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Chapter 4

Clara was completely surrounded and she was far from the school so nobody could possibly help her call for help if Steven and his dogs tries to do her harm

Was was really scared when she realized she was at there mercy but she kept a bold and courageous act

“ I don't have time for your silly games, if you think I will be cowering in fear because of you then am sorry to tell you that you have made a big mistake and you just proved me right all along that you are nothing but a coward ” Clara said staring straight at Steven eyes hoping he buys her tough look act and doesn't see the immense fear through her eyes

She continued “ and trust me you are going to pay for what you did to that innocent boy and that's not a threat it's a fact ” she said then turned facing forward and started walking

One of Steven boys was still standing blocking her path and as she walks to meet him she said a silent player in her heart that he shouldn't stop her from passing...

She had nearly passed by his side when he stretched out his left huge arm and blocked her from passing, Clara heart skipped but she kept on playing tough

“ will you get your arm out of my face ” she yelled at him but he stared at her like a lifeless zombie

Clara turned and faced Steven “ tell your friend here to get off my path now!! ” she ordered

“ sorry but am afraid I can't do that ” Steven said then took a couple of steps forward

“ seize her ” he ordered and immediately Clara saw herself being lifted and placed on a giant shoulder

“ drop me down immediately ” she yelled

Steven laughed “ you should have known by now he listens to only me, you are not in charge here and am about to teach you a lesson you won't be forgotten anytime soon, boys bring her along ” he ordered

He walked into one side of the forest and his dogs followed him including the one carrying Clara on his shoulder

“ help!! Someone help me!! Please anyone!! ” Clara screamed and she kept trying to free her self by hitting the boy with her hands multiple times on his back but it was like he was immune to pain

“ you can scream all you want, you see no one will hear you and nobody is coming to save you, you messed with the wrong guy ” Steven said

Clara tough act was long gone by now her face was like that of a scared little mouse that have been cornered by a family of hungry cats, her heart kept racing as they took her further into the woods and she kept wondering what they were going to do to her

Gang rape? The thought of them inside her was so irritating that she felt like vomiting and she screamed even louder for help

“ drop her over there ” Steven ordered

And Clara was dropped down without any form of grace in it, her head touched the ground hard and she felt a sharp pain

“ tell me what should I do to you? ” Steven asked

“ please... let me go ” Clara pleaded and she was still feeling the effects of the bad landing on the back of her head

“ you know I can't do that, I will tell you what I can do though ” he said then took some steps closer to her

His face touching distance from hers that she could hear his breathing

“ what's the problem Huh? Not so tough anymore right? ” he said and smiled widely showing his white teeth

He withdrew himself then turned his back on Clara and it seems he was pounding what he should do to her, his three friends stared at Clara lustfully and it was as if they where just waiting for the order to pounce on her

Although standing for Mathias, she has landed herself in a serious predicament she wouldn't have changed a thing if she has the power to reverse the hand of time

That's her nature, she can't help herself from defending those she felt are being oppressed but after this encounter with Steven she might start to see things differently...

Steven finally turned and faced her “ bring her to me ” he ordered and Clara was lifted by two of his buddies

They lifted her and placed her on her knees in front of him and they held her down so she won't be able to move

“ today is your lucky day, you are about to know how my dick taste like ” he said then grabbed her hair and pulled it hard that Clara felt her hair was pulling out of her skull

She screamed in pain and her mouth was open wide just what Steven wanted, he unzipped his pants and his huge rode came out that made Clara eyes popped out in horror

Arrgggggg a thick Growling came from the woods

It sounded like an angry wolf and it gave Steven the fright “ what was that? ” he asked as he zipped up his pants

“ I don't know... But it sounded like a wolf ” one of his friends said terrified

The growling sound came again this time it sounded more angrier and closer

“ let's get out of here ” one of his friends said totally panicking

Clara on her part didn't know if she should happy about this scary noise that they were hearing, true its distracting Steven and his friends from doing all the horrible things they had planned to do to her but this creature could also be threatening to her life

“ let's run for our life!! ” Clara yelled and it was like that triggered everything

A big, huge white wolf came flying out from nowhere it was the most terrifying creature Clara has ever seen yet it was also the most remarkable

It's eyes were blue, it's gaze was piecing, it's head was four times the size of a normal wolf, it's teeth where long and shape like a dagger and it's claws left marks on the ground

The creature slowly walked to meet them snarling

Steven and his friends took to running, they ran as fast as there two legs could take them but Clara didn't run she couldn't

She was too scared to carry her legs and she just lay on the ground watching as it came nearly to her...

The creature came so close to her that Clara thought for sure she will be eaten and she closed her eyes tightly anticipating when she will feel a sharp pain..

Her heart racing and she thought about all her friends, her mom and her dad who was long dead...

Then she realized that it was taking a awful lot of time for the creature to kill her or even bite her then she opened her eyes slowly but it was no longer there

Was she just imagining all of that? She pondered but then she saw the print it's giant paw left on the ground

She looked around in search of it but it wasn't anywhere to be seen so she picked herself up and ran out from there she didn't stop or turned to look back at any point until she got to the main road ...

All the while the creature was watching and following Clara from a hidden position until it felt it was safe then it turned back and started walking deeper into the woods

He got to a point and stop where a male shirt, jeans and sneakers where scattered on the floor and it started transforming into a man until he was completely transformed into fully fleshly man

He picked up the clothes and wore them and he made a smile then off he went....

