Standing with his hands in his pocket, he is frowning staring out of the window of his apartment on the last floor of the hotel he had been checked in for the past couple of days .
He was deep in thoughts.
He knew he hated it. He knew he hated every bit of it.
It didn't make sense.
Well apparently that's what he thought and confidently concluded.
His father didn't really have to make him do things he didn't want to do. He was an adult, a full grown one, all balls intact, he wasn't a kid with a little pee-wee unable to focus his pee-wee to pee into the toilet.
He was a grown up and he hated the fact that his father always like to lord it over him.
It was so annoying and yet so unavoidable. Even if he didn't have a choice and has to do what is required of him.. It still didn't mean he should like it and give into it so easily. The only other option was just to make a mess of things and that would be forcing their hand. Then they would have to let him go to do whatever the hell he wanted. Besides who forces his son to work for a company he obviously has no interest in? He didn't care whether the Company belonged to his father, and that was where it hurts him the most.
He was supposed to be in-charge of the company, it was his right but he doesn't want to be part of it, his father just wanted to ...to..to..
He was angry.
His father said its grooming.
He wondered if he looked like a mushroom needed to be groomed. He had no interest whatsoever, He didn't get why he should be forced nevertheless. He was enjoying his peace of mind and his luxurious lifestyle back at the states. The drinks, the parties, and the beautiful naughty girls.. the endless cash. Why did he have to be forced back to Nigeria to work? Who does that these days when you have people to work for you and you get paid for their stress despite.
He laughed.
Then he became angry again.
He really has been living like a prince and by God he loved it. Afterall his father was one of the top richest men in the country. Has hands in the oil and banking sector as well as other profitable businesses. So money was on a constant flow in..
He was an only child. Well after his mother had suffered a terrible accident rendering her incapable of pushing and lost her first set of twins, His birth was some sort of miracle. Took another couple of years of trying before he was born which was through CS.
The doctor had advised his mother that it would be for her safety not to be pregnant again because it would kill her and thus she had painfully closed her womb.
He was her loved and only child so she spoiled him rotten. Not that he complained. Infact not that his father complained either. He infact gave him anything he wanted; The cars, the money, the blank checks to do what he wanted and he did whatever the hell that he wanted.
First class here, every country every now and then, in and out within the year. He never really took school seriously but he was some sort of a genius. He didn't really have to try very hard- He made it at every glance.
He was an architect by default..
He always liked to make and fix things, he liked to use his hands.. and the designing bits came as an extra amazing baggage.
Oh yes, he liked to use his hands alot and the ladies loved that.
He smiled .
He shakes his head getting angry again.
As a child while growing up, He had occasionally built houses and cars with floaters and cardboard papers.
He liked to draw up something creative and then progressed to make it into something tangible as well as beautiful. It always came out good as a child.
So he went into architecture and designing, and then into engineering. .because he loved the pull he gets and joy just giving life to bunch of misplaced parts and making magic out of it. So with those two degrees he was on his A-game. Schooling abroad he had all the perks he needed to be awesome at what he knew. He was probably the most sort after.
Yes he interned for a company for a bit after school, built a lot of projects. Did housing designs for a couple of people and even did a start-to-finish of one. He still had a couple awards, too many infact that had his parents beaming with pride. He was good , really good but...But he just hated to work. And resigned to a life of pleasure and fun instead.
And it was fxxking great. And oh...not to forget the fact that he was and is good looking.
No!! He was handsome, all Greek-god- body-sexy-abs handsome and his tool was packing... he knew the ladies loved a guy wielding such huge packages and they testified to its functionalities when he was done, and and they kept coming back for more.
He laughs shaking his head .
He was rich. Well his father was rich which undeniably meant he too was rich. That saying " My father's money was my money '' was a constant high for him. He was bloodily-stupidly-stinkily Rich.
And he loved it.
He was tall and has that bad boy brooding look going for him that automatically makes all the girls swoon just by the sight of him. He had an athletic body. And he does his workouts so he knew he looked good...with the six parts and flat tummy all the way to the firm taut buttocks and firm thighs.
