Leah's POV
My head hurts badly, light dancing in its raw form in my eyes the few times I tried opening it, causing me to shut it back.
When I felt a bit stable, I opened my eyes again and noticed I was still in the hospital and in the same room I left.
The memories are hazy, I clearly remember leaving this room to go up the ledge, I remember falling off, I also remember being saved by someone and judging by the feel of their arms, it's a male.
Was it Aiden? No, it can't be. But what if he came back? To me? A bit of me, the extremely hopeful bit was delusional.
Still trying to figure out what exactly happened, the doctor came in, smiling with relief.
"The nurses told me you had woken up so I decided to come to check up on you", he announced as he walked towards me.
"So Mrs, how do you feel in general?", he asked, wearing back his stethoscope. He looks genuinely concerned about my state of being.
"I feel fine, just a little bit disoriented", I answered, as truthfully as I could.
"I wouldn't blame you, seeing the number of days you spent in a coma", he replied.
Wait a damned minute! Days? Coma? What's going on?
"Sorry doctor, how long do you reckon I have been in a coma?", I asked, a bit scared of the answer.
"Reckon? I know you have been in a coma for six days", he replied, his voice increasingly calm.
"We found you in the room, your clothes askew, your drip no longer connected to your arms, totally passed out on the ground and that's when we rushed you back in the bed and commenced another treatment", he explained.
A question has been lingering in the back of my head since the doctor explained how he found me. I turned to the doctor only to find him looking at me with what bore resemblance to pity.
"When would I be discharged" I asked,
"You are well and you look well so, all you need to do is to come over to the front desk, sign a couple of papers, and then you can go", he replied.
"Ok, that I would do. Thank you doctor", I told him, sincerely. He nodded and left.
When he closed the door after him, I hastily got up to get dressed.
I called my driver and he told me he was close to the hospital so I ended the call. I noticed the envelope containing the divorce letters close to my bed.
I got hold of it and I was filled with instant fury, but I wasn't going to sign it yet, not until I got clarification from Aiden on why he treated me this way.
Discharged and already in my car, I gave the driver my location. He threw me a look through the rear mirror but I looked away and told him to drive.
The guilt raised its head again and I let it toss me about but I can't give up now, all my life, all I ever knew was loving Aiden. He was the son of my dad's
friend, the Alpha before Aiden, and I grew up loving him.
After the death of his father, Aiden was crowned Alpha and was asked to choose a Luna and he picked me.
But as the only child of my father and next in line of the leader of the Order I wasn't supposed to fall in love or have kids, I was supposed to dedicate my whole life to the cause.
I wanted a family of my own so I went against my dad and threw away my inheritance, my home, and everything I knew, only to be slapped in the face in return.
My thoughts were disrupted by the new look of Aiden's place. When the car stopped and I got out, I went forward to investigate the place and it looked like someone threw a party.
"Ma'am, I don't think it's a good idea for you to go in. I can drive you somewhere else", my driver offered but I ignored him.
"What's going on here?", I asked him but he chose to ignore me,
I left him standing and walked inside the compound and on seeing me, a deafening silence ensued. Everyone was staring nervously at me but I ignored them all.
I scanned for Aiden and spotted him sitting under a constructed canopy, on a love seat but he wasn't alone, he was with her.
Blood rushed to my brain, my eyes saw nothing but red and I squeezed the envelope in my hands, blindly rushing towards him.
"How dare you, you scum bag, you couldn't even wait for me to divorce you and you went on ahead to marry this.. this.. this stupid bitch", I screamed, throwing tables that stood in my way.
Seeing him sitting so calmly, not moved by my rant got me more infuriated. I went for the wedding cake, lifted it, and threw it on the floor.
It looked ugly anyway.
This got his attention as he stood up, and called for security but that didn't deter me, I continued throwing things at him.
" I can't believe I thought you were worth shit, I hate you and I pray you burn in hell, you cum-sucking fool, you bloody bastard"
"Cheating, lying bastard. I hate you, I hate that I loved you", I continued screaming, backing my stuff- throwing.
Security arrived but they didn't touch me, there were warnings and advice for me to stop and leave but I ignored them all and continued cursing out Aiden.
His bitch tried coming at me but Aiden held her back and started walking towards me instead. I stood, ready to defend myself, if need be.
"This is your last warning Leah, get the hell out of my palace!" he was angry I could tell but I was more angry.
"No Aiden, not until you tell everyone here how you are a cheating and lying bastard, and how you killed our child"
Those last words might have gotten to him badly, he raised his hands to hit me but he was held back,
Wait? What? Did someone hold his hand?
I watched Aiden look up to the person behind me, to see the person who had the nerve to stop him and I saw the moment, shock took over.
Aiden had never been scared of anyone in his life but to see him shaken up like this,
I turned to see who it was and OH MY GOD!