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As I slept, a strange sensation crept over me, unlike anything I had felt in a long time. A terrifying discomfort coursed through my body, and I struggled to open my eyes, but they remained sealed shut. No matter how much I willed my body to awaken, I could only toss and turn helplessly in bed, lost in the throes of this strange, unsettling feeling.

Fear gripped me as I began to wonder if I was dying. My heart raced, and the sense of dread grew stronger with each passing moment. Lying there, feeling utterly helpless and terrified, I desperately tried to break free from the clutches of this nightmare.

After what felt like an eternity, my eyes finally fluttered open. I lay in my bed, panting and drenched in sweat. What was going on?

Relieved to be free from the nightmarish experience, I slowly turned to find the other side of the bed empty and cold. 

Has Kaegan been gone for long?

Disappointment gnawed at my soul, but I was used to it. He usually woke me up to make his meals, but this time he went away quietly.

I swallowed the bitter taste forming in my mouth, slowly got out of bed, put on my robe, and left the room.

Upon reaching the living room, I paused in my tracks when I found him sitting on one of the sofas, focused on his laptop. He was dressed in casual wear which made my eyes slightly widen.

"Good morning," I greeted him, only to see him swiftly snap his gaze toward me, which was... odd.

His expression tightened, and I wondered if something had gone wrong.

When he didn't answer for a few seconds, simply staring at me as if I were an alien, I gulped in unease, preparing to disappear.

But then, Keagan suddenly spoke. "Good morning. Did you sleep well?" he asked stiffly. For a moment, I was at a loss for words.

I blinked at him repeatedly, unsure if my ears and eyes were deceiving me. I couldn't remember the last time Keagan had asked me about my well-being or even looked at me with such intensity.

My heart fluttered, and I bit the inside of my cheek to restrain the wide smile threatening to break forth on my lips.

"Yes, I slept well," I answered softly, feeling a mixture of surprise and cautiousness, pulling the strands of my flowing hair strands behind my ear. 

Keagan didn't bother to say anything more. He hummed before returning his gaze to his laptop. "Go ahead and cook for me, then."

My smile faltered slightly at his aloofness, but I reminded myself that this was progress—Keagan was slowly warming up to me again.

With newfound energy, I eagerly went to the kitchen to prepare an appetizing breakfast for him. I tasted and re-tasted the dishes, ensuring that every flavor was perfect. I longed for Keagan to hum in satisfaction, perhaps even praise me, although I knew it was impossible for him to compliment me.

I made a delectable breakfast consisting of creamy scrambled eggs garnished with chives, crispy bacon, savory sausages, buttered toast, and perfectly seasoned potatoes. I carefully set the dish on the dining table where he patiently waited.

"Are you going to the office later in the day?" I asked, gently placing the meal before him.

"No," came his only response. I simply nodded. 

Stepping away to let him eat, he began to dig in without a word. Still, I felt immensely happy knowing he would stay home with me today. At least I would get to spend an entire day with him without him disappearing on me.

I nearly giggled in excitement at the prospect of having Keagan's company for the day.

"Oh, here you guys are!"

My gaze shifted to the doorway, where Emma stood with a growing smile on her lips as she approached the table.

I had no idea if it was an illusion, but I thought I saw Keagan instantly go tense at her arrival.

"I could smell that wonderful breakfast all the way from the hall! Girl, I moaned," she exclaimed, clapping her hands in delight. I didn't know how to respond, so I simply smiled at her words.

"Good morning, Alpha Keagan," she greeted before joining Keagan at the table.

I helped scoop some food onto her plate as well, not wanting Emma to suspect our strained relationship.

We continued to eat quietly, no one volunteering to break the silence.

"So, Jessie..." Emma suddenly spoke up when she was halfway through her meal. "I was wondering if we could go on any fun outings. A girl's day out. It's been so long since I've left the country. Pretty please? I know it might be bothersome, but I'm so bored."

My heart skipped a beat. How long had it been since Keagan and I had gone on a date or a casual outing together? My face flushed with shame as I noticed Keagan had stopped eating, his silence only fueling my anxiety. I was scared that Keagan might say something that would trigger Emma's suspicion. 

I felt sweat beading on my brow, my grip tightening around the cutlery. 

"Emma..." I started to speak, but Keagan interrupted me by clearing his throat. My chest tightened with unease.

"Of course. In fact, why don't we all go out together? Yes?" he suggested, much to my surprise.

My mouth fell open slightly in shock. I couldn't believe Keagan had so readily agreed to her request—just like that?

I remained silent, focusing on the food on my plate as Emma chattered excitedly, thanking Keagan for his generosity.

I couldn't even process what was happening.

A few hours after breakfast, Keagan was already dressed and ready to drive us to wherever Emma deemed a 'fun' place. I felt uncertain about my appearance since I hadn't felt like myself lately. I put on a simple black dress, applied some nude lipstick, and added a bit of concealer under my eyes to cover the dark circles.

"Where are we going?" I whispered to Keagan, noticing his gaze on my outfit. He didn't complain or compliment me; instead, he turned and started down the stairs, and I followed.

