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#Chapter 3:GABRIEL


When we reached the place little havanna that was located in Miami

I tracked the place my men were hiding and went to meet them 

"Lucas what happened and who's this Damien you talked about"

"Ma he's the son of Don Vito his father is the head of Italian mafia right now he's sick and his son is acting in his position and soon they would try to track down the penetrators so what do we do ma"he answered

I had to think quickly

"Lucas,zone,Jones,Tyler and Mike should stay back and handle Damien 

I and Jean have somewhere to go 

We'd see you guys back in the states when we're done and if it gets too brutal call in some men to help you understood!?"

"Yes ma!!"

"Good Jean let's move"

We headed out south and few miles away from where we are we are gonna be meeting miquel's master I know he must have heard of me eliminating his stepson miquel but this is just the begining and with this he should know his place

"Jean track the tunnel and see if there's a back door we could use to escape once things get nasty I don't trust Gabriel 

He could slip anyhow but I got him under cover"

I was almost done with this shiii

But it seems another problem keeps coming up

I wanted to kill this miquel because he's being talking and boasting of things he doesn't know 

Even when I had business with his father which he doesn't know when it started he wants to take control so I had to take him out of the picture 

But the problem is that is done 

But I killed the stepson of my enemy being Gabriel in the hotel of an Italian mafia lord

I wonder what the outcome will be 

But anyhow 

I hope I win it still 

Back to Gabriel we're here in front of the lion's den 

He's gonna send his men to escort us in 

"Jean brace yourself we about to be taken in and you know he's not gonna allow weapons in" 

I said to him through the earphone even though he was beside me

He bent his head a little showing he copied


I have been waiting for her to arrive 

I know she must have been putting up some cautions and protections

And in just some few seconds I let my men go bring her in but as always she has that particular guard with her 

I always used to wonder if he's was really her guard or her lover but seeing her not having any form of human heart I believed he was her closest guard 

They came in with their hands up in the air

"Wow wow wow finally again we meet NASA"

I stretched my hand towards her but as expected she looked at it in disgust and threw her face away

"Can you even offer us a sit you dumb ass"she bellowed at me and I was thinking of what I did to piss her off 

For how does she want to continue with this hatred and wrong thought all I wanted was for us both to cooperate and work together and fight the people that eliminated her families 

But the lies that she was fed with was too stuck deep in her soul that she could only hate me to eternity

But I know oneday she'll know the truth and have her real revenge

"Well come have a sit"

"Done now what do you need me for"

I looked up at her looking deep into her eyes as I speak 

"Nasa I just need I have a problem and I need you to borrow me some of your men 

So I'd fight this man he's been bugging me for so long I would have asked you to team up with me to fight him but I know that's never happening"

"I know you don't have a death wish old man do you"she said with no expression on her face

I scoffed when will she stop being like this for fucks sake am old enough to be the lil kid father I nearly got pissed but I had to calm down cos I really need this

"So what do you say Nasa?"

"What do you want me to say do you expect me to release my men to you to go to a brutal war of a man I don't know about and if I may ask who's this man you want to fight??"she quizzed me

"His name is Don Vito the head of Italian mafia he's been on my neck 

Now he's holding my grandchild after he eliminated my family leaving only my daughter and my granddaughter he wouldn't let me rest he just wants to finish me and my family off 

Please Nasa that girl is my reason for living if she dies I can't bear seeing my daughter more wrecked and grieving more than she is now 

It's been two months that I've been trying 

Please do this for me"

I said pleading with her but she had this shock on her face and just then her phone beeped it was a message 

"Ma the young mafia lord said he wants to see our boss in 10 mins else he'll do something repulsive what do you say ma"

"Tell him I'll be there now"

I saw her mood change I knew whatever message it was wasn't a good one

"How many men do you need and what's the offer"

"Just a hundred and a dozen"

"You call that just this is war for god's sake Gabriel it's no fun!!"she said pissed

"Please Nasa consider you already killed my stepson!"she looked up and sideyed me

"You should be thanking me you and I know s that that boy miquel was going to be a rebellion to you you know it so I eliminating him is a favour not otherwise"right I knew she would say this even though she's saying the truth 

Miquel has always wanted to overthrown me even when I was still alive but all thanks to Nasa I could only face Don Vito for now

"I'm giving you seventy men only and you gonna sign a deal and also promise not to do me and my men harm as soon as we leave here"

"I promise you that"


The time that stupid mafia gave us was almost exhausting we had only 4 mins remaining

All thanks that the hotel is not far from Gabriel's house

"Jean I need to go back to the hospital and take Natasha back home you go and meet that guy talk things out with him then return the information to me don't let matters escalate"

"Ok ma'am"

"Call me Nasa am not some old hag I bet I still look young and hot"I said smiling at him while he smiles back 

Jean is a rare kind he's always being a honest and loyal servant 

I now take him as my brother when we have time we do crack jokes with him 

But now we have to deal with business first 

We had a friendly hug and I left why he drove to the scene

After some few minutes

I was in my town and straight to the hospital

When I reach a nurse directed me to the ward she was in she's recovered this few hours I was away but now she's sleeping

I looked at her and smiled I wished I had a sister but since I have her now she could be my sister and daughter I didn't have

Then my mind clicked on something her father 

My men will bring her home while I go say hello to Ken and finally finish him off

I would have loved to take Natasha home by myself but I have something more important

We still have the time in the whole world to talk 

I know what am planning to do is cruel but for the sake of mankind and peace of her daughter I have to end it here 

So he won't turn into a bigger monster tomorrow and get off my grip 

you can call me a monster but to hell for all I care until you have a taste of this world's brutality you won't know my reasons from being cold

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