that came to pick me up apparently has no irking of what a PA is nor is he aware of any documents he is to bring.. which implies that one of you is either lying...or both of you are equally

28 stupid and that's not sitting well with me.. and it would be worse if I get to work Monday morning completely geared-less. So I don't know how you want to do it or intend to make it happened , for your sake you better make sure I get those documents in my hands latest tomorrow morning and I don't care that it is Saturday and no one would be working Saturday I don't care. ..get it down here..any magical way you want and one more thing Tina, call the HR department and ask them to get me another PA. I need a replacement PA Asap, this one is lousy, clueless and stupid and you know how I hate those three combinations"

I cut the call before she started to protest. I knew very well what she was about saying ''Today is Friday. . No one works on Saturday'' Well that was her punishment. She should have made extra sure.

I notice the constant stare from the mirror. I didn‘t give a shit if he lost his job as a PA. He should have taken special precaution to know his job even if he was on an entry level.

I was told he had never worked as a PA before so why the devil's balls did they assign him to me? Did they think I was on some tutor duties, i was here to do a job they should have gotten me some experienced person.

They said he went to school and knew he onions but...this person here was a shy away from a clown.

I didn‘t need a slow daft human tagging along with and behind me when he is especially clueless. That's a dent in my A-game. And if he is gone and I got a better replacement, that was just fine for me.

I wouldn't even feel guilty. But they wouldn't have a choice. They needed me so, a replacement wouldn't hurt or shouldn't. If they needed their company to get to the level and heights they wanted internationally as well as nationally and especially get the great online presence they desire -they had better bend to my own rules. Whether they liked it or not.

I ignored him for the rest of the ride.


He pulls into the suburbs area of Port Harcourt which was referred to as Government Residential Area..or simply put, the area where the Elite, rich or semi rich people stay, with their spawns and spouses, away from the not so polished residents and areas.

It was a staff estate, Golf Estate, with maximum security due to the fact that one or two royals might send their wards or kids. Other than that, people who worked in places like Mobil, chevron, Total, Shell in Port Harcourt were housed there so you could imagine. Each had its only district section.

Once the security made the necessary validation , it opened its gate and flagged us in. He drives down a few flats and then stopped at Apartment 36. He gets out to open the door and hands me a set of keys. I take it and brush past him, opening the door to let myself in. It was immaculately cleaned and adequately furnished. No wonder I was told to just come with my cloths. I didn't need to think of furnishing. It was one of those homes called "Home" with everything I mean everything in it.

It was just beautiful and homely. I was liking the change of environment more and more.

I went to the bedroom and noticed my boxes had arrived as expected and neatly stacked by corner.

I check. "Well at least they did have the decency not to snoop around" I chuckled

The locks were still intact. I look around the house. It seemed as though it was recently cleaned, It smelled off air fresheners and mama - lemon and bleach - with something else I couldn't place.

I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge.


I laugh.

Ofcourse, what did I expect? Filled with food? What are they...my mother or my nanny?

I shake my head.

I notice a side telephone and a pamphlets that had names of restaurants and home service numbers.

My tummy began to rumble. I pick out a menu and then order. I looked back at the stack of boxes and i groaned.

Tomorrow. ..tomorrow!!

Today I was just gonna shower, eat...and watch movies.

I come back to the palour and pop up on the chair. I notice a looming shadow outside the door.

You have got to be kidding me.

I sigh.

I get up and open the door.

"And why are you still here Mr Brian? Are you planning on upsetting me more with your lingering presence?"

He was rested on the bummer of the car and stood up on me opening the door.

Scratching his head. .

"Er...incase madam need me to do anything again..nai make I dey wait? If madam won chop I fit carry am go wei him go see better solid food...." He smiled, swinging his hands as though delivering cookies in a platter of gold.

Seriously he thinks I would want to bear another second in his presence? He must be smoking something really new.

"I will order in, i have no more need of your annoying presence, you can do away with yourself Mr Brian. Have a good evening."

I shut the door shutting out his words. I wasn't going to wait for his reply.

I sigh.

Yes I sigh alot.

Going back to the sitting room i pick up the remote.


Thankful. Life just got way easier.

The only thing I needed to do was to stuck the house with food supplies.

Tomorrow I will do that. Upon remembering, I went to the room and got my phone out of my bag, dialling to get Tina.

"Wasn't it common sense for that girl to get back to me and apprised me how she is rectifying the situation? " I wondered out loud.

But her number was unreachable.

"Oh Bullocks! !!" I exclaimed

I gave up after countless tries .

My order came in about 20 minutes later. I then settle for a series I loved to watch and they were just showing on Mnet Series.. "One Tree Hill" My love for Lucas though!!!

I groan.

He was another guy I had a crush on and then Trey songs with his red sexy kissable lips and for older guys? Denzel...Damn!!!

I sink deep into the chair, my legs under my soft button as I digged into my food.

Today was Friday. Tomorrow was Saturday One day in-between before Monday. . I better make the most of it. And I knew I was going to love this new change.

Good bye Lagos! Port Harcourt -you are going to love me.

I laugh.

Oh...."Lucas Scott, one day one day I am going to meet someone like you and I'll fall hopeless inlove with him, it would be like magic, chemistry right from the first day and we would live happily ever after " I gushed.

My thoughts go back to work.

If Tina doesn't get me my documents before Monday, I would skin her alive. And what kind of PA was that Mr Brian? They had better replace him or else we are going to have a big problem. But for now...today...I would enjoy my peace and freedom. . Monday...work begins...and I couldn't wait to be awesome.


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