He was resigned to his fate. His father was adamant when he wanted to do something. He could easily ignore him as he has often done in the past. Yes this wasn't the first time.
He brushed it aside.
But his father was threatening to cut of his funds and freeze his spending account. That's like cutting off his balls. How was he supposed to give life to the Jnr down there?
He sighed.
Well, He may agree, but he won't make it easy for him nor for anyone, and his first pot of anger was to unleash on anyone who dares to cross his part or was caught in the crossfire.
"A PA??"...He boiled.
That was degrading he thought at best. Thanks to his father to make him a joke as a way of punishment.
Yes! this was punishment for refusing him all this while. He concluded.
Even if he wasn't to inform anyone he was the sole heir to Mr Jake Andrews Designing, Building and Constructing Company and the only son of one of Nigeria' s top businessmen and rich man. He still oozed some sort of royalty and they have no choice than to treat him as such.
He was sure his father would have hinted one or two of his spies just to keep an eye on him. He knew his father well.
That's why he was going to have fun, until his father gets impatient and then let's him be -to do whatever the hell he wanted.
He snickered.
Fast Forward a couple of days later…
Already in Nigeria and settled into his luxurious apartment. Atleast his father was considerate enough not to entirely deny him his luxury. He had a driver and a car at his beck and call. He was placed in the suburbs of GRA, with minimum security, just not to draw too much attention to himself.
Besides he was a PA and too much high class would be a giveaway so they had to make sure he lived not so lavishly that meant he couldn't drive his red convertible he had at home, he had a driver alright. He was going to raise hell if he didn't.
But he couldn't help but be a classic man that he was.
Where was the fun? He thought. Away from the office be lived as lavishly as he wanted. He had been around for a couple of days getting a feel of the whole area.
In the office he acted as normal as possible. If by normal he meant not giving a shit. ...well it worked to.
Okay, He could try not to draw any attention to himself but people weren't stupid; he looked fresh, talked fresh, he was a correct aje-butter; they might not know who he was but his aura must be oozing some ''Royal Classic Man Rolling In Bucks " right? Well on other matters as concerning his behaviour? he wouldn't be held responsible for his actions.
He mused wickedly.
Everyone must have been curious of his identity, knowing he must be high profiled but that was it?
Even if they knew his name they didn't put two and two together. But he liked the attention he was receiving. . He decided to let the sleeping dog lie, just for awhile.
Well his father wanted him in Nigeria and to PA for some ...I-Dont-Give-A-Shit who the person is, well he would have fun while doing what he is doing.
And work? He definitely wouldn't be working and not under some ''Boss'' whoever the boss is.
He had goten the mail from the Lagos office, printed it out. But instead of going to the airport as told.. He instead, decided to go clubbing with a chick he met a few days ago and took her home for a night cap.
He told the office to send a driver instead and he was unreachable. Ofcourse they were surprised that a common PA was giving an order and ofcourse they ignored him.
As he suspected, Spies!! He noticed them follow him everywhere he goes. More like extra bodyguards to his already one man security. You would actually think they were his hanging buddies, they didn't have to wear dark shades and carry weapons obviously rifles.
Well, clearly hiding didn't do the trick. He just acts as though they aren't there.
When they realized he wasn't going to the airport they called the office to send a driver as he as requested to the airport to pick the person up from the airport.
He was no driver. Was no person's PA and he wasn't doing nothing. absolutely nothing.
He laughed.
Yeah, let them tell his father. That was the whole point to it all. He was just going to enjoy the weekend and then breeze into work on Monday like a boss.
This was going to be fun. He can't wait to hear what his father was going to say.
Today was Friday. Tomorrow was Saturday. One day in-between before Monday. He was going to have a blast weekend..
He laughed.
He left the window, he removes his shirt, completely undressing he gets into the shower and takes a cold bath.
Walking out naked he lays on his bed, crossing his hands under his head..
He left the door open, suddenly a beautiful dark skinned girl strolls in , with a cute smile on her face she drops her bag, and everything she had on and strolled naked to the bed, by the time she climbed and straddles him, he smiles.
Yes, this was way better than going to the airport and picking up some random nobody he had no intention of PA-ing for. If his father doesn't like it, then he should let him be. If he continues to want to keep him here and bend him to his rules. He wouldn't just sit back and allow it. He would mess it up. And he hopes whoever the Boss was , the person would have the good sense to leave him the hell alone too.
While his lady friend laid on the bed and goes to sleep, he turns pulling her to him. She wasn't bad. Maybe coming back wouldn't be so bad- he was going to have all the fun he wanted. Good thing she was spending the night. He didn't mind though.
It saved him from asking.
He laid down to sleep with a smile on his face...
Monday morning he was going to stroll to work and wouldn't give a shit about nothing. And if his father thinks he was going to work as a PA? He was joking.
He wasn‘t going to do NADA!!!!
His Boss?? His Boss??
He laughs.
No one was the Boss of him, he was the boss of him. The Boss had a big thing coming..
He snickers going to sleep.