“ Clara ” her mom Mrs Ellen called out
Clara turned away from the window and looked her mom with a sad face
“ what's wrong darling, you had barely said anything through out the journey, ain't you excited about your new school? ” she asked
She shook her head “ am not, I miss my former one, I miss Mislan high school ” she said arms folded
Her mom gave out a sigh “ I know darling but you know why we had to leave New York City... ”
“ So We Can Start A New Life Together ” both of them chorused
“ I know why we had to leave but I still miss all my friends, Tracy, Emmy, Nico and James and a whole bunch of friends that I can't remember there names right now ” Clara said
“ I know, I know... I know how you feel but we both had to make sacrifices, I left my job you know, not everyone could do that
Being a doctor in one of the highest paying hospital in America is not a child play but I left it you know why? ”
“ ...for family ” Clara answered
“ yes for family, for you Clara, you are my family ” her mom said touching her hand with her right hand while the other one hold the wheel
“ so why don't you give deary mommy a smile ” her mom said with a smile of her own
Clara smiled at her back “ I love you mom ”
“ I know my pretty angel ” her mom said....
After a long drive Clara's mom pulled up into a car park area, where different kind of cars lined up and there it was
Great Hill High School
A gigantic structure Clara most confess, way bigger than her former school but she doesn't feel any connections to the bricks of the building like that of Mislan's
They said there goodbyes and Clara mom drove off, Clara turned and glanced at the building once more
She inhaled deeply then followed the crowd of teenagers like herself like a zombie entering the school front door...
She was wearing a female shirt and jeans with a pair of sneakers, she backed a bag big enough to contain all her books and writing stuff
As she walked in the large hall way, she scanned for her new locker and also dodged the passers by
She brought out a key from her jeans pocket and check the number on it
Locker 126
“ oh great! Just great... now I will have to the walk the whole hall way just to get to my locker ” she said tired already....
Finally she saw her locker, she opened it with her key and kept some books in it, her bag pack where a lot lighter now and she could carry it on one shoulder and that's exactly what she did
She slammed the locker shot and locked it with the keys just then the bell rang and the once crowded hallway was completely empty in matter of seconds
“ oh great! How am I going to locate the history class now ” Clara said since there was nobody to ask for directions
She looked lost in her new school not knowing whether to go left, right/ back or front
“ miss Jackson ” someone called her by her father's name
She turned and saw it was the principal, a tall black man, she was actually glad seeing him
“ morning Mr Phillips ” she greeted
“ morning to you dear, didn't you hear the sound of the bell, you should be in class by now ” he said
“ yeah... Am trying to figure where is my class ” she said then made a weird smile
“ what subject are you having by this time? ” he asked
“ Hmmmm history I think, yeah definitely history ” she said
“ that's Mr Collins class, alright follow me ” he said and throw his long legs forward.....
History class
Mr Collins was busy teaching about the ancient practices of some popular tribes that where no longer in existence “ ...Blood was viewed as a potent source of nourishment for the Maya deities, and the sacrifice of a living creature was a powerful blood offering. By extension, the sacrifice of a human life was the ultimate offering of blood to the gods, and the most important Maya rituals culminated in human sacrifice and_ ”
He had to stop when the principal entered his class and a pretty blonde girl was with him
“ sorry for the interruption ” the principal apologize
“ it's nothing sir ” Mr Collins said
“ great, well there is someone I want to introduce to the class, Miss Jackson ” the principal said
Clara step forward and it was as if all there staring eyes where trying to eat her up
“ my name is Clara ” she quickly corrected
“ nice meeting you Clara, why don't you go find a seat among your new classmates ” Mr Collins said
As she walked and searched for a seat, she saw a girl in particular smiling at her warmly and she had a empty seat next to her so Clara sat down there
“ Hi am Nana ” she said smiling
“ nice meeting you, am Clara ”
“ yeah I know ” Anna said
“ really....how? ” Clara said surprised
“ you told everyone your name some minutes ago ” Anna said
“ oh yeah, stupid me ” Clara said
Anna laughed and Clara joined her, she liked her already....
