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"Could you just leave already?" I snapped at Jessica as she placed a tray of food on the nearby stool.

She flinched at my harsh tone, but I felt no remorse. I despised her presence around me.

She gulped, wiping the back of her palm on her dress, before attempting to force a smile on her face, which only served to annoy me further. Could she just stop trying to please me? Was she trying to be cute right now? Because she was failing miserably, and my hands itched to hurl her out of the bedroom so I could have some fresh air to myself.

Her usual smile no longer touched me; the sparkle that once formed whenever she grinned at me was now gone, and its sight only served to irritate me beyond measure.

She was no longer cute. She had lost a tremendous amount of weight, her chubby cheeks were now sunken, and her complexion was now pallid. She looked like a malnourished scarecrow, and I couldn't stand the sight of her.

I had stopped taking her with me to any public function. Most people had forgotten I even had a mate unless they were reminded…unfortunately. I was ashamed of her shabby dresses, her unkempt hair, and her constantly puffy, red eyes. She looked like all she did here was suffering.

I led the strongest and wealthiest pack in the South. Everyone expected me to be surrounded by the best of everything. Yet Jessica seemed determined to prove me wrong. She never lived up to her Luna image, so it was better if she was forgotten.

"I made you some soup," she said, doing that stupid lip-stretching thing she always did that she thought was cute.

Well, it might have once been cute, but not anymore. Her only use after all these years was to conceive, but no matter what I did, her womb seemed barren. It pained me each passing day when I saw my friends playing with their pups.

My jaw ticked as I sent her a scathing glare before moving to grab the dry towel from the bed to wipe my wet hair.

"Once you're done, excuse yourself. I need some privacy," I told her. Like the timid rat she had become, she hastily nodded before leaving the room.

I watched her leave before exhaling the sigh I'd been holding back. I sat on the bed, my head jumbled with different thoughts.

When I heard her mention Emma, I’d felt my heart skip and something stir inside of me. Emma. Emma. I had known one Emma, years before I met Jessica.

Flashes of the memories of when Emma and I had mind-blowing sex kept rushing back into my head. I felt a growing ache in my cock which froze me in place.

My breath caught in my throat and as seconds grew by I realized I had a painful hard-on that I was trying to ignore.

Fuck me!

I just wanted to jack off right now to the memories of Emma… But suddenly, Jessica's image flashed into my head, instantly killing my arousal. I groaned in frustration, pounding my fists on the bed.

My sex life with Jessica was unbearably boring, and I was sick of our dull marriage. She was just rigid during sex and rarely showed any emotion so when I heard her mention her ‘friend’ Emma, my brain had flashed back to the brown-haired witch I fucked that time. Without thinking, I had agreed to let her friend come over. Fuck, that bitch would be making so much noise with her friend tomorrow. Wish I had let my big head do the thinking and not the small one. Slumping onto the bed, I shut my eyes.

The following day, as I returned home, fumbling with my tie, my ears perked up at the sound of laughter echoing from the guest living room—one belonged to my mother, and the other was unfamiliar. I frowned, curious about the stranger's identity.

When I entered the room, my gaze darted between my mother, who had her head thrown back in laughter at some joke, and the brown-haired woman sitting beside her. My eyes lingered on the unfamiliar guest.

My throat instantly ran dry when I realized this was Emma—the vixen I'd had a one-night stand with.

Fuck! it really was her.

Tearing my eyes away as their laughter subsided upon seeing me, I asked in a falsely bored tone, "Where's my wife?"

"She's in the kitchen!" Emma's soft, sweet voice resonated in the room while my mother continued to smile widely. I had no idea what was captivating my mother so much that made her smile like this.

Suddenly, Mom clapped her hands, her eyes twinkling—a clear indication that she was up to something.

"Now, now, children. Allow me to do the introductions, please?" She rose, approaching me where I stood before dragging me toward the sofa where she and Emma were sitting. "Now, Emma, meet my son, Keagan. He’s so handsome, isn’t he? Keagan, please meet Emma." Mom's smile grew even broader.

Emma blinked her eyes before looking down timidly. Hell, that sweet action went right to my cock. My heart seemed to skip a beat as I stared, transfixed by her stunning face

"We... uhm... Mother... We've actually met already. Just once…Me and Alpha Keagan." she said, biting her lip. My eyes followed her every move, captivated by her allure.

Mom's eyes widened as if she had received the best surprise of her life before clapping again. "Good, good. This is wonderful—a perfect fit." Mom pulled me to sit between her and Emma, her gaze traveling from Emma to me, prompting me to arch a brow in question. What’s going on with my mom?