"To the park. We can enjoy some rides; I'm sure Emma will like it," he said before descending the last stairs.

My steps faltered as I considered his words. He was thinking about Emma and her preferences. What about me?

I descended the stairs and headed straight for the garage, only to find Keagan helping Emma into the front passenger seat—the seat I should have been sitting in. My heart instantly felt heavy. 

What on earth was going on?

I approached the car, drawing their attention. Emma turned to face me, while Keagan was busy typing away on his phone, probably informing his men or his cruel mother about our plans.

"Hey," Emma called out. "Do you mind if I sit here for a while, please? Just for today? I've been dealing with motion sickness lately, and I don't want to feel cold or clammy, or nausea hitting me. Please, best friend?" She made that puppy-eyed expression that always melted my heart.

My mouth opened to refuse her, but I stopped myself, not wanting to hurt her feelings. The idea of another woman sitting close to my husband while I sat far away, watching them, made me incredibly uncomfortable.

I mean, who the heck would be okay with that?

I felt like I was spiraling into turmoil, and Keagan seemed entirely unconcerned. He spared me a bored glance, waiting for my decision, before starting the car.

Recognizing that Keagan's patience was wearing thin and not wanting him to snap, I nodded reluctantly, like a drenched puppy, and slid into the back seat of the Range Rover SUV.

We began our journey, with Keagan blasting music according to Emma's wishes. I watched with growing discomfort as Emma continuously chatted with Keagan, who never seemed to be tired of their conversation. I couldn't help but feel bitter.

I knew how nervous and scared I became when attempting to converse with Keagan. His mood was always foul around me; he detested my presence and only sought me out when he desired sex. My eyes stung with a painful intensity.

Keep those emotions in, Jessica!

Your best friend is here!

I hated how I was too emotional. 

I observed Emma as she continued asking questions, while Keagan patiently answered each one. To an outsider, it would seem that Keagan was deeply in love with Emma, and I couldn't help but question my own sanity. Was it true?

No! I was overthinking way too much.

I watched as Emma turned to look at me through the rearview mirror. As our eyes met, the smile on her face vanished. Emma glanced back at me from her seat, concern etched on her features.

"Are you alright, Jess?" she asked, sensing my unease with the nickname she had given me. "Are you good?"

What was I supposed to say? Lie by saying Yes? And tell her I was happy to see her steal my husband's attention away from me? Or tell her the truth by saying No—that I wanted her ass kicked out of this car right this instant?

I didn't give her an immediate answer; instead, I fixed her with a hard stare and watched as her features grew uncomfortable. Memories began to flood my mind, reminding me of how Emma had taken special care of me on numerous occasions. I recalled Emma's kindness, and how she had saved me several times. I let out a sigh, frustrated at myself for feeling so angry at her.

I didn't know what would have happened to me if Emma hadn't been there to save me from bullies during our high school days. If Emma hadn't confronted those kids at school, the bullying would have only gotten worse, but Emma put a stop to it.

Even in college, Emma had been there, always having my back. I felt indebted to her. My identity as an Omega had made the bullying even more intense. I couldn't breathe without feeling anxious; I couldn't feel at peace around anyone at school. They were either taunting me or planning to beat me up. I felt utterly pathetic. That had been my experience until my junior year.

In my senior year of high school, I met Emma, who didn't mind having lunch with me—a first for me. No one had ever bothered to get close to me before.

And since then, no one has dared to bully me. She had been my only true friend in school. In an effort to return her kind gestures, I made sure to buy her favorite cake whenever I could, even if it was the last of my money.

So I quickly shook my head with a small smile. "I'm good, Emma. Just a little discomfort in my stomach, that's all."

She scrutinized me for a moment before nodding slowly, turning her gaze away from me and back to the road. She resumed her conversation with Keagan.

"You know, Alpha Keagan, I need to tell you a lot about Jessica and me..." Emma started, making me feel uneasy.

She began to share stories of our adventures in school with Keagan. She talked about how she had been scared of spiders and fallen into a large hole filled with thousands of them, and how I had hurriedly saved her.

She continued chattering about the time we had sneaked out of school at her request and enjoyed the most delicious ice cream ever.

I stared at Keagan through the rearview mirror and noticed him give a small smile and occasionally nod. I didn't want to see any more of his reactions, so I looked out the window, focusing on the passing scenery.

"So I'm curious," Keagan said, causing me to snap my gaze back to him. "How come you're an Alpha's daughter and still made friends with an Omega?"

My jaw clenched at his question.

Emma laughed before shrugging. "I think I fell in love with the cakes Jessica would give me," she teased.

I didn't know whether to smile at that or not.

"So how come you chose Jessica out of all the women in your league?" Emma shot back a question, and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

Keagan tapped the steering wheel before responding. "Jessica and I are mates."

Emma gasped in shock before glancing at me and then turning to Keagan.

"I'm sorry, but I can't believe an Omega can be mates with an Alpha," she said.

I should have been angry at her words, but I knew she was right. Deep down, I had no mate sense or pull towards Keagan. We were in this mess of a mate situation because I had drugged him.

But for how long could things continue like this before everything changed?

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