Adams kissed his girlfriend Ella goodbye for them to see later and he left with his best friend Noah to go meet there coach for basketball practice before the game the evening
While Noah's girlfriend Patricia followed Ella for cheer leading practice...
“ what where you thinking telling Ella you would quit basketball for her? ” Noah said unimpressed
Adams made a chocking laugh “ I was only kidding, things work out fine didn't they ” he said
“ that's because I kept praying inside me, I knew without you in our team we don't stand a chance but if she had said yes what would you have done? ”
“ I knew she can't say yes ” Adams said looking confidence
“ and how did you know that? ” Noah asked
“ well I have known Ella for a while now and I know there is one thing she loves more than me or anything else and that's fame being popular
And she will do anything for her to remain as such and what's more popular than being the girlfriend of the school hero ” Adams said smiling
Noah smiled at Adam's crafty ingenious in getting Ella to do what he wants thinking she was doing what she wanted to do “ I most say that's smart and kinda evil, but I like it ”
“ what can I say? It's in my nature ” Adams joke as they walked to the ball court for ball practice....
“....ok let me get this straight, you were abducted by Steven and his friends and they took you into the woods to have there way with you? ” Mathias repeated what she said in shock
“ yes I just said that, let's move ahead here please ” Clara said wanting him to skip to the wolf part as if almost being raped wasn't important to talk about
“ My God those boy's are really dangerous, someone got to stop them ” Mathias said rethinking whether he made the right decision by not reporting them to the principal
“ trust me I will deal with them later just leave them to me but I need your help on this now ” Clara said
Mathias inhaled deeply " so you said a giant wolf saved you ” he said as they walked
“ yes it was massive in size, Steven and his friends ran away in fear on the sight of it those telling you it was massive ” Clara narrated
“ then how come all of you survived this massive creature you speak of ” Mathias inquired
“ I don't know... I guess it spared our life, I mean according to the story your grandfather told you werewolves where created to help humans right? They only kill vampires ” Clara said and she couldn't believe she was the one talking about the actual reality of werewolves and vampires
“ first we ain't sure if it was a werewolf you saw because they mostly hunt in parks and you guys won't be still breathing ” Mathias said
“ what does that mean? ” Clara asked alittle bit scared
“ it means you would be dead if you came face to face with a werewolf ” Mathias said more clearly
“ but but but I thought they where the good guys ” Clara muttered
“ there are no good guys, they both are monsters, you see after the first werewolves Christopher and love died at the age of 200 and 236 respectively there children and grandchildren children cultivated a bad and costly means of having fun
They where fond of turning into wolves and they spent almost the whole day in wolf form than that of human
But unknowing to them they where gradually losing there humanity and where becoming more like the wild wolves
They started having the urge to fed on flesh and life animals, so they hunt in park the deer's and bulls of the field, and the humans then weren't bothered about there strange behavior until they started tasting for human flesh
The first human death by a werewolf recording was Draco a man you had an argument with his wife and then he got angry then transformed into a wolf
He ate his wife up even cracking her bones, he loved the taste of human flesh and in the same week he killed yet another human, a man who was busy farming on his farm
Humans was discovered to be an easier pray for the wolves and they indulged in the hunting of men ” Mathias narrated
Shivers of wave of fear came flowing through Clara's body as Mathias narrated his horrific tale
“ OK so no good guys then but how then where people then able to survive the werewolves? ” Clara asked
“ before the killing of humans werewolves where treated like kings and queens because of how they helped humans in the fight against the vampires
So the people builded a massive building for them to live in and that's where all werewolves in the city lived but when the killing of humans had become a normal day to day thing
The elders of the land had a emergency meeting and they decided it's time for the werewolves to be gone for good
So on a fateful early morning before the sun could raise the locals gathered all with lite touches in there hands and they set the building on fire from all the corners of it walls
All most all of the werewolves died on that day only a few managed to escape the fire but they werebut they were badly hurt and easier for the locals to kill. However some did escaped the angry mob buy they never returned to the land again ” Mathias said
“ but I did saw a big and frightening creature and it got so close to me I thought I would not escape with my life but then it spared me, almost as if it came to save me from Steven, I don't know if it was a werewolf
I never did believe in mystical creatures but I did witness something special yesterday ” Clara said
“ ok why don't you show me ” Mathias said
“ show you what? ”
“ take me to the place you saw this creature after school, there most still be traces or cues we can find there to help us understand what you really saw ” Mathias said
“ I don't know... I don't think it's a great idea going back there ” Clara said
“ what? Are you scared? I thought the creature was your friend ” Mathias made a joke
“ Ha Ha really funny ” Clara said sarcastically
“ it's a deal then, you take me there after school hours " Mathias said
“ I guess but we have to be quick before my mom comes to pick me up from school ” Clara said
“ are you sure that's the only reason we need to be quick ” Mathias said making a silly face
Clara laughed “ what other reason is there? ” she said knowing fully where what Mathias meant
“ nothing we will catch up later I want to go watch our basketball team the sharks train ” Mathias said and they had a friendly hug before departing....
