"What do you mean you can't take Penny this weekend, you know-....."
"Look, I'm busy this weekend Jordan, I can't take her, why can't your parents watch her?"
I sighed in frustration at my daughter's supposed father, I've had Penny for about two whole weeks and we agreed that we would rotate our time with Penny, but ever since he got that stupid promotion he hasn't been able to cope with anything that concerned Penny.
"My parents are in Japan, they've been there for over three months now"I tell him for the fifty millionth time, sometimes I wished I hadn't met him but then I wouldn't have had my Penny.
He was there for the first three years but after that, he just changed, of course, we were young so I'd expect nothing more. "That's too bad, look, I'll call her and apologize but I gotta go", he hung up and I sighed, "do I really have to go?" Penny asks pouting, "you wanna stay at Aunt Frey's?" I ask driving out of the driveway.
"I guess"Penny says softly, "oh come on Penny, it's not so bad there", "you're right, I've got alot of cousins there anyway", I smile at her, I didn't want her to think her father didn't want her around even though I felt like he didn't.
After dropping Penny off at Frey's, I continued on my way to work, Gina's probably wondering where I am right now, I woke up late and Penny already made us breakfast, she's only seven but thanks to my skills, she loves cooking and baking.
"Good morning"I say walking into the cafe, a few customers I recognized smile at me, "hey, slept in?" Gina asks and I nod tying an apron around my waist and signing in, "yeah, how's it going?" I ask and they shrugged, "usual, you've got a few letters though, they're on your desk in your office"Justin says and I nod turning to the back to go to my office, "morning boss"a few employees greet, "morning, I'll be in my office"I call out removing the apron, "alright".
I haven't been out front all day and it's almost twelve, I've got so many papers to sort out and sign. I've been running this company for almost five years, I've been doing great so far and I've made a good few millions out of it, last thing I needed was paperwork stressing me out to quit, of course I have an assistant but she's out front busy, where I will be heading in the next few minutes.
"Jordan, you've got a call on line two"Justin says from the door, I nod picking up the phone to receive the call. "Jordan Meyers, how can I help you?" I ask politely, "yes, I would like to order a few batches of your famous pumpkin treats"the person says from the other end, "how many exactly?" I ask writing it down, "about thirty or fifty, yeah fifty" "of each?" "if that's no problem" "not at all, I will transfer you back to my assistant so you can speak to her about your order" "thank you", I smile hanging up, another huge batch, well Jordan, you're on a much better roll this year.
I smile at the customer as he walked into the cafe, Harry, he's been a very frequent customer these past weeks, he's new around the area and my crazy friends think he's got a huge crush on me. "Harry"I wave when he sat at the counter, "hello Jordan, how's it going?"he asks politely, "y'know, same old same old, nothing interesting, how about you?" "same, can I have my usual please" "coming right up".
Nothing interesting today, it's Wednesday after all, I should expect nothing less, although we close early on Wednesdays, we had a few too many customers and had to go over the time. Just when I Gina was about to close the door, a man flew through it and to the counter, "hey, we're closed!" Gina exclaims, "the door's still open"he snapped back, wow.
"Gina, it's fine, how can I help you?" I ask politely, "my boss is really pissed about something and he needs coffee"he says out of breath, "give him a shot of vodka too!" Gina calls out while rolling down the blinds, "Gina!" Justin chuckles, she's one tough cookie. "Okay, gimme a sec"I tell him before walking to the machine, I made my famous pumpkin and cinnamon flavored coffee and just added a pumpkin tart, I hand them to him and he paid then hurried out, "I hope you trip"Gina mumbled, gosh, what a girl, well, time to get Penny.
My name is Jordan Meyers, I'm a red head, I know people say red heads have a short fuse and whatnot, it's honestly true, but that's just how life is. I'm twenty three years old and I have a seven year old daughter who I love, she's my whole world. I have two brothers and no sisters, we grew up closer than anyone else in our family, our parents gave us anything we wanted, but people ask how the head cheerleader of the school got knocked up by the popular jerk who was the football team captain, well....that's a long story I don't want to get in to, so that's me.
"Penny, eat your food"I tell my pouting daughter, she sighed placing the empty fork in her mouth, "Penny, what's wrong?" I ask rubbing her arm, "it's not important"she replied shrugging then began eating, I was worried, I knew was supposed to be at her Dad's right now but come on, he's not the supportive person right now.
I watch Penny color while I talked on the phone to my brother, Michael, he's not the most hostile person. "I'm telling you Jordan, take him to court"Michael says and I could feel his eye roll, "Michael, it makes no difference"I tell him, "you're too sweet, that's your problem, I've been meaning to beat his ass since he got you knocked up and then he just left, just let me do it, one punch", I chuckle at his voice, "you're unbelievable Mike, you wanna say hi to Penny?" "yes, I missed that bundle of joy", I hand her the phone before leaving to the kitchen.
I can't believe they wanted to buy off my company, my Dad grew that business from college, there's no way I'm letting anyone get their filthy hands on it. I was pissed about it all day until Walter brought me coffee, I've never tasted that coffee before, it was the most delicious thing I've ever had in my life, besides my Mom's cooking.
"Where'd you buy this?" I ask Walter, he's been my right hand man since forever, him and my other two friends Tristan and Vincent, they are three idiots I tell yah. "I bought it down at that coffee place that I've heard the workers talking about"Walter replied shrugging, "how come I've never gotten coffee there before?" I ask totally forgetting my rage, that was some strong coffee.
"Because you're nowhere near our humanity"Walter mutters rolling his eyes, I give a pointed look and he chuckles, "and you my alien looking friend, how are we any different?" I ask with a raised eyebrow, "touche Hilton, anyway I gotta get going, see you later?" "yeah man, I gotta finish up but I'll see you later", we did the handshake we've been doing since preschool and then he left, I sighed looking at the million texts from my Mom.
Mom: Dominic, why haven't you called?!
Mom: Dom, I miss my tippy toes, I haven't seen you in weeks
Mom: your father has been trying to get me to set you up with a girl
Dominic: relax Mom, I'll see you tomorrow and tell Dad I'm not in the games and that he and i have business to take care of, I love you
Mom: oh, you're alive, alright sweetheart, love you more
Man, what a woman, I've got two of them, my Mom and my little sister who are not the women to take your new girlfriend to meet, trust me on that.
I was supposed to meet up with my friends for a drink right now, I wasn't feeling it but I guess I should just give it a try.
"You paranoid jerk"Tristan says to Vince who raised an eyebrow, "oh-...." "guys, come on, not now"Walter says silencing them, "right, so Hilton, how's it going?" Tristan asks sipping his drink, "going good, I heard you got dumped again"I say and he was confused, "by the garbage truck, sorry to confuse you"I say and he was speechless while the other two laughed, I think I'll have a great time.