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Ever since we returned from the ride, I couldn't find peace within myself anymore. Emma's words continued echoing in my mind, despite my attempts to push them away.

I paced back and forth, accidentally dropping things and creating a mess in the room as I was lost in my troubling thoughts.

What if Keagan discovered that I had drugged him and induced the mating sense? What if he found out that all the attraction he felt towards me was fake and caused by the love drugs? What on earth was I supposed to do?

I no longer had access to those drugs because they were banned, and I had only obtained them through my mother. Now that she had been dead for two years, after my marriage to Keagan, which had helped me become a Luna despite my Omega identity, I felt even more terrible.

I had thought our relationship would be filled with games, but I never anticipated that I would fall deeply in love with Keagan.

My eyes welled up, and my heart clenched painfully, causing me to almost wheeze. What was I to do now?

The only solution I could think of to save myself from shame and to keep Keagan was to get pregnant. But how was it possible? I seemed to be barren, and Keagan only gave me suspicious glances.

I excused myself from the mansion and made my way towards my late mother's home. I knew no one would care about my whereabouts, as they all wished for me to disappear from their lives, which would give me enough time to search for what I needed.

My mother had assured me that she wouldn't sell her house, even on her deathbed. The house held so many memories for her, and I was glad she treasured each one of them.

I entered the code into the passway, and the door chimed before opening. I coughed as soon as my nostrils caught the scent of dust that hung heavily in the air.

I made my way to the kitchen, desperately searching through the cupboards for anything that might help me get pregnant. I had no idea if this was even sensible, but I was too desperate to care.

I combed through every corner of the kitchen and still found nothing. Before her passing, my mother had connections with witches, and I was certain she must have kept a thing or two around, but where?

There was still nothing there—not a single thing! I moved to her garden where she grew most of her herbs, but there was nothing there either. I continued searching in other corners of the house, but still, I found nothing.

My jaw clenched as I paced back and forth like a caged animal, my chest tightening as my eyes began to prick with tears. I slumped to the ground, pounding the rough earth with my bloodied fists, the ground scratching and scraping my palms. I cried out in frustration and despair, feeling my world crumbling around me.

I lay face down on the ground, weeping and exhausted. My mind couldn't process what to do or where to go next.

If my mother had been alive, she would have never let my marriage to Keagan deteriorate like this. I knew she would have fought tooth and nail to secure my position as Luna. The pain in my chest intensified at the thought.

My shoulders slumped as I slowly rose from the ground, making my way to her cellar to reorganize everything I had scattered. I stepped on something and winced, nearly stumbling before gripping the wall to steady myself.

As my hand made contact with a spot on the wall, I froze when it made a strange sound. My heart leaped, fearing a ghost had invaded my mom's place. But when the spot turned hollow, I couldn't resist rubbing the area, only for that specific spot to move, revealing a hole with a box inside. I gasped and took a step back.

Carefully wiping away the cobwebs from the small box, I cautiously pulled it out of the hole. I had no idea what passcode it might have been locked with, so I tried guessing, using my birthday. To my shock, the box clicked open, and I didn't even know how to feel about it.

I brought the box to the table and slowly opened it, revealing a tiny transparent bottle containing some sort of oil. It was wrapped with vines and labeled "Fertility Herbs." My heart fluttered with happiness just by looking at it.

I gazed up at the ceiling, blowing a kiss, and shutting my eyes for a few seconds.

Bless my mother's spirit, wherever she may be. I silently blessed her soul a million times for leading me to this box. Swiftly taking the bottle, I hurriedly left the house, locking the door behind me before hopping into a taxi back to the mansion.

Getting home, I boiled some water to take the herbs. In the evening, I was already prepared for my set-out plan. I put on a sexy lingerie which I had dumped for two years now, ready to seduce Keagan.

Keagan was in the room when I arrived, a mischievous smile playing on my lips. He was occupied with typing on his laptop and scribbling on a piece of paper. As the door clicked shut, he glanced up, his gaze locking onto mine.

I noticed his eyes widening in shock as I sashayed my way toward him. He couldn't tear his eyes away from me, causing me to giggle. It was time to make my move.

“Hello, daddy…” I purred, placing my hand on his shoulders, and softly squeezed. "Are you busy?” I whispered in his ears and saw him slightly shiver, a low groan escaping his lips.

I chuckled before moving back. I saw him swirl around in his swivel chair while he latched his gaze on me. I threw him a sultry look before moving to the bed. Slowly, I pulled off my thong, threw it to him, and saw him quickly catch it before he pressed it to his nose and took a long drag.

I smirked, and then lay on the bed, spreading my legs so my labia could open for him to see my pink clit. Keagan instantly stood like a man possessed, his eyes turning extremely dark.

“I need you daddy." I bit my lips, tracing my hands around my pussy. My nipples hardened, my pussy getting wetter.

