Lucian's POV
"I'm going on a trip to Rome for a photoshoot." Ales said suddenly over dinner, she placed her fork down on her plate and looked up at me. "The producer wants you there also for the photoshoot."
I cleared my throat and put down my fork, tilting my head to the side absently. "When is this happening?"
Ales smiled widely and took my hands in hers. "Tomorrow. We need to be on our private jet by tomorrow." She squealed. "We going to be printed in magazines as one of the richest couples in the world!"
I haven't seen much of Ales these days. She's always off somewhere Winter and her new group of friends, or busy with photo shoots for one magazine or the other but this was one of the most impromptu shoots she's ever scheduled. "I'm not coming."
Ales's eyebrows collided in frustration before she pulled her hands away from mine. "What do you mean you're not coming?" She choked out through gritted teeth. A maid took up our barely-touched dinners and refilled our wine glasses before wheeling away the cart with the dishes.
I sighed and took a sip of the rich red wine. "I have work to take care of. I cannot leave my office to shoot petty pictures in Rome."
She opened and closed her mouth, a red flush of irritation coloring her chest and neck. "We have so much to do in Rome besides just taking pictures! This could be a good opportunity to gain better publicity and attend all the events our friends have invited us to." Ales countered.
I scoffed. When did my friends become hers? These days it seems like publicity is all that matters to her.
"Lucian. Just think about it."
I tossed my monogrammed napkin onto the mahogany dinner table and stood up. "Ales, this conversation is over. I am not going, but feel free to do so on your own."
Ales glared but I didn't acknowledge it.
Third Person POV(I'm trying something different here)
They moved closer together, her hands intertwined with his and her head balanced evenly on his broad, muscular chest. He breathed in, her head followed the small movements of his breathing. She sniffled, he wiped her tears.
Her body shook with sobs, he pulled her as close to himself as possible. She felt like collapsing in pain and despair and he felt like collapsing because the only ray of sunshine in his life was in the lowest point of her life. Every inch of pain she felt, he felt also and he wanted to do anything to stop it. Anything. Even if it meant giving up the one thing that had meant the most to him.
Malea's POV
"You're going to Rome alone?" I asked, my words coming out muffled through the pizza in my mouth. I shifted my phone from one ear to the other and paused the show on the TV.
"Yeah. Apparently Lucian isn't interested. I don't even understand why. He loves events like this!" Ales exclaimed.
I lip my lower lip hesitantly. "Lucian hates publicity stunts that interfere with his work."
"When did you start knowing what Lucian likes and dislikes?" Ales spat, her voice coated in irritation.
I realized then how my statement sounded: Like I knew more about Lucian than she did. "No, Ales. That's not what I mean. I meant that Lucian seems like the type of person who wouldn't like going to things like that. He has work." I backtracked.
"So what you're saying is that you know more about Lucian than I do?" Ales asked, anger slowly making its way into her tone.
I sighed in exasperation. "Nevermind. That doesn't even matter anymore, Ales. Just have fun in Rome."
Ales laughed, the sound a bit harsh. "Did you really think I'm going to Rome alone? You're coming with me."
I choked on my pizza. After clearing my throat, I burst out in laughter. "Ales, please tell me you're joking."
"Start packing, Malea. We leave tomorrow." Then she hung up.
I dropped my phone onto the couch and tossed my head back. Why was she even going to Rome in the first place? I need to talk to Levi.
After three rings, he picked up. "What's up, love?"
I practically melted. "I'm going to Rome."
Levi paused. "Well don't you think that's a bit impromptu, love?"
I shifted on the couch. I wish he were here right now. "Ales has something to do in Rome and Lucian isn't coming with her so she wants me to come."
Levi sighed. "Would you like me to come also?"
I shook my head. "No. That would put a strain on your work."
"No it wouldn't. I'll come if you really want me to."
I wanted him to. "Don't worry about it. I just wanted to tell you before I go."
"When are you leaving?" He asked.