"How sweet... I promise you, Keagan, this girl is such a nice soul. Look at her smile, her beauty, and the air around her. Look at the satiny skin of her thighs." Mom laughed again, gently patting Emma's lap as she blushed.

Just then, Jessica returned to the room, a gentle smile gracing her face as soon as she saw me. I didn't even bother to return the smile.

"You guys know each other?" My attention snapped back to Jessica as she spoke. "Emma, you didn't even tell me. How did you two meet? How did you meet my husband?"

I felt uneasiness instantly engulf me as Emma straightened her posture. She gulped, much like I did, but before she could answer, I interrupted.

"I met Emma at one of the functions I attended years ago. We just had a few drinks and chatted. That was it. Right, miss?" I threw the question back at Emma.

Emma gave me a sultry look before forcing a smile and nodding at Jessica. "Of course. Keagan is such a good man."

I didn't get a chance to gauge Jessica's reaction before Mom began to berate her.

"And what are you doing here then?" Mom didn't hesitate to embarrass Jessica in front of her friend, and once again, I did nothing to stop it.

Jessica glanced at Emma before her cheeks turned pink. "I only came to inform everyone that food has been served."

Mom scoffed at her before pulling Emma along with her toward the dining hall, leaving only me and Jessica behind. I stood up as well, said nothing, and left.

Mom was already helping Emma to her food, urging her to taste the various dishes on the table. I took my seat at the head chair and dug my fork into the pork meat, only to stop when Mom gasped, spitting out the entire spoonful of food in her mouth.

Her eyes turned venomous as Jessica approached, confusion etched on her face as she halted in her tracks.

"Are you trying to poison me, you witch?" Mom banged on the table, causing the dishes to clatter. "This is the blandest porridge I've ever tasted in my life! You can’t cook me a good meal nor give me a child." She sent daggers Jessica's way, but Jessica didn't give her the satisfaction of a reaction.

I dug my spoon into the porridge to taste it, but it really wasn't as bad as Mom made it out to be. Once again, I said nothing, quietly focused on eating the pork dish on my plate.

"Now, will you get out of my sight and make me something edible, you stupid brat? Can't you ever be useful for once?" Mom continued to lash out.

"Mom... Mom, please don't be mad. Everyone makes mistakes, and that's what happened here. I'll go help Jessica so we can make a meal that meets your expectations," Emma pacified, attempting to stand, but Mom pulled her back down with a shake of her head.

"No, no, no, dear. I don't want you leaving my sight. Just sit and this bitch will take care of things." Mom said, stroking Emma's cheek before turning to glare at Jessica, who looked like she wanted to vanish into thin air.

Emma opened her mouth to speak, but I cut her off this time. "Please... Listen to my mother. You're a guest, so let Jessica do her job."

I caught the hurt that flashed across Jessica's features, which I ignored, watching her walk forward to grab the porridge Mom was complaining about.

"And just because I asked you to make something edible for me, don't you dare try to poison me, or you'll regret it for the rest of your life!" Mom yelled after Jessica, but she neither stopped nor turned to acknowledge her.

Like a robot, she slowly continued to carry the food until she was out of our sight.

~                        ~

“Scream! Fucking scream!" I groaned, my palm circling Jessica's throat, holding her captive with that single hand. I pulled out and thrust into her again, this time slowly, stroking my cock with the firm glove of her pussy.

Fuck! I needed to get off.

Even though I started slow, I didn’t remain that way for long. I didn't wait for her to adjust to my size before I thrust into her hard and fast. I could see she was feeling every inch of me.

This wasn't lovemaking. This was fucking. I had no time for her emotions anymore. I just wanted to release my jizz to get a cool head and yet fuck! I was nowhere satiated around her. She kept whimpering like a crushed animal and it did nothing but fuel my lust to fuck her rougher. I wish she would fuck me back instead of laying back like...like...Fuck this!

My cock continued to thrust hard into her and I groaned, this time louder than all the rest and she was rewarded with a thick spurt of my hot cum inside her. She screamed as one last orgasm tore through her, she moaned as she shook beneath me. A single tear slipped down her cheek, followed by another and another, I didn't bother to ask if she was hurting.

When I must have emptied my seeds, I pulled away from her before slumping to the bed and shutting my eyes, and she did the same facing the other direction.

What a fucking boring sex

Groaning in frustration, I moved to the drawer to pull out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, heading right out of the room, and onto the patio. I kept staring off into space, taking drags of my cigar. I had no idea how long I stood there until I felt a warm body engulf me from behind, I stiffened.

I sniffed the air and hell! It wasn't even Jessica. When I spun around to see who it was, my eyes widened to see it was Emma staring at me with a lustful look.

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