Brushing the remaining crumbs from the counter, I refilled the pastry displays and other things that needed to be refilled. I reached work pretty early and Penny was here because it'll be too early for her to be in school, so she's here reading a book, a recipe book to be exact.
"Hey Penny"Gina says waving at Penny as she got behind the counter, "hi Gina, anything new?" Penny asks closing her book, "no, you?" "this boy in my class keeps bugging me, but I'll deal with him"Penny says shrugging then opened the book again. "Mommy's girl"Gina sang, "ha ha, that's not true"I replied rolling my eyes, "it is, just, she's gonna actually get married before thirty" "I'm not that old!" "yeah?" "get to work if you love your job", she saluted me then went around the back.
"She's your best friend"Penny says, "don't remind me"I tell her, she smiles checking her watch, "Mom, I've got ten more minutes"she says and I nod, "grab your stuff, Gina I'll be back in a few" "sure, leave me to deal with the pigs", I can't believe I'm friends with her. I was almost at Penny's school when my phone went off, I press the receive button and the voice on the other end made my eyes roll.
"Jordan"Nick says, Penny's Dad, "good morning Nicholas"I say nodding my head, "where's Penny, is she at school yet?"he asks, "hi Dad"Penny says looking out the window, "hey baby girl, I'm so sorry about the other day, how about I come pick you up later and we can spend the weekend together?" "really?" "yeah, I'm sure Mommy won't mind, right Mommy", I don't reply, he always does this, "good, later pumpkin, love you" "love you too Dad", he hung up and she looked at me, "are you okay Mom?" "I'm fine babe, I love you, have fun" "yeah, I love you, bye".
"Jordan, we've got a problem"Justin says and I look up from the many papers, "what's up?" I ask and he gave me a look, "great"I say getting up. I walk out to the front where Gina was arguing with someone, I place a hand on her shoulder and she turned to look, "Regina, what's the problem?" I ask, she hated when I used her full name but that showed her that I wasn't up for her gigs.
Gina's this person, she spoke her mind without thinking, that's one reason why I love her, but sometimes it's hard with her, especially at work. "This j-.... I mean customer wants to order a pumpkin flavored coffee, when I gave it to him, he came back saying it wasn't the right one"she replied eyeing the customer, my eyebrows creased before I look at the person, the one from yesterday.
"You're on break"I tell Gina, she sighed walking to the back, I look at the guy with a soft smile. "Hi, what's the problem?" I ask and he sat, "so my boss said the coffee he got yesterday and today are totally different, you made it yesterday so if you could please work your magic again"he says exhausted, "is your boss a cranky person?" "you've got no idea, he's like each seven dwarf in one", I laughed lightly, "I hear yah" "mostly grumpy though", I laughed more and he smiles, "if he heard you, you'd probably be unemployed" "nah, we've been friends since age five, even if he tries to, he can't" "aww, that's so sweet", he smiles paying for the coffee, "I'm Walter"he says politely, "Jordan, take my number and tell me if he's cured", he took my number then nodded, "will do, thanks, bye" "bye".
I turn around to see my two friends, "what?" I ask and they look at each other, "I don't like him"Gina says, "he's cute, date him"Justin says walking away, I shook my head at him, "Gina, don't worry, I'm sure he'll ask about you soon"I say patting her shoulder, "puhlease, let me tell you something....", Gina's gonna kill me right now with gossip.