❝My life used to be full of everything. Now if you aren't with me I haven't a thing in the world❞
As they had planned the night before, Desiree and Mia were going to meet at a small coffee shop at eleven o'clock in the morning.
Desiree was thankful when she saw that Mia was already sitting at a small table in the middle of the coffee shop, she absolutely hated waiting.
''Dessie!'' Mia exclaimed when she saw her best friend walking towards her.
''Mia!'' Desiree replied as they embraced one another. ''It's been so long since I last saw you, I missed you!'' She added after she had sat down.
''I know I'm so sorry, it's just that I have been busy with Damon lately.'' She told her.
''I can't believe that I haven't met your new boyfriend yet. For how long have you been together now? Two months?'' Desiree said.
''Three months and you haven't introduced me to Elliot either!''
''That's a different story we aren't even together, yet,'' Desiree replied.
''Yet?'' Mia said as she raised one of her eyebrows at her.
''Erm, actually that is the reason why I told you to meet me here today, I need your help and opinion asap!''
''Tell me everything right now!'' Mia practically yelled, so Desiree started to tell her what had happened the day before with Noah and Elliot.
''Break up you idiot!'' Mia exclaimed after Desiree had finished telling her what had happened between her and Elliot. Desiree couldn't help but notice the look that the waiter who was cleaning the table next to them gave her.
''I know that that's the right thing to do, I cheated on him after all and I feel really bad about it.'' She replied as she took a sip of her cup of tea.
''So break up with him as soon as possible! I can drive you to his house right now if you want to. In fact, I don't care if you don't want to, we are going right now!'' Mia told her as she hurriedly got up from her seat and left some money on the table.
''What?'' Desiree asked confused.
''Come on, we don't need to waste any more precious time!'' Mia told her as she practically dragged her best friend out of the coffee shop while the customers gave them strange looks.
Mia parked her expensive silver car in front of a gigantic white house, Noah's house. Desiree's house was already very big in size but Noah's house looked like a palace compared to hers.
''I can't do this Mia'' Desiree said as she looked down and started to play with her hands.
''Oh just grow some balls Dessie, you'll be fine!'' She said as she pushed her out of her car and gave her a little wave. ''I have to go do some errands, I hope you don't mind walking back home, your house isn't that far away but call me if you want me to pick you up.''
''Will do'' She replied.
Desiree slowly climbed up the stairs which lead to the front door, took a deep breath, and rang the doorbell. After a few moments, the door was opened.
''Desiree, what a pleasure to see you!'' Noah's mum greeted her as she kissed both of her cheeks. ''Noah is upstairs in his room, darling.''
''Thank you so much Mrs. Hale'' She replied as she started to make her way to Noah's room.
When she arrived in front of his door she knocked to let him know that he was there, she had never been more nervous in her whole life.
''Come in mum!'' Noah said.
When she went inside he looked up from a book that he was reading, a biology book from the look of it.
''Desiree'' He said as he sat there in surprise, he clearly hadn't been expecting her.
''Noah, I know that you weren't expecting me and I came here without informing you but I need to tell you something important.'' She said as she sat Indian style on his bed facing him. He immediately placed his hand on her thigh and looked at her confused.
''About what?''
''Look Noah this is very hard for me to say, but-''
''Would you like something to drink?'' Desiree was interrupted by Noah's mother's arrival.
''No thanks mum, now please leave.'' He replied rather rudely as he turned his full attention on Desiree, which made her more nervous than she already was.
''We need to break up Noah, I can't do this anymore!'' Desiree blurted out.
Noah didn't say anything for a while, he just sat there facing her with a look of total shock on his face, but his look soon turned into one of anger.
''What do you mean Desiree? You can't just come in here and tell me that you want to break up with me!'' He said as he got up from his bed and started to pace. He suddenly stopped and turned to face her. ''Oh wait I get it now, it's because of that punk isn't it? I fucking knew it!'' He angrily yelled.
Desiree just sat there on his bed, scared. She had never seen him that angry before, and it was all her fault.
''Please Noah, calm down.'' She told him as she plucked up her courage and got up from his bed and went to stand next to him.
''I can't calm down, you are leaving me for a guy you have known for a few days! That is messed up!'' He said as he turned around and yelled in her face.
''Noah, what I feel for him is special, it's something that I don't feel for you, and I cheated on you.'' She quickly added the last part as she looked at the ground avoiding eye contact.
''You did what? Desiree, I can't fucking believe you, I thought that I knew you but I sure didn't. Get out of my house right now!'' He yelled at her, he looked so scary and he looked like a bomb which was on the verge of exploding.
''Noah please-''
''Don't you understand? Get out of my house!'' He said as he slapped her in the face.
Desiree looked at him in shock as she raised her hand to her cheek which was throbbing with a sharp pain as tears started to stream down her face. Noah froze immediately and looked at her with wide eyes.
''Desiree, I'm so sorry, I-'' He started to say as she took a step closer to her.
''Don't you dare touch me, you bastard! I never want to see you again!'' She yelled as she ran out of his room as fast as she could as she sobbed.
Just as she was about to run out of the front door she heard Mrs. Hale asking what as wrong but she didn't reply, instead she ran out without looking back as she dialed the only person that could make her feel safe and protect her.
The person she was calling finally picked up.
''Elliot, I need you!''
''Des what's wrong? Don't move from where you are, I'm coming to get you right now just tell me where you are, baby girl.''