Malea's POV
"One coffee brewed to 202 degrees Fahrenheit. Black, no sugar or Creme and a Cinnamon biscotti." I dropped the tall coffee cup along with the biscotti on the table and grinned at my accomplishment.
Lucian looked up from his iMac and glared at me impassively. "You're 3 minutes late and I don't have time to eat a biscotti. Throw it away." He took a sip of the coffee and grimaced. Slowly, he took the lid off the coffee cup and looked inside. "Where'd you get this from?"
"The cafe down the street. The one called Homemade Love." I shifted my weight from one foot to the other, annoyance slowly seeping into me.
Lucian sighed deeply and set the coffee cup down. "That place has the worst coffee I've ever tasted. How could you have not know this?"
"Well maybe you should've given me a heads up! I don't drink coffee so how should I know?" I snapped. Coffee always gave me a headache whenever I drank it or even smelled it, so I avoided it as best as I could even though Ales loves coffee. Ever since Ales moved in with me, all she drank was coffee and it increasingly became harder to stay away from it. The only hot beverage I drink is tea.
"Since you apparently cannot do anything right, I'll ask Tanya to get me another cup." He spat harshly. I glared at him. Is this how he always is to his employees? He opened up a cabinet and brought out several files. "Deliver these to the directors of the sales and marketing in room 1009."
I ground my teeth together. "Is that all, Mr. King?" I spat through closed teeth.
His gray eyes flicked back up to me, the violet flecks in them catching the light. Lucian clenched his jaw together and I watched as a muscle flexed."Listen Malea. We're all friends here. Don't hate me because I'm doing my job as CEO. I am the boss and you are the employee, we have to act professionally. Don't think that because we know each other outside of work, I'll treat you differently from my other employees."
"You've got to be fucking kidding me right now." I breathed incredulously. "You honestly are the most conceited person I've ever met."
An eerie calm passed over his features. His nostrils flared. I could tell he was holding back the urge to snap at me."I will not take this type of disrespect from you, Malea." He lowered his voice. "Just because you are guaranteed a job here because of the contract doesn't mean I can't find ways to change the game. Remember, Ma chére. This is my game and you are all my pawns. One misstep, and its game over."
______Malea's POV( 1 day later)
I crashed onto my bed at 2:15 am, fatigue overwhelming my body. It's no joke being an assistant to one of the richest men in the world. I literally have been in the elevator over 100 times trying to get and receive everything Lucian asked of me.
It's so odd having the apartment all to myself now. Before I became Lucian's assistant, I would've never been able to afford the apartment on my own but now, with the paycheck I just earned by working 14 hours with 3 hours break total, the apartment rent was nothing but a little part of what I earned.
I was drifting off to sleep when I heard the chorus of Melanie Martinez's song "Cake" blast loudly from the bedside table. I jumped up and grumbled angrily as I picked up my phone. It was an unknown number.
"Hello? Whoever this is, I hope your happy with yourself for waking me up from my 30minute nap when I planned it to be more than 8 hours."
"Uh, Malea?" A deep, husky, unmistakable voice called from the other end quietly.
"Levi? How the fuck did you get my number?" I breathed, massaging my nosebridge to rid the headache that had bloomed between my eyes.
"Oh yeah that. I just asked Cara to run a background check on you after we met." He said like it was something he did all the time.
"And you think that's normal?" I asked incredulously as I winked away the sleep from my eyes.
"To me it is."
"Well you're insane then! I don't appreciate you getting background checks on me and retrieving my number and information without my consent. It's downright stalkerish and rude."
A long silence settled like thick fog over the conversation. The guy didn't even have the nerve to apologize.
I sighed. "Why are you calling at.." I glanced at my glowing alarm clock. "3 am?"
"Oh shit, I just realized. I'm sorry. Were you sleeping?" He asked, worry coloring his voice.
I shook my head and forgot that he couldn't see me. "Ah no. I was just adding final touches to my scrapbook of all the people I'm really starting to hate. I think I need to add one more person to the scrapbook though." I rolled my eyes sarcastically.
"Who is it?" He asked, amusement was clear on his tone.
"You." fell backwards on the bed and blew out a sigh. "What do you want, Levi?"
"Oh well I was just wondering if—" He began.
"Babe?" A high pitched female voice said sleepily. The rustle of sheets. I held my breath. Was he in bed with a girl? "What the hell are you doing up at 3 am?" She asked.
The unmistakable sound of a kiss resonated through the phone. What the hell? "Um, I think I'm just going to hang up now." I said awkwardly.
The sounds stopped. "Levi Mateo Ficara. Who the hell was that?" The girl screeched. She gasped. "Please don't tell me she's your side hoe because if she is, I swear to God, today's going be your last day on Earth."
