And on it was. Aimee was excited to give Keegan what he has been asking for since, well forever. When she got home that evening same evening with the encounter with, him, she sat down at her computer desk and wrote down her plans that would be going on from now on. She wasn’t always the type of person to plan things out, but if she wanted to get to Keegan then she had to do it,carefully. It was one thing to mess with him once, but doing it every day is going to have consequences coming Aimee’s way. All really she could think about was the feeling of accomplishment to be the first person to send Keegan Rawson over the edge. It was risky, but she knew inside, it was totally worth it.
A week later and all her plans had worked so far. Every single prank she left for Blade had set him off. She was there to witness every single prank, and each time he would leave out the double doors of the school and not be seen for at least an hour or if it was towards the end of the day, he didn’t return. She kind of felt bad for what she was doing, but who was she kidding ? She was Aimee Donald for crying out loud. The scariest girl in school. She might not look like it all the time on the outside, but on inside she was a totally despicable.
On a Friday afternoon, Aimee found Leah sitting under a tree. Her head laid against the wide pine tree ; she looked relaxed. Aimee thought about leaving her alone, but then again who cared ? She stood in front of her friend and waited for her to acknowledge her. Leah sighed. She knew Aimee was standing in front of her. By the way her scent smelled and the way she could feel Aimee’s eyes burn into her. She let out another long dramatic sigh, before opening her eyes. Aimee stood there with an annoyed look and her hand resting on her hip. Leah sighed once more before questioning her friend’s behavior.
“What’s up ?” Leah asked. Aimee huffed and through her stuff on the ground.
“I’ve been standing there waiting for you to answer me for the past five minutes.” She paused before continuing. “You know I don’t like to wait.”
“Well maybe instead of assuming I knew you were standing there, maybe you could make your usually annoying presence more known.” Leah said rolling her eyes. Annoyance written clearly on her small face.
Aimee furrowed her brows together.
“Excuse me ?”
She asked Leah, but she didn’t even say a thing. She had laid her head back onto the pine tree and closed her eyes. Leah then motioned for Aimee to go away with her hand using a shooing motion. Aimee huffed again, before walking away. She was going to ask Leah to join her at Summer’s Peek. Every five to six months, there would be a sky lantern show at night, were the people at the bottom of the creek and lots of other places would release the lanterns like in movies. It magical to watch and it amazed Aimee every time she went. She wanted Leah to come so she wouldn’t go by herself, but by the looks of Leah’s and her friendship they weren’t going. She would have to ask someone else.
Preston Lawrence. He was kind of new to the school. He had dark blonde short hair, kind of like a mow hawk. His skin, like half of the schools, was tan. His was fairly muscular, and had deep brown eyes. He was pretty hot unlike half the schools population, the so called “nerdy guys” out ruled the “hot” ones. The top of the list now ? Keegan Rawson followed by the new guy, Preston. Keegan stayed his distance from Preston and Preston stayed away from them. They were two totally different people. Keegan, the sexy hot bad boy. Then there was Preston, the hot, sweet new guy.
Preston was walking to class when he saw Aimee. He had heard the cheerleaders tell him to stay away from Aimee, even though he had no clue what she looked like. Though the cheerleaders warned him, when they crossed paths, he would know who she is. Though she looked like an absolute angel to him, the air around tensed when she walked in the building. He liked it a lot. He liked bad girls. Even though he was a player, he wanted to charm Aimee like no one else in the school could. He wanted to show everyone that she was just pretending to be bad. Little did he know, Aimee has been into countless fights and won them all. Some even against guys.
Preston walked coolly up to Aimee and leaned against the locker. When Aimee questioned him with an eyebrow raised he smiled and flashed his perfect white teeth and held out his hand for her to shake.
“Hi, I’m Preston.”
Aimee’s look was clear. ‘Where the heck did this guy come from ? And why is he wanting me to make contact with his hand ?’ She looked at his hand with a what the heck look. Preston dropped his hand and decided being cool and bring Mister player out wasn’t such a good first impression.
“Can I… help you ?” Aimee asked unsure. Preston frowned.
“Just trying to be nice to a pretty girl.” Aimee smiled. This guy was totally harmless. Then an idea popped into her head. She would ask Preston to go with her to Summer’s Peek tonight.
“My name is Aimee.” She said politely. She ever hardly was polite to anyone, but something about this kid made her want to be VERY polite to him. She skipped shaking his hand and just smiled a friendly smile. Something in the back of her head started nagging at her.
It’s a bad idea, Aimee… don’t.
Being who she is, Aimee ignored her inner thoughts and made her mind up.
“So… there is this thing tonight. Would you like to join me ?” She asked with a smile. Preston smiled back at her.
“Where ever you are, I want to be there too.” Her heart swarmed with butterflies. Butterflies ? She thought to herself. No one has ever said anything like that to her before and she loved it. She didn’t know why she was feeling these things, but she didn’t care. Apparently Preston brought the better half of her.
“Great, it’s at Summer’s Peek if you don’t know where that is…” Aimee opened her locker back up and got a piece of paper and a pen and wrote down her number.
“Call me.” She smiled. For some strange reason she felt watched. She looked over her shoulder and Keegan was standing there. His eyes were black and he muscled arms were folded. That’s usually how he normally stands, but this time. His eyes were focused solely on Aimee. After a few minutes she looked away. She turned back to Preston and told him to dress causal for tonight and walked away.