As time passes, my anger increases, I can't stand him ordering me, bossing me around. I don't care if he is feared by all, I don't care if he is deadly. I am leaving here.
But where do I go from here? Having a place to go to right now is not my priority but it's close. Right now, my only focus is getting out of this place.
Moreover, I can't go home—my shame and pride won't allow it. And Aiden... Stupid Aiden, curse him.
He's the reason I'm in this mess. There's no way I'm going back to him. I can't get bogged down with that right now. I just need to find a way to leave.
Wait! I have a restaurant! How could I forget about it? Damn, I think I'm losing my mind.
Atta girl! Thank God I didn't become one of those loving dependent women. That would worsen this situation.
I have somewhere to start from once I leave here, not a man, not my family but my business.
Saves me a lot of stress and explanation. Let's not forget the beginning.
Now, with that settled, how do I get out of here?
Looking around for some sort of inspiration, I caught sight of myself in the mirror and I looked down at my dress.
I can't wear this? This is too flashy, I need something that won't draw attention to me.
I walked to my closet and rummaged through the dresses provided, looking for the most nondescript clothes I could find.
I spotted a brown dress lying in the corner, almost like it didn't belong there. It's perfect—brown is so understated, and it gives off a humble vibe.
Sorry to those who love brown, but it's true. I mean, you can style it all sorts of ways, but I don't think it speaks to money.
White does tho, black too. Green, omg.
Anyway, focus.
I grabbed the brown dress and looked around for something to help me modify it. I found a pair of scissors lying on a small table—thank goodness for small mercies.
I took the scissors to my bed, along with the dress. and immediately started cutting the dress, making it shorter and adjusting it to make it look more unattractive and plain.
Perfect! This will do
I shredded my gown, donned the brown gown, roughened my hair and once I was finished, I looked in the mirror to check the result.
It looked good, I looked like a nobody.
But.... where's Nana?
I tiptoed to the door and opened it carefully. When I saw that Nana wasn't standing outside, I rushed out and went through the narrow, dark paths, avoiding open places.
I wish I could walk out the same way I came in but I can't use the main gate; there was no way they'd let me through. The guards will know my face and remember that I came in with that devil.
I understand he's a hybrid, and a fearful one at that, but why is everyone so terrified of him? I mean, calling him 'Master'? I just can't believe it's still a thing these days, and he actually likes it!
Ugh, I keep getting sidetracked.
I saw one of the maids that served me and followed her closely, we moved through narrow paths until she entered another building.
I followed her and from the numbers of maids here, I guess this is the maid's chamber.
I encountered quite a lot of maids on my way here and gratefully, none of them could recognize me but I didn't expect them to be this much.
I ignored them and looked around to see if there was a way to leave and bam!
Sorry, pressure.
But I watched one of the older women give a little girl a basket and a list. I watched the girl for a while and noticed she didn't follow the main gate when leaving.
It seems there is another gateway solely just for the maids. Such an unfair treatment that I will be taking advantage of.
I head towards the gate, my head bowed, whispering prayers, totally nervous but no one stopped me.
Once outside, I ran to the road where I could easily catch a ride. I spotted a car that had just dropped someone off, flagged it down, and got in.
"Just drive, I will give you directions. Take me out of here", I told the driver and thankfully, he didn't say a word, he just drove off.
Following my directions, we reached my restaurant and I got out of the car and told the driver to give me a few moments.
I rushed inside and found one of my staff, he immediately started asking, 'Oh my god, boss, is this you? We've been hoping you would show up!'
I said, "Yes, yes, I know. Do you have any cash on you?'
He replied, 'Yes.'
I said, 'Great, give it to me. I need to pay for the cab.' He quickly handed me the money, and I rushed back out to pay the driver.
I walked back into the restaurant to see all my workers gathered, looking happy but puzzled, totally ignoring the customers.
They cast curious glances at my dress, but I didn't care. I was just relieved to be out of there. Even if I faced death right now, I'd feel a sense of relief.
They started bombarding me with questions, and from the expressions on their face, I guessed they knew about my new marital status.
I assured them I was fine, but my head chef, Nini asked, 'Are you sure? We heard about the divorce and haven't seen or heard from you in days.'
I replied, 'Yes, I'm really okay. I've just been trying to heal. I'm sorry for leaving suddenly but I'm here now. How was the restaurant in my absence?"
They explained how they'd tried their best to keep things running smoothly but it hadn't been easy.
I assured them, 'I'm back now, and everything is going to be okay".
I went into the kitchen, found my apron, and put it on. As I began cooking, I lost myself in the process. Cooking has always been my way to escape stress and clear my mind.
I lost track of time while cooking, but I was jolted back to reality by some shouting outside. I opened my door to check what was going on, just as one of my workers was doing the same.
He looked really frazzled, 'What's happening?' I asked him,
And he replied, 'We don't know. We're under attack.
'Under attack?' I echoed, stunned.
In all the years I've had this restaurant, I've never experienced any sort of attack, so this is quite a surprise. An unpleasant surprise, tho!
I immediately thought it was a robbery and rushed out, only to find that there was no one robbing the restaurant.
I looked around to discover my glasses were shattered, and my workers were crunched up on the floor, some screaming and others whimpering.
I heard a sound and followed it to see a rock crash through my glass and coming toward me.
It felt like time stopped as I stood there in shock, unable to move, watching it slowly make its way toward me.
But before it got to me, I was pushed out of the way. I fell to the ground, stunned, confused, and totally aware of the hands wrapped around me.
I turned to see the owner of the hands only to see a smirking face.
" I think I'm cursed with saving your sweet ass from death". Damien said