I haven’t seen Keegan in almost a week. Every day passed by with seeing an empty desk where Keegan usually sat. I noticed that his friends weren’t there either. It was actually kind of strange.
I tried to stay away from Preston, but it wasn’t working. He was always there. I mean don’t get me wrong, he’s very cute, but now I don’t think I want to be around him.
I was walking through the hall looking for my locker. When I got there a girl I never seen before, was looking in the locker next to mine. She had straight, short, cherry red hair. She was wearing tight skinny jeans and a tight black shirt that was just below her belly-button and she was as skinny as tooth pick.
I walked to my locker grabbing my text book and binder and shut the door. I just wanted to get away from this girl. Unfortunately, she was looking at me when I closed the locker door.
“Hi, I am Vivienne. I am new here.” Okay, she must be new here, considering she must not know me. Time to teach this girl a lesson.
“I’m Aimee and I have somewhere to be.” I started to walk off when she called back. Oh. My. Gosh. Can she go dig a hole and die ?
“Wait ! I know you !” She walked up beside me. “Keegan talks about you all the time.” My heart skipped a beat when she mentioned Keegan. He talked about me ?
“How do you know him ? Are you related ?” I asked.
“Hardly, we used to be great friends. We had something long ago, but I’m pretty sure once I see him I might fall back in love with him. ” I don’t know why, but something hit me hard in the heart and I don’t know what it was.
“So, have you seen, Keegan ? I want to surprise him. You know those butterflies you get when you’re nervous ? Well I have those by like forty. I’ve always liked, Keegan, but I don’t think we could ever truly be together.”
I nodded. “I haven’t seen him, but his locker where my first class is. I’m sure he would be there.”
She squealed a little. “I hope he is there ! I haven’t seen him in years !”
Pain is the only thing I felt when she said anything about, Keegan. It was something I never felt before, this type of pain anyways. We turned the corner to the hall of my class and there he stood. In his dark jeans and gray V-Neck. Vivienne let out an “eep” before running to him. I watched her run all the way to him and hug him from behind.
Everything went in slow motion as realization crossed his face and he hugged her. Spinning her around and around. She squealed in excitement. When he stopped he set her down and smiled at her. It was one of the most sincere smiles I ever saw cross his face. I frowned. He must really like her. I put on an emotionless face and started to walk to class. The hall was now empty and easier to walk through.
I quietly walked passed Vivienne and Keegan. I could feel his eyes on me while I walked to my class. He knew I saw his reunion with Vivienne, but the thought that he didn’t care saddened me.
I walked the rest of the way to my class, keeping tears from rolling down my eyes, and trying to swallow the huge lump sticking in my throat. When I got into the room the class became quiet, like they knew something was wrong with me, but they didn’t care, they should all know I was in a bad mood and to stay away.
During lunch, I walked in through the doors of the cafeteria and the first two people I saw, was Keegan and Vivienne. They were talking at a small round table. Vivienne saw me and smiled. She stood up and started to wave.
“Aimee ! Over here ! Over here !” I mentally slapped myself. I didn’t want to go over there. I just wanted to go home. My feet ended up disobeying my mind and walked over to the table.
“Omg ! Aimee, you should sit with us !” Sitting with them spelled disaster all over. I didn’t want to sit with them. They would talk about the old days, and I would be like the third wheel.
“I have some where to be.” I answered rudely. She must of didn’t hear my aggravation since she stood up and dragged me down on the chair. I sat there and stared at nothing. My jaws clenched as I tried not to let out a snarl of anger or crawl across the table and pull all the hair from Vivienne’s head out.
“So, when did you two meet ?” Vivienne asked excitedly. Keegan didn’t intend on saying anything, so I guess I had to.
“He moved here in first grade. Let’s just say he was mister pretty boy and I was miss lonesome nerd. He picked on me every day and I would come home crying. We hardly talked at all. Until recently, but I don’t know how long it will last.” I watched Keegan’s reaction and he frowned a bit furrowing his eyebrows.
Vivienne let out a little giggle. “I’ve known KeeGo since we were in diapers ! He would always sit by me and hold my hand. He used to tell my mom that he was going to be my husband one day.” She smiled admirably at him. Her eyes clearly showed they were in love. Wait. Keego ? “Then when we moved, Keegan and I still kept in touch every so often. There wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t miss him or think about him. Now I am back and I am not going anywhere ! I am keeping this little tushy RIGHT here !” She burst into a fit of giggles. She sounded like she had too many happy pills this morning.
“I remember like four years ago. I came back for a little visit. I remember running up to Keegan, like I did earlier, and scooped me in his arms. It was dark out and the stars were out. It was very romantic. He held me in his arms and ran his hands over my skin and kissed my neck. I can still feel the way my heart thudded and how his hands felt on my bare stomach and how-”