In a hushed whisper, Levi whispered. "I'll call you later." Then then the dial tone.
__Levi's POV
I woke up with a headache. Who knew women could scream so loudly. I stretched and glanced over at Myra who lay face down on the bed, the pure as snow sheets tangled around her naked body, her gold hair fanning across the bed.
Quickly and quietly, I climbed out of the bed and headed to the bathroom to take my shower and get ready for work. Just as I finished shaving and opened the small bottle of expensive aftershave, Myra walked into the large bathroom, a silk robe tied around her perfect figure. I was looking into the large mirror when she walked in, and my eyes never left it.
Her bangs fell into her eyes but their vivid amber color still shone brightly. "When are we going to talk about who you were talking to on the phone, Levi?" She glared angrily at me through the mirror, her arms cross tightly over her large bust.
I patted the musky smelling aftershave on my jaw and waited till I was done screwing on the lid before I turned to Myra. "It was no one. She—"
"She?!" Myra blurted, her fair skin turning a bright shade of pink.
Slowly I stepped forward and placed my hands on her shoulders. "Myra. She was just a friend I met a couple days ago. Nothing more, nothing less." I leaned down and pulled her into a kiss. She wrapped her arms around my neck and brought me closer to her, our lips moving as one against each other. Her lips were soft and so light on mine, that it felt like it wasn't even there. I needed more of her.
She pulled apart and glanced into my eyes for only a moment before joining our lips again. "Mmmm." Myra murmured against my lips before detaching her lips slightly. "Well, I would like it if she was something less than a friend. Any chance that she's an aquaintance or better yet a stranger?" She walked her fingers suggestively down to my belt loops and pulled me closer.
My hands trailed down her body and wrapped around her waist. I pulled away from her and pressed my forehead to hers, feeling the pounding of both our hearts. "I've got to get to work, but I'll meet you for lunch. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call."
When I tried to move away from her, she grabbed hold of my arm and pulled me back, all the while letting out a whimper of need. Myra bit her pink, swollen bottom lip and pulled me to her by my lapels.
"Oh you make things so hard for me." I whispered before crashing my lips to hers.
_______Alesandra's POV
The sound of the shower running woke me up. Yawning, I rolled over and felt around the bed, only to find the right side cold. Lucian was probably taking a shower. Obviously. I fell back asleep after a while.
Soon enough, I woke and with 20 more minutes lazing around on my phone, I rubbed my eyes and climbed out of the bed. Slowly, I shuffled downstairs to the kitchen to make some breakfast for both of us.
Pancakes will have to do. But as soon as I walked into the kitchen, a maid was already there, washing a plate in the sink. A plate of omlette with shredded bacon and veggies sat covered on the table. An array of fruit juices, coffee, and tea sat on the table with also a large bowl filled to the brim with an assortment of fruits that I haven't even heard of. Dragon fruit, mango, raspberries, papaya, strawberries, pineapples and etc.
"What are you doing?" I asked, harshness slipping into my tone as I crossed my arms.
She spun around and gasped in surprise, her tan skin slowly turning pink. She curtsied low and stayed until I told her to stand. "Mrs. King. Good morning."
"Answer my question!" I snapped, stepping closer, which only made her back up more and into the island counter.
"M-Mr. King told me to make breakfast today." She said, wringing her hands out. A bead of sweat dripped down her frightened face.
I froze. "But I told him last night that I would make breakfast." I'd told him that I wanted to do something special for him for breakfast. He'd agreed.
She sniffled. "I got specific orders from him this morning, Mrs. King. He said that I should make sure that you don't make breakfast. He left a note." She motioned towards the island.
I crossed the large kitchen and snatched the note up.
I asked one of the maids to make breakfast instead. Had to get out of the house early to meet someone. She said she couldn't wait any longer to see me. I hope you know that you and me are only bound by something unconventional. There's nothing much to it. If you need anything, call. But only between the hours of 3 and 4 pm. If you need anything important, call Malea. If you're dying, call 911.
I felt the note crumple into a helpless ball in my fist. "Where is he? My husband." I asked, my voice trembling with anger.
"Mr. King just left for work." She said in a hushed tone. Work, my ass!
I allowed an unsettling calm pass over my face. "What's your name?" I asked sweetly.
She seemed to relax a bit, but didn't move from where she was. "G-Ginny." She looked to be in about her late 40's.
I stepped closer. "And do you have children, Ginny?"
She nodded quickly. "Y-Yes, Mrs. King. 3 daughters, a son."
I nodded as if I was pitying her. "Well, tell them that their mother no longer has a job. You're fired!" I pointed to the back door. She's the reason why Lucian left to meet someone else. Ginny broke down, sobs escaping her thin lips. "Pack your things and be gone before I get back home."
