I had settled on a white button up shirt that flowed at the bottom, skinny jeans, and white flats. I curled my auburn hair to perfection as well as my makeup. I put enough eyeliner and mascara on to make my mismatched eyes pop and hot pink lipstick on my plump lips. All my worries tonight were solely focused on staying away from Keegan Rawson. He may be the schools hottest guy, but I would not under any circumstances fall for his beauty. No, I wouldn’t allow it. I was going with the new guy, Preston tonight at Summer’s Peek and I was planning on making the best of it.
When I was ready I sat on the couch staring at the wall. It was quiet in this house I called home. My parents were never here and my baby brother was put in foster care. I hardly saw them or my little brother. My father would come when I was asleep, grab something and leave. My mother lived thousands of miles away and never called to check up on me. Callum, my little brother, I could only see him on rare occasions such as, holidays and birthdays. It wasn’t fair but I couldn’t help him until I pulled my act together. Whatever that meant.
I knew my mother was an alcoholic and liked to party and my dad was constantly on the move so they couldn’t possible take care of a small child. I was the school’s bad girl. Constantly in trouble, out and about each night, I couldn’t take care of him. Plus there was absolutely none of my family members that would take him in. Which isn’t a lot…
I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door. My heart fluttered as I walked to the door. I know I just met the kid, but he was definitely a hot guy and sweet. Two things that is hard to come by these days. I straightened out my shirt and opened the door. Preston stood there with a small smile on his face and pink rose in his hand. I flashed him my white teeth as he handed me the delicate rose.
“Let me put this in water and then we can leave.” He nodded and followed me through the house. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cup and filled it with fresh water. I place the rose inside and gently sat it on the table. I frowned a bit as I noticed it looked a little out of place from the rest of the house, which was messy. I put on a smile again.
“Shall we go ?” I asked walking towards him.
“We shall.” He smiled and grabbed my hand. My heart started beating faster as we walked to his slick black car. I wasn’t quite sure why my heart was doing all these things, I wasn’t sure if I liked it yet. I always pushed guys away and occasionally went on dates, but I felt nothing magical. I didn’t expect it. I always told myself that I would be fine without a guy in my life. I’m a strong woman after all.
“So, tell me. What exactly is going on tonight at Summer’s Peek. I do find it quite intriguing that Summer is supposed to be hot, but here I don’t think there will be a single hot day throughout the year, even the actual season, yet you name a Peek after it.” He smiled and glanced over at me for an answer.
“Well, I can see how it would be confusing for a new person.” I smiled. “We live by the ocean, so it’s cold or warm, rainy. Snow in the winter. There are a few days when it’s warm. The highest it’s ever been here is eight-seven degrees.” I looked over to Preston and his eyes widened a little. “Plus, Summer could be a name for a girl.” I added.
“Wow. Maybe moving here was a bad idea.” He smiled, “But there are a few exceptions to this place.” He smiled looking at me.
“And what would that be ?” I asked with a smile. He looked at me for a few seconds, before turning back to the road.
“You.” My heart fluttered a bit. I gave Preston a smile and the rest of the ride was spent in comfortable silence. We arrived at Summer’s Peek and found a parking spot. It was crowded like always. I walked up to Preston who I met in front of the car. He held his hand out for me to take it. I hesitated a second before I grabbed it. He led me through the crowd and picked a perfect spot on the plush grass that rested on the peek.
“Wow, it’s beautiful here.” Preston said beside me. I smiled and crossed my ankles over each other and leaned back on my hands.
“I know. It’s really a magical place. My parents used to bring me here when I was kid. They aren’t around anymore, so I usually go with my friend, Leah, or by myself. Brings back memories.” I saw Preston frown beside me.
“I’m sorry about your parents. When did they die ?” I leaned my head back and started laughing. Preston gave me a bigger frown and I laughed ever harder. I straightened up, but my shoulders still moved up and down from laughing.