Malea's POV
"I need a large coffee. Black, no cream, no sugar, brewed to 202 degrees Farenhieght." I handed over the 50 dollar bill that Lucian provided every time I bought him coffee and spun around to take a seat at a booth while the coffee brewed.
I dug out my new phone from my handbag. With the insane amount of money I earned from my job, I was able to update my iPhone 4 (which I've had for way too long) for an iPhone 6s. Being Lucian's personal assistant definitely had its advantages alongside its disadvantages. For example last night, Lucian called me at 6 am to get him coffee and personally deliver a contract to a company 2 hours away. If he hadn't realized, there's something called fax, try it sometime buddy.
As I scrolled through the many messages on my phone, I realized that hadn't heard from Ales in a while, so, me being the best friend ever, I decided to call her.
"Hello? Who is this?" She said after three rings.
"You can drop the act, Ales, you know I'm the only contact on your phone." I rolled my eyes and fiddled with an old receipt.
Ales giggled. "How's it going, Mali?"
I shrugged even though she couldn't see me. "Pretty good though I'm pretty sure if I stand up again, my feet are going to fall off."
I heard her shift the phone from one ear to the other. "Why do you say that, Mali?"
"Well with the fact that I basically ran around Manhattan all day trying to deliver mails to other companies from Lucian, you could say my knees have turned to rubber." I sighed and glanced over at the silent buzzer at the side of the table. I glanced at my watch. How much longer until the coffee's ready? If I'm late, it's not going to be pretty back at the office.
"Well, at least you have a well-paying job now, so look at the brighter sides of things." Ales pointed out, her voice taking on an accusing tone.
I blew out a heavy breath and felt my black hair swirl around my face with the puff of air. "Calm down, Ales. I am grateful." The vibrating and flashing lights of the buzzer caught my attention. Quickly, I picked up the buzzer and headed back to the counter where the coffee cup and the change sat.
"How're things going with you?" I asked once I'd gathered my belongings and thanked the barista. Pushing the double doors open, I signaled for the driver to start up the sleek black car that had been provided for my endeavors around Manhattan.
"Well, I'm planning something special for Lucian and I..." Ales trailed on, her voice high and enigmatically lilting.
"Ooh. What is it? Dinner? Oh, wait no! You guys are going to get matching manicures and pedicures! Wait no! Matching tattoos!" I joked as I hopped inside the car. With a lurch, the driver, Knox, pulled away from the curb and began navigating through the jam-packed roads.
"You play too much." She said tangibly, annoyance creeping into her tone. "I'm planning on something intimate. I actually was supposed to do it a couple of nights ago, but plans changed."
I could practically see her blush through the phone. "How cute! Why didn't you tell me earlier! I could've helped you out!"
Ales cleared her throat. "I already asked Winter and we're out right now shopping for new shoes. And besides, you're always working." She brushed off the issue as if it was nothing.
The fact that she asked Winter before me, was like a punch to the gut. I swallowed past the rock in my throat, the aroma of the coffee enough to make me nauseous. Ugh, I hate coffee and right now I'm hating Ales. "You know I could've just asked Lucian for a day off. He has other people to do his bidding."
Ales sighed, agitation clear on her next words. "Listen Malea. I don't want you to take time off work to cater to my needs. I have Winter. She's honestly been really supportive and helpful these past weeks. And besides, you probably wouldn't even want to help."
I cleared my throat, my words coming out thick with anger and disbelief. "You never asked me in the first place."
"Do we always have to get in an argument every time we talk?" Ales asked. The repudiation in her words was enough to make me want to laugh mirthlessly.
"Well with the way all of our conversations always go back to Winter, then, of course, we're going to get in an argument!" I absently raised my voice several decibels and once I realized Knox was listening in, I lowered my tone.
"Why do you have something against her? What has Winter ever done to you but be nice?" Ales asked incredulously, her own voice level raising.
"What has Winter ever done? Well, Winter stole my best friend from me!" I nearly shouted, a steady pounding beginning at my temple. Great, a headache.
Ales said nothing. "Winter didn't steal anyone from you. You just lost her." Then she hung up.
Angrily, I shoved my phone back in my handbag and told Knox to hurry up.
"Here's your coffee, signed lease to the building on 41rst street, and a ticket." I dropped the items on the desk and slumped into the plush, gray chairs positioned in front of his desk.
Lucian looked up from the financial review he was writing, his ice gray eyes holding onto mine. I shivered under his inspection, my heart thumping wildly. "Ticket?" He asked, picking up the pink slip on the desk.
"Yup. A little something I picked up when I finished the lease signing." I ached to pull off my heels and massage my swollen feet, but alas that would be seen as unprofessional.
