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#Chapter 5:SECRETS


It's been a handful since this week visiting hotels, malls and staying the office fixing things 

Though there's much stress but atleast no havoc or war came up recently

The might not be any mess around but my mind has been in total disaster 

After I met that lady that day 

I looked at her credit card that she gave to me and smiled but when time came and I wanna to atleast call and talk to her 

I was going to call her but I couldn't find the credit card I lost it damn

I was so unhappy with myself for being so careless 

I wished and hoped to meet her another day but there's no sign of her 

I've been wondering how she's fairing and how she's doing 

Does she think about me how I think about her

My thoughts were distracted by my phone continuous call

I looked and it was my father's right hand man

It must be an emergency

I picked up my phone but the msg from the other line was not encouraging

My dad's health has become so critical that he needs to enter coma

I wondered if he would survive this sickness 

Anyways I need to head to the hospital now by the time am done I can go meet our VIP customer at the mall and I wish I could see my pretty lady who's been running on my mind so far 


I was going to take Natasha to the mall today I've been skipping taking her but I ought to fulfill it today and be free for once

This mall is probably a place I should avoid but I don't know what I had in mind heading there today again after the past incident 

But this is my fav place if shopping 

I can't just stop it cos of a motherfucker 

Hell no!!!

I'll shunn him and tell him to his face that I ain't got no business with him

No jokes this time and I promise to walk away if things goes overboard 

I said to myself but what am I even saying am not even sure I'm going to meet him 

Neither do I have an appointment with him ughhh.....

At the mall

When we reached I parked my car by the side held Natasha's hand as we entered shopping 

For the past 10 mins I haven't seen stranger man I must swear all this while I was hoping to see him 

I wasn't even concentrated on what Tasha was busy checking out and selecting I was just smiling absent minded 

How could he not even make out time to come see her

How could he not be here now she's available

Seems he's not serious

But wait!!!

Seriously about what 

We ain't even dating or nothing 

It was just a kiss Nasa

My subconscious reminded me yeah just a kiss I guess maybe am the one who's letting myself be distracted by mere things 

I guess I should just focus on my own life and forget the others 

Soon enough Tasha was done with everything she wanted and I held her hand as we walked out 

As we walked down a lil road that led to our car I sighted stranger man talking with someone and just like he noticed me too he turned to our direction

I don't know but I swear my heart skipped and I didn't know when I smiled and looked away immediately

I told tasha to get in the car 

When she did I closed the door but before I could open the door handle to drive away a masculine hand held it

I was forced to look up even though I know who would have done that 

"Hey baby nice seeing you again"

"Hey handsome..."

Wait ooops I messed up I didn't mean to say that 

"Uhmm ... Sorry ..I mean hey dear "

"Sorry if I'm being rushy but the last time we met you gave me your card and I lost it 

So just this time can you just give me your number in my phone so atleast we could have a date and talk properly"

"Uhmm Sorry but I don't give out my numbers to strangers so please excuse me"

"C'mon now I am not a stranger please just wanna be friends with you "

"Really friends??"


"Fine friends, can I go now"

"Sorry the number" I made a fake annoyed face before handing my number to him 

"Thanks for your time and thank you my newest lady"

he smiled and took my hands up and kisses it like a gentleman and just when I thought he was being well behaved today he rushed back like he forgot something 

Then drew me closer and I thought he wanted to whisper to my ear but he kissed my cheeks instead 

Immediately he rushed out smiling at me 

I fumed running after him but I couldn't go far cos I know my face would be so red from blushing I went back to car but I was so damn happy 

Atleast he kissed my cheeks 

I could reminiscence that all my life 

When I entered the car I felt Tasha's gaze on me I turned to her and said what!!?

She smiled or more like she was muffing her laughter 

While pointing to my cheeks

I looked through the rear mirror 

I was blushing so hard even when I pretended to be tough as though nothing happened



"Is he the one?? Is he gonna be my new daddy"

Ahhh Tasha will not kill I barely know that stranger man how's he going to be your daddy when am staying away from him

"Tasha face your chips let's go home"

Thank God she didn't ask again 

Earlier today

At the hospital when I went to meet my father 

Once I reached in 

I was broken my dad who has always been lovely can't even raise a finger now 

His talks now hinches you have to be very attentive before you hear him 

He held my hand and I gently pulled closer to him sitting on a hospital stool

"Da--mi--en I have some--thi--ing to tell you!"