Ginny immediately went on her knees and grabbed at my robe, tugging hopelessly. "Please, please don't do this. I have a 7 year old son to take care of! Please don't make me look pathetic in front of my children!" Sobs wracked her body.
I stepped back angrily. "I swear to God. If you're not gone, I will involve the police. And it's not a threat. It's a promise," With huff, I started back up the stairs to get ready. There's someone I need to talk to.
____Lucian's POV
"Because Mr. Ficara seems to be late, I think it best if we just begin." Quinta sighed and passed around Manila files filled with photocopies contracts. I'd left early today for the contract signing with Quinta and I'm hoping Ales didn't take it the wrong way.
I sat at the head of the long, black table, the other end for Levi, but he was absent. Quinta, the board leader of Ficara Co. stood up as she cleared her throat. "As we all know, we're here to discuss the signing of the contract that will merge Ficara Co. with King Enterprises. This merge will—"
The door of the conference room burst open and in came Levi. His hair was disheveled and his tie askew. God, even his pants looked as if he had just threw them on without ironing them. His face was flushed and his lips noticeably swollen and pink. Please tell me he isn't late because he was with a girl. Oh who am I kidding, I would totally do the same if I could.
"Sorry. Something came up last minute that stopped me from arriving on time." I almost rolled my eyes. Such a lame excuse.
Quinta cleared her throat. "As we all know, we are here today to discuss the contract that merges Ficara Co. and King Enterprises."
This was going to be a long day.
______Alesandra's POV
"But what should I do if he's seeing another woman?" Winter dismissed my question with a wave of her hand and took a dainty sip of her tea. I'd gone over to her estate as soon as possible, I needed advice from someone who was actually in a relationship. Malea wouldn't be able to help me right now.
"Darling, why in the world would a man pass a gorgeous woman like you for a lowlife? I mean afterall, he wouldn't have married you if he didn't love you." Winter said while setting her teacup down. I sighed heavily. Maybe because he actually didn't love me, but instead loved the fact that through me, he was guaranteed CEO.
"Well he left this note." I slid the note towards her.
She read, her eyes widening with each word. "Why did he say 'you and I are bound unconventionally?' "
I snatched the note back, unsure whether or not to tell her everything about the contract. No. It's too soon. I promised I wouldn't. "Nevermind that. What am I supposed to do?"
"Have you guys done it?" Winter asked, a mischievous smirk on her face.
I flushed. "Done what?" I knew what she was talking about, I just want the confirmation.
Winter burst out laughing. "You know what I'm talking about."
"No we haven't." I gulped down the burning tea in order to ignore the heat of my cheeks.
Winter giggled. "No way. You live and sleep in a room with a man that unbelievablely sexy and you two haven't even gone past kissing?"
I swatted her arm. "Oh come on Winter. Just tell me what to do. I need his attention."
She set down her teacup and straightened out the fur scarf around her shoulders. "Honestly, tonight's the best day to do so. He's going to a contract signing so he's going to be in a good mood."
"Wouldn't he be too tired by then?" I asked, biting my lip nervously.
"Don't worry about it. He'll be putty in your hands after tonight." Winter stood up abruptly from the table and clapped her hands giddily. "In fact, we should totally go shopping today for new lingerie!"
I shrugged. What's the harm in that?
____(later on)
I swept past the aisles and picked up a sea green bra and panties set and placed it over my arm. I'm totally trying that one on. I passed one rack and a pale pink color caught my eye. Quickly I grasped the silk, see through night gown that was buried beneath silk underthings. Just as I pulled it out, a hand grabbed it as well.
"Um, excuse me, but that's mine. I grabbed it first." I hissed, looking up to see a red head with blue eyes.
"Oh God, it's you." She sighed heavily and dropped the silk.
I dropped it as well. "What do you mean by 'it's me'?'"
"Well I've seen you everywhere on tv and it's surprising that I'm just seeing you in person now."
"Of course you've seen me everywhere." I almost rolled my eyes.
"You sure are full of yourself already." She tsked, a look of disbelief on her face.
"Who are you anyway?" I barked, anger beginning to get the best of me. "What do you mean by I'm so full of myself already?"
"I mean that you just got married to Lucian and suddenly you have the biggest head." She eyed me. She was easily taller than me.
"Excuse me?" I asked. Who does she think she is?
She paused. "Nothing. Just be careful. Because one minute you think everything's fine and the next it's all taken away from you." She spun on her heel and walked away.
"Hey, Ales. Look at this." Winter walked over to me and held up a red silk nightgown with a see-through bodice.
"Who is she?" I asked, pointing to the woman who had just foretold my future as if she was an oracle. She stood at the counter, checking out her items. As if she could feel our eyes on her, she spun around and Winter gasped.
"Ales." Winter gulped. "That was Yurissa Woods. The one who almost married Lucian."