Malea's POV
It was almost like time was in slow motion. My heart pounding restlessly as betrayal and hurt began to sink in. My legs felt like they were engulfed in a pit of quicksand, unable to be set free.
It was as if time was in slow motion as I saw Levi jump up from the bed and quickly wrap himself with a towel, his face and body flushed from being caught and the fact that he'd been caught right in the middle of his unfaithful acts.
It was as if time was in slow motion when Levi called out my name. "Malea. Come back! I can explain!"
I hadn't even realized that I was running now, and I didn't cry as I ran because I wouldn't like Levi to know that he made me hurt in such a way that feels irreversible. I was running away from the mess Levi had made. I was running away from him and his lies. I was running away from the only man that I thought loved me. The only man I'd ever called my boyfriend. Now I was running away from the first man I'll ever call my ex-boyfriend.
I didn't know where I was going. I slammed my car door shut and sped out of his driveway. How could Levi do this to me? I need to talk to someone. I need my best friend. I need Ales right now. I didn't even realize that I was now at her and Lucian's estate and I drove into the driveway and rushed to the front door.
Tears brimmed in my eyes but I told myself I wouldn't cry over a disgusting man who couldn't keep it in his pants. I pressed the bell, wanting Ales to open it and welcome me. I need my best friend right now.
The door opened and instead of Ales, Lucian stood there. He only had on a pair of jeans but other than that, he was shirtless, his hair unkempt but looking artfully messy. He wasn't who I expected to see, but I didn't mind.
Lucian's POV
She looked like she wanted to cry. Her eyes were red and it looked like if she blinked again, her tears would begin flowing and wouldn't stop. Why did she look like she wanted to cry? It hurt me to see her like that.
"Is Ales home?" She choked out, her voice strangled with unshed tears.
I shook my head, no, and stepped aside so she could come in. She hesitated, but came in regardless. She turned to face me, but her eyes still flitted down to my bare chest.
"What's wrong, Malea?" I asked, wanting to close the distance between us.
She shook her head and pressed the heels of her palms to her eyes. Her skin was flushed from the struggle of keeping her tears at bay. "Nothing's wrong."
"I can tell when something's wrong and something is definitely wrong here." I said strongly, gripping her forearm in concern.
She removed her hands and then her resolve crumpled. Tears began flowing from her eyes and sobs wracked her body. Instantly, I had her wrapped in my arms, welcoming her cries.
Her head was placed on my chest, warm rivulets of tears wetting my chest. I placed my head on hers, wrapping her tighter. "You'll be okay, love." I whispered into her hair. Our hearts beat as one, each breath I take in unison with her and all I wanted to do was stay there to comfort her.
And I did. She cried for over thirty minutes in my arms while be both sat curled up on the couch. I couldn't leave her alone. I wouldn't. And once she was stable enough to talk, she began telling me what had happened, her head still on my chest.
"L-Levi was acting so strange lately a-and I decided to see him and once I got there..." She began crying again and I felt so hurt just watching her like this. I want to bash Levi's head in for hurting Malea like this. I knew it. I knew he would do something like this. The bastard! My blood was boiling at this point. How could Levi hurt Malea like this?
I only pulled her in tighter and let her cry. "I thought he loved me." She whispered between hiccups. "Am I not good enough for anyone?" She rasped between sobs. How could a man single handily break a lovely woman's heart so easily like it was fragile glass? How could he have toyed with her emotions in such a way that she would cry for hours, calling out his name?
No one will hurt her again. And I'll make sure of it. Because Malea is mine. All mine and she doesn't even know it. And what's mine doesn't get touched by anyone but me.
Malea's POV
I've never felt the pain of heartbreak before and now that I have, it felt as if I would never be the same. The whole time I was with Levi, he just wanted to make Gina jealous. And once he finally had, he thought that I was of no use to him. Like a used tissue discarded.
I didn't want to move for fear that I'd begin crying again. I didn't want anything but to lay in my bed, dry of any tears but iternally weeping, my insides hollow of any emotions.