Mr Collins continued with his history class “ ...alright apart from the Maya people or tribe which other ancient tribe do you know that offer blood sacrifice, either that of animals or humans to its gods? ” Mr Collins asked the class
For a while there was total silence in the class until someone stood up
And immediately everyone eyes went to him including Clara's
“ Mathias you have some thing to say? ” Mr Collins asked
“ yes sir ” He said alittle bit nervy
“ alright then you have our audience ” Mr Collins said
Mathias began “ well according to the stories my grandfather told us when we are little the Gran Lobo (Great Wolf) tribe use to practice animal sacrifices in the festival of El que es LUNA to appease the moon gods
But things went really bad when the magic of the Luna was used to create a monster of the night... ”
Everyone kept totally quiet as Mathias talked then all of a sudden there came a long out burst of laughter from the whole class
“ are you kidding me? Vampire and werewolves? What are you 12 ” one of his classmate said laughing
“ more like a weirdo ” a girl said....
“ am not lying, you got to believe me ” Mathias said embarrassed
“ Weirdo ”
“ this guy really is a joke ”
“ more like insane ”...
The whispering where flying round the class
“ silence, enough!! ” Mr Collins had to step in
“ Thank you Mathias for the try, but maybe you didn't get the question I asked, I said you should tell me about ancient history not ancient bed time story
Everyone knows there is no such things as Vampires and Werewolves ” Mr Collins said
“ but do you believe in magic? ” Mathias said in a low tune
“ I believe in science ” Mr Collins answered
“ but it's not everything science could explain ” Mathias said and just then the bell rang
The students flooded the exit door
“ don't forget to do your assignment ” Mr Collins yelled reminding them....
Clara checked her timetable and she saw she had English class, she walked with her new found friend Anna to the locker who also had English class...
As they walked down the hallway Anna kept telling Clara all the things she got to know about Great Hill High School...
Clara got to her locker and she quickly opened her bags brought out her history textbook and note books, she put it inside her locker and she searched for her English textbook inside the locker
“ look over there ” Anna said and Clara followed her eyes turning her neck until it landed on a super cute boy who was surrounded by other boys and girls
“ that's Adams Grey, super cute boy, Great Hill best basketball player he has been crowned prom king of the school for 3 straight years running ” Anna said
Clara stared at him, he really does look beautiful, lovely long hair, blue eyes, perfect nose and a perfect smile
He was simply dreamy and Clara was caught day dreaming
“ Hey Clara, Clara..Clara ” Anna called out but it was as if Clara was in a different world
She had to shake her roughly
“ what's it? ” Clara asked as she got herself
“ what where you thinking about? ” Anna asked looking at her in a weird way
“ ...nothing, why are you staring at me like that? ” she asked
“ it's nothing....but just one more thing, you see that girl next to him? ” Anna said
Clara turned “ yes, what about her? ” she asked
“ that's Adams girlfriend Ella, and if he is the King then she is the Queen and you don't want to mess with the Queen
So I suggest you should forget about him ” Anna said
“ I wasn't thinking about him... ” Clara denied
“ better because she can make your life a living hell in the school ” Anna warned
Clara glanced at his Direction again and both there eyes met but she quickly removed her head
His gaze made her heart beat faster and she hopped Anna didn't see that
“ let's get going to English Class, trust me you don't want to come late too Mrs Henry class ” Anna said obviously she didn't notice anything
Clara locked her locker and followed Anna side by side as they gist and laughed as they walked to the class....
