❝If it's supposed to happen, it will❞
After a few seconds of silent walking, Elliot recognized the street in which they were. At the end of the narrow street with the old buildings on the side, he could see the rusty gates of the park in which he used to go to with his father when he was younger when everything was simple and happy.
''We're here!'' Desiree exclaimed before they started to make their way along the passageway. There were a little autumn leaves here and there and the air was filled with bird song.
Amongst the familiar ambiance and her presence Elliot felt a lot calmer and his headache from the hangover started to slowly ease.
''This is one of my favorite places in this town, I used to come here every single day after school with my best friend, I miss her so much!'' She told him with a sad smile on her face. She took his hand in hers once again and led him to the little tree house that was opposite them.
In the wood, there was a carved heart with the inscription Desiree + Sofie forever, which Desiree stroked gently as Elliot watched her thoughtfully.
''What happened to her?'' He asked her, there was no need for her to tell him that something had happened to her childhood friend, the look on her face gave it away.
''We were walking together after school to go back home when a car came speeding towards us. I was in the way so she pushed me to the side and the car hit her instead of me. She was taken to the hospital immediately but she had already died. I can never forget her, she saved my life.'' She told him while she played with a lock of her brown hair.
''Holy shit! That must have been really hard on you!'' He told her as he moved closer to her and wrapped his arm around her. ''But don't worry, she's in a better place now.'' He whispered before he placed a kiss on top of her head.
''I hope so.''
After a few seconds lying together in the same position, they heard laughter and chattering coming towards them. After a few moments, they saw two mothers with their laughing children as they played in the playground under them.
''You know, when I was younger I used to come to this park as-well with my dad. Who knows maybe one of those day we could have played together.'' He told her with a smile.
''That could have happened, I do remember that there was some guy called Liot that we used to play with. Maybe that could have been you!'' She said as she lifted her head from his shoulder. He could see that the sadness that had been in her beautiful brown eyes had now been replaced with excitement.
''If he was good looking he was probably me.'' He joked as she burst out laughing.
She suddenly started to feel her phone vibrate in her pocket, it was an incoming call.
''I'm so sorry Elliot, but I have to go! I have kept my friend waiting for me at the mall I totally forgot that we were going shopping today!'' She told him in a rush as she picked up her bag from the floor of the treehouse and stood up.
''Don't worry about it, do you have my number so we can keep contact?'' He asked her.
''No, I don't think that I do.'' She replied.
Five minutes later she was back on the bus with her headphones on and her book on her lap, she prayed that her friend won't be too angry with her. At least she had a lot of stuff that she needed to tell her which would surely make up for her late arrival.
A quarter of an hour later Elliot was opening the front door of his house, he could hear his parent's voices from outside so they mustn't have been in a very good mood.
He tried to make his way up to his room without getting noticed, but his plan did not succeed as he heard his father clear his throat behind him.
''Were were you, young man?'' His father inquired as he looked at him with his arms crossed.
''I was out with my friends, but I'm here now,'' Elliot told him with an annoyed look on his face. He hated being treated like a fucking child.
''Listen-'' His father started to yell at him but he was interrupted by his second wife.
''Leave him be John, he was just having some fun with his friends, there's no need to yell at him.'' The blonde woman told Elliot's dad as she placed her hand on his shoulder to try and calm him down.
''Fine, go up to your room Elliot and don't let this happen again!'' He told him a little calmer than before.
Elliot mouthed thanks to his stepmother who lately had been saving his ass from trouble, although she still annoyed him before he continued his way up to his bedroom.
''Where the hell were you? I have been waiting here for an hour!'' Mia practically yelled when she spotted Desiree coming towards her.
''I am so sorry Mia, but I'm sure that you will forgive me. I have so many things that I need to tell you!'' Desiree exclaimed.
Mia's scowl was immediately replaced with a smile.
''You are forgiven, now start talking!'' Mia said as she removed her bag from the opposite chair so her friend could sit down while they talked.
''Well, it's a long story...'' Desiree started.
After ten minutes and countless questions were asked by Mia, Desiree had told her everything from when she has spotted Elliot from her balcony to earlier that morning.
''This sounds like a movie, I can't believe that things like this actually happen in real life! So are you like together now?'' Mia asked.
''No I'm not, have you forgotten about Noah?''
''Oh right that boring asshole, seriously Desiree I don't know why you are still with him after all these years. You deserve much better!''
''I'm still with him because I love him Mia and don't talk about him like that!'' Desiree said.
''I was just saying the truth, but from what you told me Elliot seems much more interesting in-fact if you are not interested maybe-''
''No definitely not!'' Desiree interrupted
''So you do like him! This is very interesting I can't wait to see how it plays out.'' Mia said as she nudged her friend. ''Now let's go and buys some clothes!'' She added.
After they had been into every shop that there was in the mall and had bought two dresses and a pair of jeans each, they took the bus back home.
''Goodbye Mia, text me so we can meet up soon and say hi to the others for me!'' Desiree said.
''I will, if you need anything let me know sweetie, take care!'' Mia hugged Desiree before she got off at her stop.
Desiree walked along her very familiar street which at that time of year was cover by autumn leaves. It looked like something out of a movie.
''Dessie, you have some food in the fridge, mum and dad will be back at eleven,'' Alice told her sister when she walked through the door. She was watching TV in the living room with a friend of hers.
''Ok, thanks, Al. I'm going to be upstairs if you need anything.''
After Desiree had taken a quick shower and changed into her PJs Desiree went up to her room so she could sleep after the long day that she had had. Shopping always tired her.
Just as she was about to drift into a peaceful sleep her phone beeped. It was a text from Elliot.
Goodnight Desiree, I hope that you had a wonderful day. I will see you again soon x - E
She quickly typed back a reply and lied her head back on the pillow as she closed her eyes and remembered the events which had taken place that day.