Levi tried calling my phone so many times I had to power it off. During the worst and first breakup I've ever had, Ales wasn't even there to pick up the phone. She wasn't even there to see me. I didn't know who to turn to and how. I felt like crying a river and at the same time, I wanted to get out of bed and show Levi that what he did hadn't affected me. But I would be lying if I even attempted the latter.
After about 2 hours over in Lucian's house, I'd gathered my things and left for home. Lucian made me feel like I could cry for hours and he did nothing but stay with me and make sure I was okay. He didn't say anything but reassuring words while I wept, his strong arms wrapped around me.
Now under the covers, I felt defeated. I'm never like this. It's not like me to cry over a man or to cry at all. I felt weak and lonely. I hate feeling weak and lonely.
Instantly I stood up from the bed and headed into the shower to get ready for work. I'm not letting a man dictate how I live. I'm not letting a man be the reason why I should be crying for days.
I applied makeup to try and cover up the bags underneath my eyes, but dressed up a bit with my hair down. Grabbing my key firmly, I left the house and sped over to King Enterprises.
I powered on my phone as I walked up towards Lucian's office with his coffee. Just as I reached Lucian's office, someone was already standing there. Levi.
Levi's POV
Malea had been crying. Over me. The makeup she applied did a great job of masking the signs of all tears but you could tell by the weariness of her eyes. She glared at me with so much hatred, I almost couldn't continue looking at her.
"Get out of my way, Levi." She hissed, her voice strong but venomous.
I didn't want to see her cry, and I didn't want to see her mad over me, but somehow a huge weight lifted off my shoulders once she saw me with Gina. I was so relieved that now that we broke things off, I could be with Gina openly.
I raised my hands up defensively but couldn't help the smirk that came to my lips. She really was in love with me, wasn't she? I almost burst out laughing. "I'm sorry, babe."
"So you think this is funny?" She growled, her eyes filled with so much animosity it only made me want to see how far her hatred toward me would go.
"She was just way better than you. She could definitely kiss better–" Malea's hands flew up to her lips self consciously and I allowed myself to smirk. "She definitely didn't refuse me like you have when I told her I wanted sex."
Malea put her hands to her ears, her face looking like she was about to cry any second. "Shut up, Levi. J-Just get out of my way!"
I stepped closer to her, backing her up against the wall. "I won't get out of your way until I feel like it." I allowed my hands to trail down her body lustfuly. She shivered. I loved that.
"Get away from me, Levi! Now." She screeched. But we were on the top level and the hallways were cleared at the moment. No one could hear her.
"She said move the hell away from her , you bastard!" A strong deep voice called. I turned around to find Lucian behind me, his face contorted in anger. I grinned lazily but Lucian didn't allow it to grow much more before he punched me in the face.
Lucian's POV
I heard the satisfying crack of bone underneath my fist as it connected into Levi's jaw. He groaned but I didn't stop there. Another punch landed in his stomach and knocked the wind out of him. Another punch landed on his jaw, turning his face quickly to the side along with my fist.
"Stop Lucian. Please." I heard Malea whimper from the corner. The tears she had tried to hold in now spilling slowly down her cheeks.
I grabbed Levi by his shirt and pulled him against the wall. He was still smiling lazily through the blood on his face. I inhaled. Vodka. This bastard was drunk. "If I ever see you around Malea again, I won't hesitate to snap your head off. Now get out of my building." I roared.
As soon as I let Levi go, he gasped for breath and quickly ran away.
Then I turned my attention towards Malea who was silently crying in the corner. I sat down next to her. "Is this how I'm going to be now? Crying every day over the only man I thought loved me?"
She laid her head on my shoulder. "You won't be like this forever. There's someone that still loves you."
She hiccuped through a mirthless laugh. "And who could that be?" She turned to face me.
Me. "When they're ready to tell you, they will." And I wrapped her into a hug, allowing the last of her tears to fall.