[In media: Alyssa]
We enter the palace and I am dazzled by the beauty of this place. I don't know wealth. I have always lived in poverty and, even if I do the best I can to get by, I would never have enough to pay for a tenth of one of the objects present here.
Scarlett looks everywhere for Andrew but she doesn't see him. The relationship between them is so adorable. I wouldn't even be surprised to see Scarlett one day become Andrew's girlfriend. I think he's serious with her. At least, that's what he lets it seem.
I have never known love. I couldn't judge anyone but I don't think I'm wrong about Prince Andrew's intentions. Why would he go to so much trouble for my best friend otherwise?
"Do you see Andrew anywhere?" »
I also try to find him in this crowd but no, I don't see him. I feel Scarlett a bit dejected and decide to find a solution.
“Look, you just have to look a little further. I went to have a drink and was looking for our table. »
She accepts directly and I watch her venture into this crowd. I go for a drink on the side and start scanning each table for Scarlett's first name or my own.
I started with the furthest tables but found us nowhere. So I look near the prince's table and I'm surprised to find our two first names, one next to the other at Prince Andrew's table. A young man with his hair up is already there, but he hasn't noticed me because he's looking down at his phone, which he's holding between his legs.
I pull out the chair where I see my name and sit down. Alerted by the noise, he immediately looks up at me and frowns.
"Um... Good evening?" I say, unsure of myself.
I am ashamed. Maybe I shouldn't have opened my mouth. I'm so stupid !
" Hi ! Are you Scarlet? he asks, still frowning.
", I'm her best friend, Alyssa." “I introduce myself.
“Delighted, Alexander. He says holding out his hand which I grab.
The only contact with men I have had is with my father or my brothers. So it makes me very funny and causes me a strange reaction inside me.
“I've heard a lot about your best friend. Imagine that she made my brother's head spin! »
Oh ! But it's great! I raise my eyebrows in surprise and can't help but smile cheerfully. This is very good news for Scarlett, I'm so happy for her!
“Your brother spun his. »
" It's true ? »
I confirm the answer and grab my glass for a sip. Very naturally, Alexander starts talking to me as if we had known each other for years. I don't even feel like I'm talking to a prince, more like a good friend I've lost sight of for years.
After a long moment of discussion, a small presence advances slowly towards us. I smile tenderly at my best who is coming towards us.
“The famous Scarlett! Launches Alexander towards him.
He gets up and gives her a kiss.
“Nice to finally meet you! »
" Me too. »
She turns to me and points to her name.
"So we're at this table?" »
She seems as surprised as me when I discovered it. I nod my head to confirm it and see her sit down next to me. Alexander naturally resumes our conversation and includes my best friend in the game.
“I see you have already met. » Launches a hoarse voice.
At the same time, the three of us look up at Andrew who has just arrived without us realizing it. He only has eyes for Scarlett. Their gazes are lit up when they look at each other. They may not know it, may not be aware of it, but... slowly and surely they are falling for each other...
“I don't even need to introduce myself, brother, I got to know these lovely ladies. »
His gaze stops on me. I blushed and looked down.
“Hey, but I'm thinking about it! Scarlett exclaims. “Is it true that you have a mad passion for photography? »
Alexander nods his head and confirms that he is well educated in the world of photography.
I had the same passion before having to stop. It was just a hobby and when my very expensive camera that my parents gave me when I was little let go, I quit.
“Alyssa has the same! my best friend shouted.
" I stopped. I specified, embarrassed.
" Why ? asks Alexander in a curious tone.
"I couldn't afford to continue..." I confessed even more embarrassed.
“You could drop by our workshop to see what happens, I invite you! »
“That's very nice, Alexander, but I can't afford to go to photography school. »
He frowns and tilts his head. I don't want to repeat that. It would destroy me rather than anything else to set foot in a place where I could never attempt anything because of my lack of money.
I work. I even work hard. I love working on this rest area, by the way, but don't believe it. I don't earn miles and cents there. Three-quarters of my salary is for my family because I have to feed all those mouths.
We are one big united family. We have to help each other and even though my older brother is gone and left home, I have to make sure my siblings and my parents have everything they need.
Thank goodness it's time to eat. Andrew sits down with us and talks to the two other people who are at the table with us. Scarlett feels a bit left out, I think. It's not easy for her and I understand that. Andrew should give her a little more attention if he doesn't want to risk losing her.
Well, I'm talking to his brother. I don't know much about the royal family so I'm slowly discovering all these little things about them. I thus learn that Alexander is 24 years old and that he is passionate about photography. I don't go back on that so as not to hurt myself and go over it.
As I stare at Andrew and Alexander, I realize how the photos in people magazines are not deceiving. They are both really sexy. They are very beautiful and make damn princes. It doesn't surprise me how much all the girls drool in front of them. I think I could very well be one of them.