"Tomorrow morning." I bit my lower lip.
Levi sucked in a breath. "I'll miss you."
I smiled. "I'll miss you too. I've got to start packing now."
"Bye Malea. Be safe." He said once more before hanging up.
After I'd finished packing half my suitcase, my phone rang. What did Ales want, again?
"What do you want, Ales? I'm kinda pissed at you right now and would appreciate it if you called at a later time." I hissed into the phone without looking at the caller ID.
A silence. "Malea? Are you going?" Lucian said. I almost dropped my phone in surprise.
I pressed the phone close to my ear and folded my legs up onto the couch. "Yes. But it's only for a week. So if you're worried about not having an assistant for the moment–"
"No. That's not a problem." Lucian cut me off. He sounded agitated, his statements a short staccato. "Why are you going?"
I paused. "How do you know I'm going?"
Lucian sighed irritably. "Dammit, Malea just answer the question." He said tightly.
"Ales said she wasn't going alone so she's forcing me to come. As much as she's a pain in the ass, she's still my best friend and you don't leave best friends alone."
A long silence. "I'll see you tomorrow on the jet then."
My mouth went dry. "W-What do you mean? Ales told me you weren't coming."
"Well I changed my mind." And then he hung up.
Alesandra's POV (A couple hours later)
"What are you doing?" I asked as I walked into the bedroom. Lucian sat with a Ralph Lauren suitcase in front of him, his clothes already beginning to fill out the suitcase.
Lucian didn't look up as he placed a suit delicately into a seperate suitcase. "I'm coming with you to Rome. I called off for the next two weeks."
My jaw dropped. I'd been trying to convince him to come over dinner and now after I told him that I was going with Malea, he decides to come? What was it that changed his mind? I clenched my fists as realization dawned. He's only coming along because Malea is too.
"But you said you wouldn't come." I walked across the room to him and he looked up.
He shook his head and ran a hand through his wild hair. "I changed my mind."
"You changed your mind because Malea's coming. Didn't you?" I choked out through the rock in my throat.
Lucian looked at me sharply. "That's besides the point."
I took a step back, realization slowly dawning on me. "Oh my God, Lucian. You like her don't you? That's why you are going?"
Lucian turned to me, he was taken off guard. "No." He answered too quickly. "Of course not, love."
Somehow I found that hard to believe. I didn't want to ruin the fact that he was coming so I kept my retort to myself. "We leave in two hours." I croaked. Maybe I'm reading too much into this. Maybe Rome will be a chance for Lucian and I to start a relationship. And I'll make sure no one gets in the way. Not even Malea.
Malea's POV
I've never been to Rome and being there was a whole new experience. The air was humid but smelled of early summer. Ales had explained on the jet that she had booked Lucian and herself to one room and me to my own.
Now looking at my hotel room, I realized it looked more like a mansion rather than a hotel room. With a billiard room, 2 extra guest rooms, a living room, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen and a pool, it's kind of insane to think of this place as anything but a mansion.
I set my luggage in a corner in the foyer and collapsed in the master's bedroom bed. 8 hours on a jet with Ales blabbering the whole way, I just want to sleep.
Malea's POV (The next day)
"Malea. Get dressed. Pablo says we have to be there before 8 o'clock." Ales shook me awake. I groaned and covered my head with a pillow.
"Who the hell is Pablo?" I asked irritably.
"The photographer."
Photographer? Ales ripped the pillow off my head, the sunlight immediately causing me to squint. Where was I?
I glanced past Ales who stood in front of the window, trying to get it open and get 'fresh air'. The mounted 60 inch flat screen TV was on. A blond woman with messily applied red lipstick began talking about the political issues of Rome.
"Ales. You didn't tell me about a photo shoot." I got out of the bed and rubbed my eyes.
Ales clapped suddenly, startling me. "Chop chop, Malea. Pablo isn't going to wait all day for us."
I paused. "Why am I coming to your photo shoot?"
