After a crowd of people, I can finally pull out my phone and was texting Alyssa a few times. I laugh seeing the joke she's telling me but feel a presence in front of me, which makes me raise my head.
I raise my head and raise my eyebrows when I see the person standing in front of me.
“Oh, hello again! »
" Hello. May I know your first name? »
I smile mischievously.
“Why would I give you my first name? »
He looks surprised, which makes me smile even more. He certainly thought that I would give him like that, casually. But just because he's a prince doesn't mean I have to do anything.
"Because unlike your colleague, Alyssa, I can't guess myself." » He replies smiling.
I laugh then.
" What can I get you ? »
" Your first name ? »
I laugh again and he smiles.
"Scarlett, could you give this to Alyssa, please?" calls out a familiar male voice.
I turn around to cross my arms under my chest. I tap the ground with my foot, a sign of my nervousness. What is this guy pissing me off, it's crazy! He is lazy and does not want to do anything! He always tries to push me away from all his chores but I refuse them.
"Can't you do it yourself, Tom?" »
He huffs and eventually nods. I succeeded, I'm happy. I then turn to him and smile again.
"So...Scarlett, would you like to have coffee with me?" » He asks while pressing on my first name which he discovered because of Tom.
" I work. I replied smiling.
" There is nobody. he pointed out. " Please. »
I huff, rolling my eyes but end up letting him win. I ask all the same what he wants and prepare two cups of coffee that I place on one of the tables not far from the counter.
“Fortunately you ended up accepting, I came all this way just to see you. »
“What an honor! I exclaimed sarcastically before laughing. " I am very touched. »
“Hey! What right do you have to laugh at me? " He's laughing.
" All my excuses. I laugh curtsying.
He laughs in turn.
"What's a guy like you doing at a rest stop?" I don't know, you don't have a... private jet or something? »
There, it is said. Since yesterday I ask myself the question and I take the opportunity to ask him. I don't know if I should speak to him with a more sustained language given his family affiliation but I would find it rather strange so I prefer to speak normally.
He seems surprised by my question.
“Well, my private jet happens to be in repair. Therefore, I had to take the car to go to a ball and by chance I found myself in this rest area. »
I shake my head. The ball, of course. The one where I saw him on TV last night.
"But I'm happy. » He resumes.
I frown. What is he talking about ?
“I'm glad I stopped here. Without that, I wouldn't have met you. »
Unwittingly, I start to blush and try to hide myself with my loose hair but I think it's a waste of time because he laughs.
“Are you making fun of me? »
“No, I think it's very cute that you're blushing. »
Wow. I feel even more embarrassed. I'm sure I must be as red as a tomato. Shame.
But it's not every day you get a compliment from the prince, is it?
But I think of his many conquests. He certainly has a habit of complimenting girls on sleeping with him and leaving them the next day. I don't want to be part of it. I've never had a one-night stand because I'm just not that kind of girl.
I want to have serious relationships. Even though I haven't known many boys in my life, I have stayed with each of them for a long time and I am rather very proud of them.
I am an ordinary girl after all. I just dream of finding a good boy. I know there are! Of course, I dream of getting married and starting a family, it's something essential for me.
If ever I didn't succeed in getting married and founding a family, I believe that I would have wasted my life, very sincerely.
“Scarlett? »
I raise my head. He looks at me with an almost worried look.
" Yes ? »
"Did I say something wrong?" »
I shake my head and take a sip of my coffee before finishing it entirely. I throw it in a nearby trash can and get up.
"What exactly do you want from me?" I swayed a little more harshly than I would have liked.
He looks confused by my question, which I can understand. He frowns and locks his gaze on mine.
“I just want to get to know you, nothing more. »
Really ? Why me ? What can push a person like him to want to get to know me more? I am a normal person and I do not live in the world of the bourgeoisie, far from it. I'm middle class and I'm not complaining about it.
" I don't understand. »
“What don't you understand? »
“Why are you doing this! What could drive you to do... what you do! »
He finishes his coffee in turn and throws it in the trash can next to me. He stands up and stares at me.
“I'm doing this because I like you, Scarlett. »
With that, he turns his back on me and leaves the store. I remain speechless, like yesterday.
That last sentence disturbed me too much for me to think properly.
I see Alyssa rushing towards me in the distance, looking very worried as I fall back into my chair.
"Scarlett, are you okay?" »
Oh yes, I'm better than ever. Instinctively, I smile. I like him.