He vividly remembers how when he walks past a couple of ladies and after undressing him with their eyes. They assess his frontal tool and then they check out his butt too.
He laughs
He never knew girls checked out a guy's butt. For the life of him he found it really amusing. Some girl told him once when he asked "we check to make sure it looks good in pants as well without pants. Plus...we don't mind holding on to it and finding out if it‘s perfectly taut and firm while we are pushing the rest of you in".....she said the last part seductively.. "either with our hands or with our legs wrapped around you .."
Oh he never did pass on an opportunity for a good time and before long they were rolling in the sheets..
His defence? "He wanted to find out if it's just the way she described " so while they held his butt he would pound into them holding them tight watching them go over the cliff while he joins them soon after.
Back to reality..
He shakes his head clearing it.
He hated to work.
He was done with school. Graduated with honours. Life out in the states was awesome. He just wants to live the rest of his life in peace and luxury. Besides his father had alot of right hands and people to help him run one of his companies. . Plus he wouldn't have minded if he made him a CEO or something. But oh mighty father had said he wanted him to be humble and be able to serve someone before he can truly understand what he means to be served by another person.. bla bla bla blabardash!!!
Their conversation about it weren't so awesome either
"That's the sign of a true leader" His father told him over the phone, his thick voice resonating through the receiver.
He thought it was bullshit.
"Okay why don't I just do it in one of your affiliate companies over at the states??" He wouldn't have exactly minded it one bit.
That way, his father wouldn't have the slightest idea if he showed up to work or not and the money keeps pouring in.
But here in Nigeria, his father would definitely keep taps on him and he didn't want that.
He was an adult damnit! !!!
"No son. You have been there all your life and you only occasionally visit your roots. I need you here. Soon all these will be yours and if you can't appreciate the root from where it all started how are you able to truly handle all these on your own?"....His father said. "Plus I won't give you something completely out of your jurisdiction. Its a housing and construction company basically handling housing designs, building and restructuring start-to-finish. .""
He seemed abit relax.
Atleast that bit won't be entirely boring he thought. ..
"Are you there son??"
"Yes father i am listening...even if I think it's a messed up and poor idea.."
"Don't be a child. Like I was saying, you will be in your comfort zone. Well as long as you haven't forgotten how to do those..."...He laughed mockingly at the background.
He laughed as well, his father was right about that "Even in my sleep i am sure I can do magic..."..he replied his father.
"Well wonderful that's settled then!!By the way....i am adamant on service, which implies that you wouldn't be heading the company, you will begin as nothing too low.. nothing too high- nothing to make people feel intimated by you or your status. The recognition would be made by me later.." His father was speaking but he didn't quite get what he was saying.
"What are you speaking father, French or Japanese?" He frowned. There was an heavy sigh before his father continued. "What i am implying is that, I would fix you in as a PA to a new employee coming in from Lagos state. Who is in charge of restructuring the company to give it it's limelight as it deserves. There is a new twist to the economy, everyone needs a good spot light and how best if not to get someone who understands the network to push our company and brand out even more and get people, clients and customers attracted to what we can offer, what we do and how we make dreams of a good home come through..."..
"What the fuck...? A PA? Like a fxxking PA father "...He said in shock and then followed by anger.
He probably didn't hear correctly.
"Mind your choice of words young man when talking to me..."...his father's stern voice came back threatening. .
He spoke calmly but not void of sarcasm.
"How would you even think that father? I should have a PA not to PA for some lunatic! This is just wrong on every level. No I won't do it"...He replied stubbornly continuing "A PA? Father you can't be serious. When have I ever PA-ed? This is ridiculous, I never had to serve someone in my entire life!! '"
''Well that is the problem, that is the problem but It doesn't matter, you will learn on the job plus you would be doing the thing you love to do that is designing on the side as well. This is for your own good son, I won't live these all to you one day and you don't know jack about service."
"Bullshit Father, I ain't doing this. "!! He spat.
"Then how about you work and fend for yourself from now on hmmm...?"
He kept quiet, then he said,
"You wouldn't dare father, I am your son, you can't leave me entirely without nothing "
"Try me"
"Father ?"