“Let me see everything, pull off your bra. I need to see your big breasts." My heart skipped and I didn't hesitate to pull off my bra, licking my lips in anticipation.

He grunted and slipped his hand down to his cock, pulling it out.

My nipples were hard and aching, and I used my other hand to pinch them a little, still holding my legs apart for his pleasure. He hovered over me, his throbbing cock only inches away from my pussy.

Oh… I ached to have him inside me, filling me with all ten inches. I wanted him so bad. I wanted to be stuffed full of him: his cock and his cum. The dirty thoughts made my pussy clench.

“Fuck, Jessica. I can see it pulsing. Goddamn, you want it bad, don’t you, baby?”

I nodded my head, giving in and letting him know how much I wanted it.

“Please, Keagan.”


He leaned forward a little, and I watched as the tip of his cock barely

touched my opening. Feeling the warm head of his cock against me made my pussy clench again, and he let out a raspy groan at the feeling.

“Oh, fuck, do that again baby.” I cried out.

“I'm going to fuck you hard and fast. Better brace yourself, Jessica.” He warned, still stroking his cock and staring at my pussy as though he was speaking to it.

“Please fuck me, daddy. Use me." I needed his cum inside me. It had to be now or never.

He brushed the tip of his cock through my wetness before he thrust all the way inside me. I was so full as he fucked me hard and I cried out.

“Keagan!” I yelled as the headboard of my bed slammed against the wall.

The animals under me squeaked as he pounded into me, the white canopy above the bed shaking with the force. It’s raw, hard fucking and he’s claiming me.

Grievances of what I felt today pooled into my memory. I wanted Emma to hear who was fucking me. He was fucking me and not her, he was grunting like some horny animal, rutting inside me and not her.

“Daddy!" I screamed even louder, wanting Emma to hear me

calling him Daddy, so she knew who he belonged to. I grabbed the front of his T-shirt and kept crying out over and over to make sure she heard it. All the while my pussy was drenched for it.

“Harder, Daddy! Deep, Daddy!” I whined as Keagan made the whole

bedframe shake.

“Nothing like fucking this sweet little cunt,” he grunted as he rutted into me.

My pussy squeezed him and a cry left my lips when my orgasm hit me. It’s hard and I could feel myself release onto him.

“Goddamn,” he snarled as he thrust hard and came inside me. He roared like a Viking and the sight of him, so possessive and wild, made me come again. Heat flooded my body and my limbs were wrung out as I lay there, with

him still gripping my hips. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my lips before he pulled his cock out and got off the bed.

Was he leaving just like that? My face fell but when I saw him began to unbutton his shirt, his eyes never leaving mine. I gulped.

He moved back to the bed before gently grabbing my hair and leaning down to whisper in it with his hot breath. “I’m going to fuck your asshole later, did you think I was done? You’re going to beg me for more when I'm done.”

“Yes, daddy,” I said, squirming. I could feel my pussy swelling at

his words; my nipples hardening against his thighs.

“Get up.” He pulled my hair, and I sat up on my knees. He sat back down and put his hand around the back of my hand. “You’re going to suck my dick,” he said roughly, pushing my head down onto his cock.

I took him into my mouth eagerly, raising my ass in the air, loving

turning him on - loving being the little slutty brat he couldn’t control himself around.

“That’s right,” he said, as I sucked him up and down his hard shaft, the edge of anger leaving his voice as I took as much of his big cock as I could into my mouth. “That’s it,” he said again, softly. “That’s a good girl.”

I stuck my tongue out and tried to reach his balls, opening my throat for him as he had taught me and he groaned. “Yes, good girl. Oh, now you’re being such a good girl for Daddy.”

I ran my lips up his cock, sucking on the head of his cock and feeling him shiver.

“You’re going to make me cum, sweetheart,” he tilted his hips, trying to push his cock deeper into my mouth and I ran one hand along the inside of his thigh, up to his balls. They were drawn up tight and hard under my hand. a

As I lightly ran my hand over them he made a guttural sound in his throat.

“Daddy’s going to cum in your mouth,” he said, placing a hand on the back of my head and guiding me as he fucked my face. With an agonizing cry, he pushed my head down and cum exploded in my mouth, pouring down the back of my throat.

“Fuck, yes,” he hissed, thrusting his dick into me as he came. “That’s so good.”

After a minute, he released my head, and I let his cock slide out of my mouth, looking up at him with happy, lovestruck eyes.

“Was that good, Daddy?” I asked.

He reached for my face, pinching my chin with his hand, and kissed me on the lips, licking the remnant of his own cum from my mouth. “That was very, very good. Daddy’s happy.”

He laid out on the bed and pulled me into his arms, spooning me. I smiled satisfactorily, placing my hands on his bare chest and rubbing.

“I love you. Keagan."

I didn't wait for him to respond before I shut my eyes to sleep

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