Back in the library
“ do you think Clara was serious about this werewolf stuff? ” Caleb said to Anna
“ are you asking me? Because I really don't know, all I know is that she looked serious
I know I shouldn't be saying this but I think Mathias is having a bad influence on her ” Anna said
“ I don't think it's fair to blame Mathias even the guy in question himself haven't once said he had saw a full grown werewolf before he always says someone told him or he read it from somewhere ” Caleb said
“ what do you want me to say, because you don't expect me to believe she actually saw a werewolf!! That's just insane ” Anna said
“ I know, I know...but she doesn't seem like someone who was lying maybe just maybe she saw a creature that matches her description __ ”
“ don't tell me you are believing this fairytale nonsense, what next Vampires!! Come on ” Anna said cutting him short and she stared at him with a disappointed look
“ what? Think about it, she can't be lying about something that serious, maybe she did saw a creature...maybe a mix breed of some sort, a bear and wolf probably from her description ” Caleb said trying to think about it in a scientific way rather than magical
“ are you even listening to yourself! A wolf and a bear mating? How is that even possible ” Anna said
“ it's actually possible, you know according to __ ”
Cutting him short “ please I don't need your lectures on animal reproduction ” Anna said....
Clara slide a coin inside the snacks vent and was anticipating when the snack would drop when Steven popped his ugly face out and as usual his three huge friends tagged along
Clara sigh a breathe of anger as she remembered what they were about doing to her just yesterday
“ what do you want! ” she said using all the energy in her body from preventing herself from jumping on to him and smashing his face open
“ how did you do it? ” Steven said ignoring her question
“ did what? ” Clara asked
“ how did you escaped from the claws of that creature ” Steven said staring at her intensely
Clara had this overwhelming feeling of biting his eyes out, so he wanted the creature to kill her?
“ you most be mad for asking me that stupid question, and don't think for one second am letting what you did to me slide away without doing anything about it ” Clara said her eyes reflecting her anger
Steven wasn't moved with her threats he had heard them for his numerous victims before to give it a thought and he always ends up winning each time
“ am.. so...scared someone safe me ” he said mockingly which made his friends laugh
“ see __ ” Clara was about saying something when he cut her short
“ you where lucky the other time but you won't be the next, you don't know whose territory you are but you are about to find out, enjoy your snacks ” he said the last phrase with a smile then left leaving Clara angry but scared ....
4:56pm Great Hill High School inbuilt stadium was filled up to the last seat and flyers and flags of the Sharks where being raised high
As expected the Sharks where leading and Adams was in the heart of things
He was the one running the show shooting and scoring from all most impossible angles
“ Adams Adams Adams ” cheers of his name filled the stadium from his adoring fans
“ Go Sharks Go, Go Sharks Go, Go Sharks Go ” the cheerleaders led by Ella where pumping the team on
Clara was up in the stands surrounded by her friends and they all where watching with kin interest what was happening in the ball court
At first Clara was enjoying the game like everyone else then later on she hated the way people where chanting the name of Adams as if was kind of demi god
She had this believe that people like Adams who where popular and had influence always end up misusing it and also they oppress there fellow students
“ let's get going ” Clara said to Mathias whose gazed on the moving ball
“ to where? The game is still on ” Mathias said eyes still fixed on the ball court
“ lets get going to the woods my mom would soon come to pick me up ” Clara said
“ why all of a sudden you are eager to go to the woods, you weren't this excited about it before ” Mathias said
“ are you coming or not? ” Clara said standing up
Mathias had a few minutes to think about it
Werewolf? The game?
Werewolf? The game?
He made up his mind “ wait am coming ” he said standing up
But as he walked out the stadium he had his eyes on the ball...
Adams dribbled passed three opponents and he was about shooting when he saw Clara leaving the stadium with Mathias cussing him to miss the shot by a mile and that was the first time in the game he would be failing to score a shot
“ what's wrong? ” Noah asked
“ ...nothing just a slippery hands that's all ” Adams lied
“ alright let's win this dude ” Noah said
Adams smiled then looked over to Clara direction but she had gone already...
Some minutes later
Clara and Mathias where inside the woods and Clara tired her best to remember the paths in which Steven took her to...
“ Clara! ” Mathias called out as he spot something
“ what's that? ” Clara said walking to meet him
“ giant paw prints ” he said pointing to the ground
“ I told you I wasn't lying ” Clara said almost excitedly
“ what animal could have possibly left this ” Mathias said
“ I told you it was a wolf, a very big one ” Clara said as she traced it to where it vanishes
“ incredible! Do you know what this means ” Mathias said excitedly
Just then they heard some unusual but frightening sounds coming from a direction....