He coughs hard

"Dad easy am here have some water"


"Dad what's that?"I was curious as hell to know

"Am sorry I have to do this now I should have done it long ago but there's no time anymore

Your mother was killed and assasined by a lady 

She is still the reason why am in this condition 

She's still out there creating chaos I know she must be hunting for me and once she can't get to me she'd try to use you 

So now am telling you to be wary of everyone around you 

She can disguise in anything just to get what she wants 

She's a serial killer she has killed too many and I know she could still be hunting for more"he takes a deep breathe

"Srsly dad why did you hide all this from me I could have hunted that bastard and make sure I ripped their hands out of their sockets and tongue out of her mouth before finally beheading her for making me motherless and also putting my father in this condition and who the fuck is that bitch!!!"

"Damien from today hence forth you're the new Italian mafia lord

Damien Don Vito (signore) my only surviving heir 

Go to my room 

Around the walls there's a particular wall that looks different if you look closer use the card on my drawer to open it then go into that secret room it will lead you to the basement and all the information you need

Her name is NASA ANTHNEA find her and make sure you finish her off before she does this is my dying quest please do not forsake it for anything anything at all damien" 

immediately his breath hooked and he started going up like seizing I pressed the alarm and the doctor came in immediately after some few mins he was stable again but he couldn't talk again

After this I was sad and broken that my father hide all this for me even in the soft life I wanted to live I wasn't gonna let anyone mess with me

I so much wanna kill that Nasa right now

Anyways I still need to go to the mall I can't afford loosing such an important customer 

When I reached there I was surprised to see my damsel walking to the parking lot awwww I missed her so much 

I focused on talking to my men like I didn't see her but she looked at me first and I locked her gaze but she pulled away her gaze and rushed to enter her car 

I quickly dismissed my men and went straight to hold her door knob car 

We talked and am glad she's not been like earlier she's loosened up a bit though she still has that sassiness in her 

But I don't mind after she agreed to give me her number I gave her a kiss on the hand then I forgot to flirt a little with her I went back like I forgot something 

She was still looking at me with the eye of *Mr man we're done what else*

Then before she knew it kissed her on the cheek and ran off then I knew it she ran after me with cheeks so red

Wow I can make pretty damsel not only smile but blush too 

I was laughing like so hard on how she chased me but she walked past a car and went back 

I bet she saw her cheeks and didn't want me to know so she went back 

Oops I already saw that pretty damsel you can't hide it 

I stood behind the door from afar and watched her drive out but something or someone caught my attention

A little girl in her car 

Does she have a kid ?

Is she married 

Owwhhh how can she leave me to marry 

Well am gonna ask her later I can't let what I saw spoil this fun mood today 

Fast forward to now

I picked up my phone and dialed pretty damsel since I don't know her name yet 

She didn't pick 

I assumed maybe her husband is around 

But I didn't give up I called her again and this time she picked and mouthed me first

"Are you really gonna be buzzing my phone within few hours I gave you my number huh

You couldn't even wait do you miss me that much?"

I was astounded but I decided to have a comeback for her this time

"Says someone who have been waiting for my call but pretending like the don't want and you!! I saw you blushing earlier"

"Wait what!???"


"You said something earlier you m...."

"Me what??"I was laughing so hard 

I love how pissed she is and I can only imagine her face right now

"Nothing now why the hell did you call me"

"Well I wanted to take you on a date I was wondering if you would agree 

Atleast let's get to know eachother since I like you already"she was silent

"Are you there?"

"Of course am here listening to your lullaby which you think must be sweet and luring"

"Of course they are what do you think"

"Where's the location"

"I'll text that to you bye"

I'm glad she finally complied now back to business


"Yes sir"

"Find any lady with the name NASA ANTHNEA, track her location her work and everything about her and bring me the information"

Now time to have some fun with Gabriel.

need show he that I can actually do better than my father 

if my father was heartless I'm more evil than him

even though I never wanted this I'm still gonna do it I got no choice 

after I finish with Gabriel I can now face that asshole who killed my mother 

I will toture her till she begs for death

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