"I think that concludes everything for this meeting. Do you have any other questions concerning the deal?", I asked the representatives from the company I have been trying to partner with for a while.
There were no questions, no comment, few of them just looked at each other and nodded approvingly.
"Okay," I said, closing the document in front of me.
" I suppose that settles it. Thank you all for giving us this opportunity to present our idea to you and offering our company your partnership . GLC appreciates it".
" You are welcome, Mr Markson. Your idea was wonderful and not getting involved in its development would be greatly unwise", one of the men said, standing and offering me his hands for a handshake.
I took his hands and shook them vigorously before withdrawing my hands. "So, I guess that marks the end of this meeting. We'll keep your company updated", I announced and with a few nods and smiles, most of them stood up to leave.
My beta, Clinton, who is also serving as my right-hand man in the company immediately reached out, took my document placed it into my briefcase, and stood up.
Together, we left the boardroom with the other members.
As we walked out of the building, I asked Clinton, "Do I have another appointment for today? "
"Yes sir, it's regarding the message from the order", he replied
"Other than that, nothing else?", I inquired, slightly looking over my shoulder at him.
"Yes sir" Clinton replied.
"Okay, that's it. We are going home.", I told him causing him to stop suddenly.
" But master, What about the message from the order? Don't you think it's important to acknowledge it?", he asked, his expression that of confliction.
"No. If they want to meet me, they'll come over to see me.", I explained
" Okay, master.", he affirmed
And with that, we continued walking while I got lost in my thoughts.
I remembered how the order made me feel like an outcast. How they had sabotaged my every move, making life harder than it should be.
As if I chose this life as if I chose to be a hybrid. And now they want me to come over and royally kiss their ass by accepting the restricting order from my half-brother, the damned dunderhead.
I don't think this is anything but the highest form of insult from these people. I'm not showing up.
I don't care if they're the order or gods themselves; I'm not going to go to them. And to think this is because of a half-witted fool, Aiden, it only gets more annoying.
My thoughts were immediately interrupted as my senses heightened. Everything felt too close, too loud, too big.
Leah is in danger.
Where is Leah?
I turned to Clinton. 'Call someone and find out if Leah is in her room or even in the estate.'
'Okay, master.', he said and pulled out his cell phone.
A few seconds later, Clinton returned with a negative answer. "Leah isn't in her room and can't be found around the estate. I think she escaped"
You think? where might she be?
Where could she go to? She can't go back home; the girl has way too much pride. What would you expect from the daughter of the head of the order?
Obviously, she is not stupid, she can't go back to Aiden. I think I know where she'll be.
"Clinton, tell the driver we're changing location and he will do well to be faster than Vin Diesel ", I informed my beta who passed the information on to the driver.
We both got in and off we went. with little directions from me, we arrived at the restaurant to see it in absolute disarray.
Glasses were scattered everywhere, there were screams from inside. I looked inside to see Leah come out from what was probably the kitchen.
Anger fueled me, if she had stayed in her room, this wouldn't be happening. When I get her, I would make her...
Wait, what's he doing? Is he mad? What is he going to do with that rock?
Oh! Shit!
Leah is inside. If that gets to her, Leah would get hurt. I can't let that happen.
I knew what I was about to do was forbidden, humans are around and it wouldn't help my case with the order—but this was Leah. I couldn't let anything happen to her.
So, I set aside the law-abiding part of me and flashed inside. As I got closer to her, I saw the rock heading her way and she was still standing.
Without hesitation, I pushed her out of the rock's path, and we both went down to the floor.
When she turned towards me, I smirked and teased her a little. But seeing her shaking so much, I immediately dropped the smirk and pulled her into my arms, holding her until she calmed down a bit.
After a few seconds, I sensed that she is no longer crippled by fear so I stood up, pulling her along with me and telling her to go wait in the car.
I then called Clinton over and instructed him to address the workers concerning Noah and the damage done to the restaurant, to reassure them that everything would be under control and they should go home and recover from today's attack.
While he was doing that, I noticed the stone that was aimed at Leah and picked it up. There was a piece of paper attached to it with the words
"stupid, cheap slut".
Wow, this coward has a funny way of doing things. This could only be from Aiden. That man should have grown up already.
I scrunched the paper and threw it away before heading to the car to meet Leah. Seeing that she was still shaken up, though not as much as before, I scooted closer to her and pulled her into my embrace to comfort her.
I instructed the driver to take us back to the estate. I trust Clinton to find a way to get home.
When we got into the estate and parked in front of my home, I got down gently helped her out of the car, carried her, and started towards my chamber.
I noticed Nana and a few maids looking anxious, but I ignored them all. This wasn't the time to berate them for not keeping a closer eye on her; it wasn't their fault.
She's smart, and I'll give her that.
When I reached my room, I got in and gently laid her on my bed. She still looks extremely frightened.
So, I focused on the task of removing her footwear as I whispered encouraging words when her timid voice pierced through,
"Damien, what happened? Why my restaurant? What's was all that for?"
I replied, 'Oh, it's nothing. You don't need to worry about it. Everything will be sorted out and taken care of"
Done, I turned to leave But she stopped me. She held my hands, saying "
Damien, please don't go. I can't stay on my own. I'm really frightened."
I hesitated. I didn't want to act all soft, especially since I was still angry with her. But seeing how vulnerable she looked, I decided to go close, lay down with her, and pull her into my embrace again.
She smelled so nice, and with her soft body pressing into me, I remembered every moment of yesterday.
Gulping hard, I closed my eyes and blanked out my thoughts.
But she kept letting out small whimpers and I was losing my control.
I whispered, "fuck!!" causing her to look up at me. She spoke some words but I couldn't hear her over the rush of blood to my groin.
Her lips! Oh God, her lips!
I can't
I shouldn't
But I really can't
Well, fuck it
"Forgive me Leah", was my Last thought before I covered her lips with mine.