"Gaddamnit father, what the fxxk!!" He fumes.
"One more time Brian, just one more foul word. I don't care you are an adult I would teach you some manners, I trained you better than this"
Shit! !!
Bloody fxxking shit. !!!!
"Whatever !!" He murmurs.
His father spoke softly now..
"Don't worry son. It is just for a bit.
You just have to do what the person wants and attend to the PA duties. That way you can truly understand the progress of the company aside the drawing table and helmet. It also enables you be apprised of what the world sees us our there-understand the clients; their needs and know what is best and what's not best for the company. On the plus side, you get to get back to the drawing table and design me beautiful dream houses. And probably get to do a start-to-finish in and out more often and not. Don't you miss that levitated feeling of looking at your hand's work and see the happy smiles of a clients face?" His father asked hopefully..
He had to admit, it did feel good to be able to do something that good.
"But PA?..."he asked "Father please, okay if not CEO, something more fitting for a son of a fxx- erm for a millionaire, come on pops!!!"
"No buts Brian....i would have no more excuses on this.." his father ontinued despite his son's protest.
"I won't introduce you as my son because then people would treat you differently and would rather want to please you and find favour instead of doing their jobs and giving you duties."
Brian laughed..
"That won't be bad father, afterall i am like a prince, give me a little joy in this messed up predicament, just a little father" he pleaded.
"Don't even dare go against me. "His father warned. "Your flight's arrangements has been made. You are to resume in a week, so say your goodbyes, get your butt down here and get acquainted to being a PA. I know you aren't completely daft so you can hold down your forte. I have my eyes on you so you better behave. The lagos office will forward all you need to know by Thursday so you get apprised before the weekend which is when your boss would be arriving. "
My Boss..??
Fxxk father !!!
"This is ridiculous! "
But his father was still talking "The social media manager would be relocating to Port Harcourt as well, you are to meet her at the airport with all information forwarded to you from Lagos and the rest...i leave to you. Don't give me a reason to be indefinitely brash with you and cut you off totally...and this is not idle threats son"...his father warned again.
"I wonder what mother has to say to this "..more to himself than to his father, he would have to call her up as soon as he was done talking to his father. She would do something, she wouldn't let father do this to him.
No!! Mother would fix this!
He heard his father's deep chuckle. .
"Well she totally agrees, she gets to see you squirm" He laughed and laughed some more.
"Yes Son, she is right here you want to hear it from her lips? She knew she spoilt you too much too just like I did so we both thought it a good idea to get you to be on your feet or for better phase knee deep in the mud so you get to appreciate the luxury you are freely given "
"Mum wouldn't do that" he didn't want to believe it.
"Wife, say hi to our son please" he heard his father passing the phone.
"Hey baby, you know I love you right? So just do what your father says, I promise you would thank us later, okay baby?" His mother's voice seeps through the phone.
This isn't happening. Not it isn't.
"Yes Mother ." He sighs.
"I love you"
"I love you more"
This was bad.
Oh father you think you have won right? Turning my mum against me eh?
Woman who loves me to pieces and wouldn't dare allow me suffer ...now she has to bend to your rules because you think it would make me better.
Crap I never had to answer to any body in my life..
Now this? Oh....Father, this is bullshit. BULLSHIT! !!
Brain say within, angry
His father got back the phone.
"Be a good lad and make your papa proud...just for a little while and then you can lord it over everyone even me if you like"....His father continued laughing.
"Oh I swear...i can't wait!!"Brian replied , he actually smiled "That I can't wait for that father. And I would enjoy it "
"I bet you will so why don't you not only talk the talk but do the talk. Talk is cheap son, talk is cheap. I love you son"
"Yeah, money talks, bullshit works. I love you too" he sighs cutting the call.
"Language Son!!"
"You can't punish me for a slang not invented by me" he says.
"Lord, " his father sighs.
"Yeah, he is in heaven, and you are here" he said.
His father chuckles , he had to laugh. He may never agree with his father on so many levels if not all, but he loved the man.
But there was no way he was going to just sit back and accept this defeat.
No way. But there was no escaping this. No way.