Clara got home tired, scared and completely exhausted and she went up straight to her room, she threw her bag at one corner of the bed and collapsed on it still wearing her shoes

And immediately she fell asleep and went straight to the dream world...

She kept seeing flashes of the wolf creature, it's eyes, teeth and claws, it's massive head and body

In her dream the wolf was chasing her through the woods and she tripped against a root of a large tree and fell on the ground, the creature ran to meet her and jumped on her body with its mouth fully opened...

“ Ahhhhhhh ” Clara woke up screaming

“ it's OK baby it's just a nightmare ” her mother said as she embraced her in a tight hug

Clara kept shivering in fear as she held her mom in a tight grip, she was sweating allover even though the room was cool enough

“ it's alright you are safe, am here now ok, mummy won't let anything harm you ok baby ” her mom said talking to her as if she is a little kid who needed closure

She kissed her on her forehead “ you most be hungry, dinner is ready ” she said then came door her bed

She walked to the door then stopped turned and glanced at her daughter again who had this frightful look on her face and she wondered if just a nightmare could make someone react like this “ come down for dinner OK ” she said then opened the door and shut it after her....





[ TIME: 9:00pm LOCATION : All Night Stripper Club ]

Weird sound music kept playing and scattering lights flashing, a lady in bikini dancing erotically on a pole

Underage citizens drinking alcohol and abusing drugs, people making out in practically every corner of the building

amidst all that three high school girls on short gown kept eyeing an unusually charming young man, he looked like an heavenly creature, his lips as red as wine, his skin as white as snow, his eyes as blue as the sky and his hair as golden as the sun, he wasn't a regular at this place

He was putting on a long coat that touched the floor, he sat down at the bar stand with a glass of whiskey on his hand and his eyes scanned around as if he was in search of something..

two of three girls where black of hair and one was a blonde and obviously she was the prettiest among the three

Her eyes met with his, the charming stranger, and he made a cute smile

He stood up and walked towards the direction of the girls and they where already rigging of excitement as they noticed he was coming to meet them

“ hello beautiful ladies ” he said greeting them with a classic bow

“ am Eric Damian ” he said stretching his hand towards the blonde who kept staring at his beautiful eyes

“ am Natasha ” she said blushing as he kissed the front of her hand

“ ladies I will be borrowing your friend for a dance ” he said to her friends which they nodded excitedly making a girly laugh

Eric led the girl to the dance floor and oh boy does he have moves, he was such a great dancer that Natasha was left breathless and other girls around where envious of her because of Eric the charming looking stranger

After a great dance Natasha led Eric out of the club to a lonely walk path, her motives was too make out with him and she was willing to go further than that but if only she knows the plans he had for her.....

She passionately kissed him pushing him hard against a wall and pressed her body and lips against his

Eric kissed her back with the same force she was using on him romancing her body all the while from her legs towards

Then he kissed her on her ears down to her neck and Natasha kept moaning softly

Eric spend time on her neck, kissing and licking it and she held his back tightly as she finds breathing difficult because of the pressure he was making her feel

But suddenly that pressure turned into a shape and agonizing pain as she felt his teeth sinking inside her neck, the pain was so much she couldn't scream her mouth was just wind open and her hands held him at the back of his head

Eric eyes turned Reddish Brown as he sucked the life out of her....





The next day at Great Hill High School

Steven stared at Clara as she walked in the hallway as if he had seen a ghost, they thought the creature most have devoured every single bone in her body but there she was smiling and talking to her friends

“ how come she is alive? ” Steven said

“ I don't know boss ” one of his friends said

“ she most have managed to escape from the beast ” another said

“ obviously, tell me something I don't know, like how the hell did she manage to pull that stunt because she was clearly on the floor when the beast jumped on us ” Steven said

“ that I don't know boss ”

“ well I would find out soon ” Steven said...

Clara could see Steven and his foolish friends from where she was, she just felt like shooting them down from where they stood but she was glad that she was still alive after what happened yesterday

“ .....so what do you think? ” Anna asked after she had been talking for a while

“ think of what? ” Clara said clearly not paying attention

“ wait don't tell me you didn't hear a single thing I was saying!! ” Anna said angrily

“ am so sorry dear please can you repeat yourself? ” Clara said feeling bad

Anna sighed “ I said do you think I should ask Caleb out because I have been showing him all the signs in the world for him to know I like him but his eyes is just fixed on his books and all those his nerd stuffs and he is totally clueless about my feelings for him ” Anna repeated all she had said

Clara tired her best not to laugh because she didn't want to hurt Anna's feelings but the thought of a girl asking a boy out seems strange in her ears

“ well... I don't really know what to say, but if you say you like him then I guess you should go after him right? ” Clara said answering her question with a question of her own

“ yes exactly my thoughts, I mean the boy shouldn't always be the one to ask the girl out right? This is the 21st century and things have changed ” Anna said prepping herself up

“ yeah you right, this is the 21st century and girls rule!! ” Clara said liking the sound of that....

Someone else was watching Clara as she spoke with her friends

“ you know you shouldn't have done what you did? ” Noah said

“ I know but I couldn't just let that fool hurt her ” Adams said

“ I understand but just hope that Lucian doesn't hear about this he won't be happy and you know what that means ” Noah said

“ he won't find out OK, no one saw me ” Adams said alittle bit nervy....

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