Clara and Mathias froze still as the sound from a near by bush put the fear of God in them, it was a mixture of growl and screech
The sounds intensified and the bushes shook violently as if a monstrous creature was about to jump right out and devour them..
Then suddenly... Two small rabbits came hopping away to the great relief them both
“ it was just a rabbit ” Clara said laughing
“ yeah but let's get out of here because the next one might be bigger and with a sharper, longer teeth than a rabbit ” Mathias said already getting creeped out
“ but do you believe me now that I saw the creature I said I saw? ” Clara asked
“ yes I do and am really scared about the thought of it ” Mathias said looking around “ let's get going ”
They walked out of the woods with much quicker pace than they came in....
Back in School
The basketball game was over and the Sharks won, more chants of Adams filled the school and unsurprisingly Ella was enjoying the attention more than Adams himself
She held his arms tightly soaking in the cheers from the crowd as if she was the one being cheered at
“ Bright ” you did great out there
A short round man said addressing Adams by his surname
“ thanks coach ” Adams said
“ but don't get too relaxed yet there is still a long way to go before we can claim the gold medal, so I want more of this kind of performance from you. Can I count on you ” The coach said as a form of motivation
“ yes sir! ”
His team rally round there coach and they jubilate there way to the dressing room...
The boys showered and freshened up... they only tied there towels round there waist as they where ready to change into there clothes while some just walk around naked in the boys rocker room
Adams and Noah where talking as they changed into there clothes when a call came into Adams phone
[ Grinnnn Grinnnn Grinnnn ] a buzzing sound came forth and before it could start ringing Adams picked up his phone with much urgency when he saw the dialer
“ hello Lucian ” he said....
Clara and Mathias made there way back to the school and by that time the students where already on there way back to there various homes
Most students drove in there cars while some where picked up by there parents
Clara scanned around if her mom has already arrived but she didn't see her mom's Toyota Highlander limited SUV parked anywhere
“ looking for your mom? ” Mathias asked
“ yes...she should be here by now ” Clara said remembering what happened yesterday when her mom didn't show up and she didn't want a repeat of that
“ hey you ” a familiar voice came from a distance, it was Anna's and Caleb was with her
“ you just left before the game ended, should I be worried about something ” Anna said talking to Clara but giving Mathias a mean look
“ everything is fine Mathias was just helping me concerning what I discussed with you guys about ” Clara explained
Anna dragged Clara by the hand away leaving Mathias and Caleb staring at themselves
“ I don't care how you will take what am about saying but I just have to say it ” Anna said
“ I don't understand what you are saying ”
“ I think Mathias craziness is starting to rub on you, I know you are trying to be friendly with everyone but __ ”
Clara cut her short “ I can't believe you just said that ” she said looking irritated by Anna's thinking
“ come on am trying to help you here, can't you see what's happening to you here, you left half way through a basketball game in search of a mythical creature with Mathias
He is influencing you in a bad way and if you continue staying with him other people might start avoiding you just as they do to him ” Anna said hoping Clara sees the sense in what she is saying
“ and who told you I care about what people say, I never said I saw a werewolf, I said I saw a huge wolf there is a big difference between the both, English isn't that hard
You are just being paranoid and speaking out of hate for a boy who had never done any wrong to you
Mathias is my friend and I believe you are also my friend but if my friendship with Mathias is becoming too much of a burden to you I will not judge you if you quit being my friend besides our friendship is not even more than a week ” Clara said
Anna sighed “ I can't stop being your friend, I know we only just met a few days but it feels I know you all my life, am just trying to help you from this... I don't know what to call it ” Anna said running out of adjectives to use
“ it's alright thank you for your concern, I will be fine, you will see am not talking crazy, there is actually a creature living in this woods ” Clara said just then a car horn came distracting both girls
“ it's my mom ” Anna said
“ alright... You should get going ” Clara said
“ won't you come with us, am sure my mom won't mind dropping you off at your house ” Anna suggested
“ No my mom said she is coming and she would be here any moment from now ” Clara said and both girls hugged goodbye
As Anna walked to her mom car she still gave Mathias that mean look which made him wonder what he had done to her
“ Caleb let's get going ” Anna yelled and then closed the car door, sitting in front with her mom
“ alright... bye ” he said to Mathias and Clara then ran to meet Anna
Clara walked to meet Mathias as Anna's mom drove off
“ hope everything is alright? ” Mathias asked....
[ call end ]
“ that was Lucian ” Adams said with a sign of fear and respect in his tune
“ what does he want? ” Noah asked
“ he wants me to meet him ”
“ really? Why?... Do you think he knows? ” Noah said
“ No he cant....I don't know ” Adams said confused and he was starting to freak out
“ you are right, it's probably nothing... Maybe he just wants to check on you, you know normal stuff ” Noah said
“ yeah...yeah.... I mean no need to get worked up over nothing right? ” Adams said scratching his hair
“ yeah guy it's nothing, let's get dressed Patricia most be worriedly waiting for me by now and am sure Ella also is waiting for you ” Noah said trying to ease the tension building inside his friend Adams...
Some minutes later
Adams, Noah and there girlfriends Ella and Patricia walked to the school car park holding hands respectively
Adams and Noah had washed away the sweat and dirt from the basketball game and they where looking charming again especially Adams
But Adams had a serious look, the call from Lucian the principal course for that
They walked passed Clara and her friends without saying hi and then hopped into there Mercedes Benz convertible
Adams was the one on the driving seat and his best friend at his side, there girlfriends sat at the back seats
He ignite the engine and the vehicle slowly rolled to motion, his eyes met that of Clara's but unknowingly to him a frown had developed on his face due to his troublesome thoughts...
Clara wondered what she had ever done to him that made him dislike her, first he laughed at her with his friend and girlfriend then now he is giving her a mean look
Guess some people ain't meant to get along she thought
“ Clara are you sure your mom is coming, it's getting late ” Mathias said bringing her out from her thoughts
“....Am not sure anymore ” Clara said really disappointed
Her mom always talk about love of family, always being there for family but she is about failing her again on a stretch
“ I think we should get going, I take the train, you can join me because I can't leave you here alone after what happened yesterday ” Mathias said
Just then Clara sighted Steven at the far right corner of the school building watching them
“ you right let's get going ” Clara said because she knew staying there any longer could spell trouble
Mathias followed her eyes and he also saw Steven standing alone then his friends emerged at his back
“ we have to hurry away from here ” Mathias warned and Clara didn't need no further persuasion
They both walked as fast as there legs could take them and when they glanced back they saw that Steven and his friends where also following them at the back
“ we have to run ” Mathias said already really scared
“ if we run they would chase after us let's just walk at this pace ” Clara said
And like a bad dream that just got even worse she saw one of Steven friend ahead of them just like what happened yesterday.....
Hours passed at the cover of darkness a young fine lady whose car unfortunately broke down in the lonely road decided to take a short cut home through a dark alley
This was not the first time of her passing this particular place, she had followed this route on some occasions so she walked without any atom of fear in her
But soon she started losing her composure when it seems she was hearing noises and seeing moving shadows which seemed strange because she was all alone
She felt as if someone was constantly behind her but when she turned she sees no one
She quicken her steps trying to get away from that lonely place but the she felt something touching her on her back she turned shapely but saw no one
She breathe a sigh of relief and then smiled laughing at her wild imagination
But as she turned to continue walking she saw a man standing in front of her
“ Haaaaaaaa ” she screamed...