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I sign off on the last batches for the morning before I retreat to my office, today wasn't all bad, Nick took Penny away again for the week, said he was taking her to Paris or someplace for the time. If I didn't know any better I'd say he was planning something.

By the time I finished my day's work it was already very late in the evening and I had to lock up seeing as I let everyone leave. Justin is always complaining about me doing all the work and not asking for any help. But that's just how I am and I can't help it.

I locked up and walked to my car at the parking lot but as I was about to get in, I saw another car pull up, the driver stopped directly at my feet before the window rolled down.

"Isn't it a little too late to be on the streets?" Dominic asks and I shrugged, "I have nothing else to do, what's your excuse?" I ask and he chuckles, "its been a really long day"he replied sighing and rubbing the back of his neck, "hmm, how about I buy you coffee and we can talk about it?" I ask with a grin and he smiles, "funny but okay".

Dominic was seated at the counter as I made the coffee,imagine Justin's reaction if he somehow saw this. "So, how's Penny, that's her name right?" Dominic asks and I nod turning to look at him, "she's fine, her father took her out of the country for a little trip so....yeah"I replied looking at my fingers.

"Jordan, what's wrong?" He asks concerned, you know he's not so bad, from what Walter described, he's a big meany. "Nothing really, its just that he's always trying to pull her away from me, you know once he took her for three whole months, no calls or texts, he only let me know when he'd bring her home"I tell him, Nick was a real jerk though.

"That's not supposed to happen"Dominic says with knitted brows, "he's got good lawyers"I shrugged, "how many do you have?"he asks, "one, who's very good at his job but Nick's family are a big deal so he gets away with stuff"I say making him rub his chin trying to figure something out.

I give him his coffee and he thanked me before I sat next to him, he had taken his jacket off and propped it on the chair next to him, he pulled up his sleeves and popped a few buttons open, okay, he was hot!.

"What's his last name?" Dominic asks pulling his phone out, "uh....Bailey"I tell him unsure of his actions, "oh, gimme a sec"he says putting his phone at his ear. "Dad, I need a favor....can you get Aunt Monica on a case for me and also Uncle Nate....yeah I'll send you the details and also cut the Bailey's contract....yup, thanks, love you too Dad, bye", whoa.

Make notes:

*He is a very powerful man

*He's very serious

*He's hot

*He's a very powerful man

"Why did you do that?" I ask and he gave me a look, he didn't have to do that, he cut a contract that I'm assuming was very important to Nick's family. "Because I felt like it, I was gonna cut it either way but now I have a reason"he replied shrugging then sipped his coffee.

I watch him for a few more seconds, "you just give the orders and people do what you say?" I ask and he nods, "pretty much" "nice" "but you're a boss, don't you have that power?", I shrugged, "sometimes" "and other times?" "I just let them roam, sometimes its like running a daycare...but enough about me, what made your day tiring?".

We talk for what seemed like forever, he was actually a very nice guy, one thing's for sure, he doesn't play around with anyone.

"This one's delicious, what is it?" Dom asks, yeah, he said I could call him that, that was what everyone called him actually. "Its pumpkin and carrot cupcake, the icing is carrot flavored though"I say and he smiles, "you love pumpkin don't you?" Dom asks and I nod happily, "but what inspired you to open up a coffee shop, not hating or anything, just asking"he says, "well, when I was younger my Mom always made this drink for my Dad, and she would bake him a pumpkin pie every other day, I got inspired by her creativity and taught myself to bake and made my own treats".

"One day my Dad gave me a sip of his drink which my Mom never agreed to but let it slide and the name Pumpkin Dearest just popped into my head, the drink was so smooth and had this amazing feeling, since then I realized she made it to ease his mind from work, so yeah that's about what inspired me"I finished, he was focused on me, he was so intrigued in my story.

I was about to ask him a question but my phone started ringing, I took it out and looked at it, Nick, great. "One sec"I tell Dom and he nods as I put the phone to my ear. "Nick"I say in boredom, "where are you?" Nick asks in demand, "excuse me, that's none of your business"I replied in annoyance, "ah, but it is, someone just sent me a picture of you and some guy being all cozy" "what?", you have got to be kidding me.

"So, if you don't want any further complications, go home"Nick says then hung up, I look at Dom and he chuckles, "sounds like he's still hung up on you"he says, "trust me, I don't know what I ever did to him or his family but they all despise me, except his father and sister but his Mom and Aunts, they hate me"I say sighing, Nick was so full of it.

"Don't worry about it, I can take you home now if you want"Dom says, "I have a car"I say chuckling, "right, but I don't trust you to drive yourself, so let's go", this can't be the guy Walter told me about.

I woke up and got ready for work, I'm gonna call Gina to come and get me, she's gonna ask about my car, I just know it. After Dom dropped me off at my house, I went straight to bed, it was pretty welcoming.

When Gina and I got to work, Justin was at the counter with an amused look. "What?" I ask knowing he's up to something, "oh nothing, I just found a jacket and a few missing treats"he says with a smile, "what does that mean?" Gina asks, "it means our Jordan has found a male friend and they had late night snacks" "oooh, tell us more Boss", just great.

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