Ales rolled her eyes and adjusted the charm bracelet on her wrist. "Because once I told Pablo I'd be coming with you, he insisted you come along and take some pictures with me and Lucian."
I shook my head in confusion. "Wait. Lucian's coming also?"
"Stop asking stupid questions and hurry! Meet me back in our hotel room." She smiled before walking off, her nude heels clicking on the spotless marble floors.
With a distasteful grunt, I took my shower and brushed my teeth. I dressed in a pair of black distressed skinny jeans, a striped cropped sweater and black pumps, my hair piled messily onto my head in a bun. Before I left the hotel room, I propped my reflective sunglasses onto my head and gathered my handbag and phone.
The whole ride there was annoying. The driver took over an hour to get to the destination, as he tried to dodge traffic. Lucian had insisted he go in a separate car and he had.
We pulled up to an enormous studio with the phrase 'EMDC Photography' printed on the front.
Ales led me towards the front door as if she'd already been here before. As soon as we walked in, we met with a receptionists desk.
The floors were all shiny black marble and the walls on all sides of the building were made up entirely of glass. The skylight also added a bit of dimension to the whole place. But what really caught my eye was the insane line of women and men waiting to take their photos. I even recognized Kenan Smith, a small actor on TV.
Ales lifted her dark sunglasses to her head and smiled. "Good morning. I'm here to see Pablo."
The woman at the receptionists desk looked up and instantly recognized Ales. "You're Alesandra King aren't you?" She asked, her face lighting up. I glanced over at her name tag. Vira.
Ales nodded and feigned modesty. "Is Pablo in?"
Vira nodded overly enthusiastically. "Yes he is. Is Lucian King here as well?" She asked after typing our information onto her computer.
"Yes I am." I spun around to find Lucian right behind us. He had on one of his usual black suits except this one looked more formal, with his hands inside his pockets, he looked at ease. He exuded confidence. His hair had been slicked back nicely and he was cleanly shaven. He looked good. So good. He didn't make eye contact with me but looked at Ales like she was the most beautiful being on Earth.
I remembered back to the day of the contract signing.
"Number 10: Mr. King and Miss Rodriquez will only put up a false façade of love when in public as requested by Mr. King..."
Ales ran into his arms and placed a kiss onto his lips. She turned to face Vira and grinned as if she couldn't help herself. Vira looked longingly at them. My stomach tightened. Lucian cleared his throat.
Vira shook her head and then turned her attention to me. "Sorry but guests that aren't scheduled with Pablo have to leave. I reccomend you leave before I call security." Vira's upper lip curled in disgust as she looked at me.
I could feel Lucian walk closer behind me. I tensed.
Ales frowned and placed a manicured hand on my shoulder. "Kira I don't appreciate you speaking to my best friend like that. Don't you have manners? She's our plus one." Ales tilted her head to one side and pushed out her lower lip in contemplation. "I think I may have to talk to Pablo about you."
Vira paled. "I-I'm so sorry Mrs. King. I j-just didn't know her name."
"It's Malea. Malea Hayes." I offered irritably.
Vira pulled on a fake smile. "I'm so sorry Miss Malea Hayes. Please follow me to hair and makeup."
This is going to be a long day.
The makeup artist had just begun my makeup when Pablo came in.
Pablo had silver hair cropped close to his head, brown eyes, and a loud sense of fashion. Ales ran over to him and gave him a hug.
"Who's your darling friend over there?" He asked after they pulled away from their hug.
I stood up and shook his hands. "I'm Malea Hayes."
Pablo took off his sunglasses. "Spin for me, dear."
My smile fell. Ales nudged me slightly. Reluctantly, I spun once and quickly.
Pablo took a closer look at my face. Then grinned. "She's gorgeous! Absolutely magnificent!"
Ales opened her mouth to say something but before she could, Pablo wa already ushering me to the rack of clothes, exclaiming about how marvelous I would look in the peach dress.