❝It's horrible when your heart is somewhere your body isn't❞
Desiree still couldn't believe that Noah was there standing in their hallway. Had her parents invited him to dinner without telling her? He was her boyfriend after all, so the fact that he had most probably been invited for dinner shouldn't have surprised her so much.
Noah and Desiree had been together since they were 10 years old, thanks to their parents who had encouraged them to start seeing each other since they both came from good families.
Before Desiree even knew it, she found herself dating Noah not even knowing what the word dating meant. She didn't feel the butterflies in her stomach whenever he kissed her or comforted her, although she did love him in a way so she thought that there was something wrong with her.
''Desiree, are you ok? You look a little pale.'' Noah told her as he looked down at her with concern.
''Yeah I'm fine, did-'' She didn't have time to finish her sentence before her father appeared into the hallway to see what was taking her so long.
''Ah Noah, it's good to see you son! Please, come join us in the kitchen!'' Rupert told him with a bright smile on his face as he led him to the kitchen.
''I'm sorry I came a little late, but I had to stay an extra hour at the animal shelter,'' Noah told him with an apologetic smile.
''Don't worry about it, voluntary work comes before dinner!'' He told him with a smile before he started to ask Noah a thousand questions on how he's doing with his studies to become a vet and offering him help and advice.
When the two men entered in the kitchen with Desiree behind them, Elliot immediately looked up at the new guest. He was the polar opposite of him with his professionally gelled back hair and wearing one of those hideous men cardigans, he instantly didn't like him.
Noah noticed Elliot's presence when Desiree left his side to go and sit in her empty seat next to the grimacing boy who looked like he was going to kill him any second.
''I'm Noah, Desiree's boyfriend and you are?'' Noah introduced himself with a fake smile as he took out his hand for Elliot to shake.
Elliot's eyes traveled briefly to Desiree who was looking down at her plate to avoid both of their eyes.
''I'm Elliot, the guy who Desiree saved,'' Elliot told him with a proud smile as he shook hands with a tight hold, to his satisfaction Noah grimaced a little and removed his hand from Elliot's tight grip immediately.
''Nice to meet you,'' Noah told him before he sat down opposite him.
That evening was spent retelling the story of how Desiree had saved Elliot, who had been badly beaten up, and Noah pretending that he was interested in what they were saying, he couldn't wait to have some time alone with his girlfriend, he hadn't seen her for a whole week and the week that they had been apart a new guy had walked into her life, an obstacle.
''Thanks for dinner, Amber and Rupert but I must go now 'cos it's quite late and my dad would be wondering where the hell I am,'' Elliot said as he got up from his chair.
''It was a pleasure having you here with us Elliot if you need anything we are here for you,'' Amber told him with a smile. ''Dessie, please show him the way to the front door.'' She added.
Desiree immediately got up from her seat and made her way to the front door with Elliot following close behind her as Noah looked at them with a displeased expression, he didn't like that Desiree was friends with those kinds of people.
''Bye Desiree,'' Elliot told her as he walked out of the front door.
''Wait, when will I see you again, I mean if you would like to?'' Desiree told him as she followed him out of the front door.
''I don't know.'' He told her with a harsh tone.
''Elliot, what's wrong? You know that you can tell me everything, right?'' She told him as she walked closer to him.
''Nothing's fucking wrong ok! I'll see you around, goodnight and good luck with your boyfriend.'' He told her in a sharp voice, that hit her like a slap across her cheek as he started to walk away from her.
''Goodbye Elliot,'' Desiree told him in a sad tone and she walked slowly back indoors.
She didn't want to let him go but she knew that there was nothing that she could do to prevent him from leaving her.
Elliot looked one more time at the Locks humongous house before he started to run to the place where he knew that he could let out the anger inside of him. He couldn't believe that the girl that he instantly liked had a boyfriend! A guy with a bright future in front of him and Desiree, the things that Elliot didn't have and most probably would never have.
After about ten minutes of running in the dark streets of the village he saw the bright sign of the bar signaling that it was open and he walked in and sat on one of the bar stools as he ordered his first drink of the night, he was soon joined by his friends who had been waiting for him since he had text-ed them to meet him there so they could have some fun.
Thirty minutes later Elliot was drunk like never before and didn't know what he was doing as he sat with some of his friends smoking a cigarette and drinking more alcohol.
A busty blonde girl barely wearing any clothing approached him and sat on his lap as she started to trail kisses down his throat, he met her eager mouth with his lips as his friends cheered and wolf-whistled.
The busty girl who was instantly moaning at his touch got up from his lap and took him to the bar's bathroom from where one could hear moans of another girl calling 'Michael' repeatedly.
Elliot lifted the girl with ease onto the sink and lost himself in her for the night as he tried to forget about Desiree and everything that had happened that day.