I can not dream of a better awakening than thanks to the light of the sun. The rays were reduced by my curtain but did not prevent them from coming to enlighten me, causing the end of a nice dream. I slowly opened my eyes and stretched, yawning. A long day awaited me!
I got up and grabbed my dressing gown which I put on quickly before leaving my room to join the kitchen in which I smelled a good smell of coffee.
My roommate, Laura, happened to be making breakfast.
"Good morning, Scarlett!" She smiled giving me a kiss.
“Good morning, Laura. I repeated.
I took a cup and served myself coffee in which I added a sugar. I glanced at the clock which said 9:25. I was going to have to hurry a bit if I didn't want to be late for my place of work. I thanked my roommate for the coffee and went back to my room to get my clothes for the day.
When I finally chose them, I went to the bathroom to clean my face, brush my teeth, put on my clothes, do my hair and put on makeup.
As I walked through the hallway to get my bag and shoes, I took one last look at the clock: 9:45. I was on time!
I took my car keys and went down the steps to reach the parking lot of the building where my car was parked.
Installed inside, I started and led me straight to my place of work.
To tell the truth, I worked in this cafe while combining studies since it was necessary to pay my part of the apartment and the bills, even if my parents took care of paying the part of the studies.
I arrived there and entered the cafe. I was right on time, as usual. I went into the locker room to drop off my things and put my apron over my clothes. I then join the checkout, where I used to sit very regularly.
"Hello Scarlett!" The boss threw at me. “Tom is sick. Could you help Alyssa fill up the magazine stocks on the shelf later? »
Tom, one of my colleagues, is constantly absent. I don't know what the boss is waiting for to fire him. I don't see the point of paying someone who is almost never there.
" Sure. »
The boss thanked me with a small nod and went to the office upstairs. Me, I took care of the 'coffee' part while my colleagues took care of the small adjoining shop. To be more precise, I work on a rest area which I quite like since I see different people every day and I like that.
These people disembark because they have been driving for hours. Some only come there to go to the toilet, but there are others who stop for a coffee or pass by the shop to buy food or entertain their passengers in their cars, I am thinking here of the children.
Despite everything, we have regulars who are delighted to be able to stop by to talk to us. We are a family rest area and we like it.
" Hello. a customer greeted me. "I would like a cappuccino, please." »
" Right away. »
While preparing the cappuccino, I think back to the first time I came here. The boss showed me around and explained to me that he was against all these automatic machines which replaced men and had always said to himself that he would create an area in which people would be obliged to go to real people to get what they want.
I found it so crazy but so good. Nowadays, machines replace men so we have to fix it.
The coffee ready, I handed it to the customer, giving him the amount. He paid immediately and left. A couple then arrived to ask for two espressos which I quickly served.
When I saw that it was a little quieter, I join Alyssa in the shop part. I kissed her cheeks and asked where I should get the magazines. She comes with me to the reserve and unpacks the boxes. A stack of newspapers had to be put away.
Alyssa put them all on a cart and pulled with me to the shelf.
“Only gossip magazines. she sighed.
“That's the only thing that sells. »
She nodded sadly and started putting the magazines on the pile in the right place. I did the same on my side.
“Alyssa, there is a customer. I pointed out looking at the cash register.
" Oh. Do you mind if I go? I come back after. »
I smile.
"Sure, go ahead. »
She returned my smile and got up to join the cash register quickly. I grabbed one of the magazines. "Non-Stop People" with on the front page, Prince Andrew who is still acting up.
"When is Prince Andrew going to stop his one night stands?" »
"And one more for Prince Andrew!" »
"King Edward couldn't bear to see his grandson multiply his conquests any longer!" »
"The future king, Prince Andrew, hated by the people? »
Wow. Were all of these topics true? Out of habit, I didn't read these media rags that invent anything to be able to sell their stupid magazines, but it's true that the photos can only support these remarks.
"Prince Andrew, huh?" »
I jumped when I heard Alyssa's voice. She laughs when she sees me put my hand on my racing heart.
"He's hot, it's a shame he's so dumb." »
I glanced at the magazine before putting it back on the pile.
"He's a millionaire. He is right to enjoy! I argued.
"Of course but he's the future king, he can't afford everything anyway. It's King Edward who must not be happy! »
I laugh.
"I agree, he must be tough!" »
After I finished putting all the magazines in their place, I left to go to my checkout. I hurried because customers were waiting. I took the orders and prepared the coffees as quickly as possible.
I liked that. I liked this job, I really liked it.
Before going home in the evening, I passed by the office of Greg, the boss. He had asked me to come after my service.
"Sorry to hold you back, Scarlett, but I wanted to talk to you about something. Remember our discussion two weeks ago about pastries and pastries? »
Of course, how not to remember that?! The boss had talked to me for a long hour about an idea he had had. He wanted to integrate into the café that I had a whole stock of pastries and pastries to increase the number of incomes.
I nodded, waiting for the sequel.
"It's going to happen!" Starting tomorrow, work will start at the back to fit out a kitchen area and I will be hiring a pastry cook. If all goes well, in 15 days, we can start the service.
" It's awesome ! I'm really happy. »
He smiled and told me that I could go back. I was genuinely happy: I was going to have one more responsibility. Just that !
I returned very happy to the apartment to find my roommate in full revision. I let her work quietly and went to my room to start reading a new novel.
I only have a few pages left and end up going out to join the kitchen, just to start preparing our evening meal. Mushroom risotto, one of the dishes I cooked best.
I then called Laura and we ate quietly in front of the television.