"$200 fine for parking on the wrong side of the street?" He read off. "Not a big deal. Why didn't you hand this to Ivanka at the front desk? It is her shift right now, isn't it?" He leaned back in his chair, his hair looking unruly and unkempt which only made him look ten times hotter than his usual put-together self. Oh God, what am I saying? This is my best friend's husband I'm talking about.
I cleared my throat. "Well, I didn't know how Ivanka would handle the fact that a new assistant was dropping off a ticket for 200 dollars. I could be a random person for all she knows."
"Well take this down there." I could tell he was done arguing when he sighed and ran a hand through his jet black hair, sending strands of his hair spiking this way and that. He looked worried.
I leaned forward and took the slip. "Are you okay, Mr. King?" I asked, his last name tasting like a foreign thing in my mouth.
Lucian shook his head and shuffled through his cluttered desk while muttering on about how he needed the paperwork now. "Um, Malea. Have you by any chance seen paperwork by Ficara Companies around here somewhere?"
I shook my head as I watched him open each cabinet in desperation. Finally, he slammed the cabinet shut with such force, it rattled the whole desk. "Damn it!" He stood up from his desk and furiously attempted to loosen his tie but failed. Instead, he ripped off his suit jacket and threw it on the red chaise in the corner. Then he replaced his attention to his tie and tried again to loosen it.
"Damn this fucking tie. Damn this contract!" He pressed the heels of his palms against his eyes and grunted in frustration. His breaths came rushed and choked off. He was having an anxiety attack.
Slowly, I stepped forward and helped him loosen his tie, his body heat radiating off him and onto me. My fingers trembled as I loosened the tie. Lucian's heaving chest slowed down once the tie was off. He looked up at me, his face pale, his hard eyes softening. Suddenly he grasped my hands that were at his neck. His touch burned my skin and sent tingles up my arms. I wanted him closer.
"Why did you do that?" He asked, his overused voice coming out low and husky which sent shivers down my spine. He leaned in a bit.
I was barren of words. "I—uh—I—I thought you needed help. You looked like you—um, needed help." I sputtered stupidly.
Suddenly like a fuse blowing, Lucian stepped back from me. "I didn't need your help! I don't need anyone's help!" His face was contorted in anger. "Get out! And don't come back!" He pointed at the door, his other hand working at the buttons on his once-crisp but now wrinkled white, button-down.
I stood there, trembling. It was like my feet couldn't move. Like they were lead weights tacking me down to my spot.
"I SAID GET OUT MALEA!" He roared.
As if someone had pressed play again after pressing pause, I dropped the tie, stumbled back, grasped blindly at the doorknob, unshed tears blurring my vision.
The last thing I saw was his slide down the wall into a crouching position, his once calm breaths coming down hard and fast.
Lucian's POV
Panic attacks were something I struggled to overcome and I hadn't had one in a while. Now that it happened again, I have this fear of another one. During the panic attack in the office, it felt like the room was closing in on me. I felt as if I were the only one carrying the weight of all my troubles. A contract here, more money spent there, being CEO overall is a huge difference from what I used to do. And the fact that Malea was there watching me break down was enough to send me into a frenzy.
She made me feel sane. With just her touch, I could feel my breath slowing, my heartbeat slowing. But it all angered me at the same time. No one sees me at my low points. Not even the woman I call my wife. No one sees me without my filter and when Malea saw me that way, I felt like all the walls I'd so carefully built around myself had crumbled before me.
I yanked my suit jacket on and carefully picked up the tie she'd dropped when she'd ran out of the room. I ran my thumb over it. She touched it.
Quickly, I went down the elevator and headed for the Porsche waiting outside for me. Without a word to the woman who waved and called my name, I yanked open the driver's side and tossed my belongings on the passenger seat.
After about 20 minutes of loitering around Manhattan with my thoughts, I turned around and headed back to the mansion. Sneaking a glance at the time, I realized just how late it was. 2:50 am.
As soon as I pulled into the mile-long driveway, I noticed the light in the bedroom. Was Ales still awake?
When I walked in, I dropped the keys on the small table in the foyer and took off my shoes before climbing up the spiral staircase and into the bedroom.
The smell that hit me was as sweet as vanilla bean and made me do a double-take once I saw Ales in the center of the California King sized bed. A sea green, see-through nightgown on her slim figure. Melting red candles were lit on the dressers and the bedside tables. She was asleep.
With a sigh, I dropped my briefcase and begun taking off my clothes.
As soon as I stepped inside the bathroom to take a shower, I heard Ales shuffle around on the bed and walk towards me. "Babe?" She rubbed her eyes.
"Yeah?" I wrapped a towel around my waist and opened the door wider for her to enter.
"You're home late." She said, placing her warm hands on my bare chest. She leaned into me and without warning, crashed her lips to mine. She moved her lips on my placid ones. I let my guard down and returned her kisses while I lifted my hands to her waist, pulling her against me so our bodies were as close as possible.
