I hate Fridays because it's always full! It's the weekend, I'm exhausted from the long work week and I pay the worst day Friday and Saturday morning. Sometimes I even work on Saturday afternoons.
I shuttle between my cash register and the preparation of coffees. I also juggle pastries or pastries now. What a mess !
After a long queue, it is completely emptied and I blow. I was going to text Alyssa but as I looked up at her checkout I saw Andrew talking to her.
I drop my crate and go join them.
I grow a little taller to kiss her on both cheeks, which gives me some unwanted blushes.
“Is there a problem for tomorrow? “I worry.
I would be pissed if he came to cancel because I made Alyssa spend money for this evening.
" Absolutely not. I came to make sure you would still come. »
I laugh. I'm sure he's lying!
"Did you come all this way to ask me that?" You could very well have texted me. " I smile. " No matter ! I always come tomorrow night and take Alyssa. »
“That's what I could understand. »
Together, we take a look at Alyssa who is still watching the scene. She may feel too much because she decides to go to her checkout where customers are waiting for her.
“I have something for you. Wait for me, I'll be back. »
I go to my locker room to get the gift I kept in one of my pockets and come back to the room. I look for it because it's not in the same place where I left it.
I finally notice it. He is sitting at one of the tables in my cafe. I walk towards him, hands behind my back holding my gift. When I arrive in front of him, I hand him my gift and sit down facing him.
“I wanted to. I specify to justify this trifle. " Happy Birthday ! »
He slowly unwraps my present and smiles seeing the tie he is holding in his hands.
“I chose it because it had my initials on it. It's not done on purpose but I thought you could think of me when you put it on. I explain shyly. "If you don't like it, I can still rap..."
“Scarlett. He cuts me off. "It's adorable that you gave me a present when you shouldn't." Thank you very much! »
He gets up and leans over to kiss me on the cheek. I blushed instantly. He looks at his tie again and frowns.
"Scarlett S...?" »
I look up at him and smile.
“Scarlett Simons. »
Alyssa and I worked all morning until noon. At this time, we finally left our place of work to join my car. I'm taking Alyssa to my house and she'll be sleeping there after the party.
We ate quickly and put our clothes on my bed to have everything ready when we get back from our appointment at the hairdresser. I'm a little afraid that we're late because of the appointment.
At 3 p.m., we walk through the doors of the hairdresser. Yesterday's wife smiled at us and told us to wait on the seats made available. A few minutes later, she calls Alyssa to go to the hair wash and I'm still waiting. It's his colleague, a beautiful redhead who takes care of me as soon as she ends up with a little girl as tall as three apples.
Like Alyssa, I only cut the ends but it's several centimeters anyway. The hairdresser degraded my hair a little to give it a look. I quite like it. My hair looks blacker than it used to.
2 hours after crossing the door of the hairdresser, we come out. We run to the car and I drive a little faster than usual to get to the apartment quickly. We laugh while running, it's so weird to hurry like that.
Alyssa rushes into the shower while I do my nails and pack my bag. I also take this opportunity to prepare the room for when we come back after the evening. I don't think we'll be able to do anything yet.
Alyssa finally comes out. She is dry but still in a towel. I slip into the shower while she does her nails but comes out quickly. I leave my hair on my back, I like how it is. Alyssa decided to do the same, anyway. We put on our dresses and we go to make-up.
I put on my shoes, Alyssa too. We take a jacket, our pockets that we use as a handbag and we leave the apartment. We didn't even meet Laura!
"I can't believe I'm driving to the royal palace!" »
" That's crazy ! »
Fortunately we hurried, the road is long. But when I finally see the palace, I slow down. After an identity check, they finally let us in and a valet takes care of taking my car. We go out and walk on a carpet to the entrance.
A woman dressed as a 21st century servant leads us to the room where the birthday is taking place. It is huge, there is a crowd! It's just crazy to see so many people in a room. Many are the round tables around which a few people have already settled.
"Do you see Andrew anywhere?" »
Alyssa helps me look for him but it's a bit of a waste of time in this multitude of people.
“Look, you just have to look a little further. I went to have a drink and was looking for our table. Alyssa tells me.
I don't think she likes to venture into all that crowd. It's not something she knows or appreciates. I can totally understand him so I accept his offer and walk further into the room, looking for a familiar face among the crowd.
I don't feel very comfortable among these people. I didn't think a royal person's birthday party could look like this.
Andrew had assured me that there were only his friends but I can see that there are people who belong to the royal family. I managed to recognize a princess that I had already seen once in a gossip magazine. Apparently, this one had flirted with the singer of One Direction, Harry Styles.
True or false, I did not dwell on this article but I regret it now since it would have helped me to know the name of this princess.
“Scarlet! a familiar voice calls out to me.
How happy I am when I see him in front of me, smiling at me with all his perfectly aligned white teeth. It is so elegant! I see him approach me and notice that it's the tie I gave him that he's wearing. He leans towards me and kisses my cheek before pulling back.
“You put my tie on! I pointed out to him with a big smile. “It's a great honor! »
He knows I'm exaggerating, no need to specify. That makes him laugh and he pulls it out to show me the initials.
“SS. Scarlett Simons. he points.
I nod my head in awe.
“I didn't think there would be so many people. I'm a bit lost ! I confessed, lowering my head.
“There shouldn't have been so many people but friends invited other friends and my father added people of royal order. he breathes annoyed. “Don't be intimidated by all these people, Scarlett. You are worth more than all these people put together. »
I blushed and smiled shyly at him. He apologizes to me and goes to call someone he saw coming behind me. I sigh. I go to the buffet with difficulty and I take something to snack and drink, trying to look good.
I'm just trying to bring out the little class that's left in me and that's not won!
I'm going to join Alyssa. I leave the dance floor on which no one is dancing yet but everyone is installed to talk and join the corner of the tables a little further.
When I notice Alyssa, I see that she is not alone. She is talking to someone. Worse still, this someone is a man, but he's not just any man, no.
He's Andrew's brother, Alexander.