Several hours passed and finally it was lunch break
Clara sat down in the cafeteria with her food on the table, Anna was by her side and three of her other friends
Caleb Osborn a nerd on glasses Patricia Kelvin a beautiful but shy girl who doesn't talk much and lastly Ken Quentin a joker not that his jokes where that funny but he thinks they are
“ ...so Clara sorry for asking but why did you change schools? Didn't you like your former school? ” Calab asked
“ well I had to change school because we moved from where we lived mom got a new job in another state and I didn't have any choice than to go with her
And for your other questions, I love my former school, my friends the whether...everything about it ” Clara said looking sad as she spoke
“ well we will try our best so you won't miss your friends that much ” Anna said with a smile which made Clara smile also
But then she noticed a table completely empty except for one person seated in it, it was the guy from the history class
“ hey isn't that Matthew ” Clara said pronouncing his name wrong
“ Mathias ” Anna corrected
“ yes Mathias.... Why is he seated all alone? ” Clara asked
“ that's because he is weird, didn't you hear him earlier on talking about vampires and werewolves ” Anna said
“ I did but he was only trying to answer a question, that doesn't mean people should avoid him ” Clara said feeling pity for him
“ am telling you that guy is weird, he has been in this school for a year now and still he got no friends, a foreign exchange student from Mexico
Always loves talking about witches, wizards, Vampire and all other cripple stuffs, trust me you don't want to go near him ” Anna warned
Clara stared at him as he ate alone in the table and she knew no matter how weird a person may be he deserves to have friends even if it's just one
Life without friends can be hard and worthless....
“ oh Clara I have a joke I need to tell you, just promise me you won't laugh your pants off... Well actually you can laugh them off I won't mind ” Ken said aching his eyebrows
“ O... K am listening but am definitely keeping my pants on ” Clara joked
“ alright we will see about that ” Ken said
“ hear we go just pretend not to be disappointed ” Caleb whispered to Clara
Ken began his jokes “ you see two jobless friends where walking aimlessly on the road and then they fell upon two items a ring which looked precious so they reasoned they would sell it to there king and he would give them a fortune for it
They got to the palace and they discovered that the palace was in disarray the king was actually looking for something very precious to him and it was reported that two men had stolen it from him
This two friends where determine to see the king despite what was going on in the palace, so they managed there way to meet with the king
And one of the men said, my king we have traveled the world and we came across this precious item and we said to ourselves this would look good on our king
The king smiled then said to the men, two men broken into my palace in the night and stole my two most precious rings and I vowed to have there heads but since they have brought it back am going to have only one of there heads, so which of your heads will I be taken he said to them smiling ” Ken narrated
Clara laughed “ it's actually funny ”
“ thank you thank you, I told you guys am good at telling jokes, finally someone that appreciates my talents... Let me tell you another joke ” he said....
The next day in school
Clara was in chemistry lab doing some titration experiment, her new friends where not with her but Adams the super cute boy and his girlfriend Ella who was by his side like a glue
Mathias was also there and as usual he was deserted by his peers, Clara was determined to make him her friend
“ hey Mathias right? ” she said
He looked around to see if she was actually talking to him or someone else “..Me? ” he asked when he saw no one around him
“ yes you, am new here, my name is Clara Jackson and we are in the same history class yesterday ” Clara said
“ oh so you heard all those stuffs I said yesterday and want to make jest of me? ” Mathias said
“ no no no don't get me wrong, I kinda found it interesting, and if you don't mind I want to be your friend ” Clara said
“ really! ” he said excitedly
“ yes but can you finish telling me what your grandfather told you am interested in knowing what happened ” Clara said
“ sure I can, you see during the El que es LUNA festival someone a griveing mother used the magic to lay a great curse on a man........
Eric charge against the two creatures and the creatures charged at him, there impact where great that the earth quaked
Eric threw one of the beast away but the other hit him hard on the face with its long and shape claws and Eric flew in the air landing hard on the ground
The two beast surrounded him roaring and grinning there teeth, and one of them charged at him wanting to bite his head off but Eric was very fast to duck and grabbed the creature by the leg
He spin it and threw it to the other beast charging at him, both creatures went tumbling down a hill
Eric went after them clawing and biting as they tumbled down, he was winning the fight with the beast but soon the number of the beast where advantageous to them
Eric had broken one of the beast legs and faced the other wanting to kill it, they battled and finally Eric had it where he wanted his arm around it's neck ready to apply the killer bite then all of a sudden the wounded beast unknowing to Eric had healed and it jumped him and bite off his head and spat it out
The beast where victorious against the monster or so they thought, as they walked to leave Eric head grow back on his body and he stood up alive again
“ that hurts ” he said smiling
ROARRRRR he charged at them....