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“Boyfwiends only bweak hearts ! Yeah and they are no good scrum bags !”

I giggled a little. Thinking about Callum, brings back when I last seen him. Eight months ago. I frowned. He is probably missing me a lot. Little does he know, his foster family is keeping me away from him.

The doorbell rung and I nearly fell off the coach. I got up and looked out the tiny window. It was a middle-aged man wearing a blue mailman suit. I opened the door bell and he handed me a few pieces of mail.

“Thanks.” He simply nodded his head and tipped his hat as a response. I shut the door and thumbed through the mail on the way back to my seat. I let a little scream of excitement as I found a letter from Callum’s foster parents. I tore open the envelope and started reading the letter.

Dear Aimee Donald,

I would like to inform you that your little brother, Callum, will be going back to school. We have homeschooled him through kindergarten and half of this year. He wants to make new friends and unfortunately, there isn’t a proper school where we live now and we will be moving back to your town where your brother will be attending your elementary school. You also may see him more, and pick him up at school and take him home every now and then. We will be moving back after you come for a visit.


Anna and Stephen Graceford

I screamed as loud as I possibly could. This is the best news I have ever had ! A few joyful tears ran down my cheeks. I’d have to get the house ready so maybe the Graceford’s wouldn’t mind Callum coming to stay with me on weekends. I was so divested when they moved. Not only did it limit visits, but it cost money too. I had to find money to pay for gas in my car.

A knocking on my door brought me to real life. It would be a few weeks before they moved back and then I could see my baby brother. I walked to the door once again and opened it without looking. My eyes widened a bit. Why in the world would he come here ? Out of all people, he is the last person I would expect to show up on my door step.

“What do you want ?” I snapped. The smirk he left on his lips was still there.

“Don’t want me here ?” he asked. “I just came to talk.” He added.

I huffed crossing my arms. “I don’t want you here. Do me a favor and go home.” I was about to slam the door in his face, but he walked in without my permission and closed the door entrapping us together in my home.

“What and why are you here, Keegan ?” I asked annoyed.

“Oh, I’m sure you know what I want to talk about, Aimee.” I gulped.

“I saw and I know how angry you are about the picture I placed at school. I could have done worse, but I didn’t. I am also pretty sure you’re wondering where I got that picture, too. Let’s just say, I have my resources. Now, I don’t like revenge, but if it comes down to it, it must be done. I came here, because I want a truce. I also came here to ask for a favor.”

I thought about his words a little. He came for truce and a he wants a favor.

“So, if I call truce, you won’t bother me from now on. You know as in, not messing with me, and me not messing with you, or do you mean all together. No talking or looking at each other ?” He looked at me for a few minutes before replying.

“I promise I will stop my revenge, even though I just started as long as you stop messing with me. I know I gave you heck when we were young, but getting revenge on me now, isn’t worth it. I won’t promise I’ll stop talking to you or even looking your way. It’s just not a promise I can keep.” I thought long and hard about this. Maybe he was right. Revenge isn’t the answer. Especially since it was so long ago.

“Who knows, maybe we could even be friends.” He suggested.

“Okay, I agree. I don’t know about the friend part, but I accept your truce.”

A faint smile came to his face. I decided to observe what he was wearing. He was wearing a black V-Neck with dark jeans and black converses. He wasn’t wearing a beanie hat, like always, but you could now see how his black hair perfectly curved over his blue eyes and his ears.

When I snapped out of my daze, I noticed Keegan was steadily moving closer to me. With each step he took, I took one back. My body finally hit the wall and Keegan came to a halt in front of me. He leaned both his hands beside my forehead.

My heart started to hammer against my chest by his close proximity. His electric blue eyes studied me. His eyes scanned my body and the faintest of smiles grazed his lips. He leaned his head into my ear and whispered, “Those PJs really suit you.”

The elephants were back in my stomach, tramping all over. He leaned back just far enough to look at my face. He started leaning in and it was at that moment I craved for his lips to touch mine, to have his lips caress mine. To have his hands run up and down my curvy body. Our lips almost touching mine until an annoying ringing came from his pocket. The growling noise rumbled from his throat as he took something that looked like a pager out of his pocket. He groaned.

“I have to go.” Wait he can’t go ! He hasn’t told me what he want me to do. He was almost to the door when I called out to him.

“Wait, what was your favor ?”

“Just, stay away from Preston. He’s bad news, Aimee. Please listen and do this for me.” I sighed and nodded. He gave me a small smile.

“Bye, Aimee.”

“Bye Keegan.” I whispered and he was gone.

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