Ales let out a moan and nibbled at my bottom lip before pulling away for a second, then her lips were back on mine. She trailed her hands down the planes and ridges of my stomach and into the dip of my V line that disappeared into the towel. I froze. When she noticed I stopped, she pulled away.
"What's wrong?" She whispered, her large eyes gleaming.
"Sorry, but I can't do this." I peeled her hands off and side-swept her.
Ales only blocked me again. "But I've been waiting for you at 11 pm."
I nodded. "Yes, but I didn't ask you to. I need to shower and sleep. I'm so tired." I reached back and massaged the knot in my neck.
Ales stepped forward, her full, swollen lip pulled in a pout. In the light of the bathroom, her nightgown only seemed more see-through, her curves blatantly obvious. Slowly, she reached forward and tried to grab hold of the towel around my waist. Before her hands could yank the towel away, I grasped her hands in mine. Was she really doing this now? Realization dawned on me.
I licked my lips. "Ales. Remember the day when we signed the contract?" I asked. She froze, her face falling. "And remember that part in the contract where it says that you and I wouldn't have sex together unless I initiate it?" I dropped her hand and it fell to her side limply.
I stepped forward, my 6'3 figure towering over her. "Don't be angry, love. Today wasn't a good day and I don't think I'm ready to do this yet."
She threw up her hands in exasperation. "How has today not been good? You had a contract signing!"
How did she know about that? "I did, but things happened and now I'm not in the best mood. Contract signings aren't the cause of good moods!"
Ales stepped forward and tried to grasp my hands. I let her. "I can make you feel better." She whispered seductively.
I dropped her hand. Can she not take a hint? "I'm done here. Please get out now. I'd like to take a shower."
"Come on, babe." She pleaded, her eyes giving her away. I immediately knew she wanted to do this because she needed closure. She needed closure of the whole marriage.
I swallowed. "Sorry, Alesandra."
A flash of emotions colored her face. Shock, disbelief, anger. Her nostrils flared once before she spun around and slammed the door of the bathroom behind her.
With a heavy sigh, I quickly turned on the shower to the coldest setting. The cold water was like a shock of reality to me, the beads of water trailing down my throat and down my body. I blinked away the water and allowed the coldness to engulf me into my own thoughts.
Malea's POV
I raced out of Lucian's office, tears blinding my eyes and before I knew it, tears began trailing down my cheeks, leaving a hot trail of shame. Why did I think I could touch him? Why did I think that he would be grateful when instead he was furious? Why am I so stupid? And why did I wish more than anything that he'd kissed me when we were that close?
Then I slammed into a wall. Wait for no. A person.
"Dolce?" Levi said, grabbing at my shoulders to stop me from collapsing.
I swiped angrily at my tears and sniffed. "I'm so pathetic. Crying and running blindly down the hallway."
Levi shook his head, his lips pursed in thought. "No. No, you're not. What happened?"
I shook my head also. "It's not important. I don't like involving people in my problems. After all, it is called my problems."
I looked up into Levi's big, brown eyes and almost fainted at the amount of affection in them. "Malea. I want to be there for you."
I soon realized he had his hand on my shoulder, dangerously close to grazing my right breast. I shrugged off his touch. "You don't even know me."
Levi retracted his hand. "I want to get to know you." Soon enough we both began walking towards the revolving doors at the entrance.
"Well, then I guess you know something about me now," I said conclusively.
He stopped to look at me. "What?"
"That I hate looking weak in front of people. Especially really good looking men." I sputtered. Oh shit. Did I really just say that?
Levi laughed it off. "Well, it's good to know you are a woman who can hold her own."
"Well, I try." I grinned at the compliment, the dried tears stiffening my cheeks.
"So, what are you doing later besides crying into a tub of ice cream?" He asked a small smirk on his lips.
"Well, nothing unless watching How To Get Away With Murder on Netflix counts as plans," I said with a shrug.
"Well, it can't get better than that." He joked, rolling his eyes.
"Well, it can't." I pressed. "So why'd you ask?" I inquired, though I have my suspicions.
"Would you like to see a movie? As friends of course." He asked casually, though I could see a flush creeping up his neck from the neckline of his black suit.
"Thanks, but maybe not today. I'm not down for doing anything except maybe sleeping in and bawling my eyes out." I said with a sad smile.
Levi cleared his throat, his flush creeping to his face. He obviously wasn't used to being turned down. "Ah, of course." He turned to me. "Well, it was nice talking to you, Dolce."
"You called me Malea," I said simply.
His eyebrows collided in confusion. "When?"
"Back when I ran into you," I stated, a sly smirk playing at the corners of my lips.
"Hmm. Well, I made a mistake, Dolce." He grinned and waved before walking out the revolving doors.