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The plane was yet to take off when a lady entered and was directed to where I sat I mean beside me and it was then I realised my side seat was empty 

I wouldn't mind if anybody entered but this particular lady has something off about her 

She's dressed in a black gown that's showing her elegant curves 

Her blonde hair was down her shoulders

Her cleavages were a bit open and I must swear they're full and tempting 

Her heels made little noises as she sat down beside me 

Even though am the soon to be mafia lord 

She was behaving oblivious about me is it that my aura is not noticeable or she's just proud or what 

I was still contemplating on how to get her attention when her phone slipped from her hand and right down to my seat side 

*Ohh seems the universe are with me on this one*

She bent down trying to pick it but I beat her to it 

She looked at me and our eyes met 

Gosh!!!my heart beat increased it's pace and I was bound in looking into her eyes observing what I don't know she was pretty though her ocean green eyes and red lips were so sexy but deep into her eyes were mixed emotion something like hatred,coldness,confusion and surprise 

She was out of the trance sooner than me and called my attention"hey!! my phone"I came back to reality and handed it over to her"ohh sorry about that miss"

She took it and focused back on it 

*Really we'll see if she's that tough to get*I said to myself

"Hey please what's your name??" She looked up at me with a frown on her face

"Mind your business!!"she spat out 

I was taken aback cos I wasn't expecting that 

Imagine a pretty boy like me which girl wouldn't wanna date me I mean all girls are dying to talk to me

But it's alright it's seems she doesn't know who I am I'll make sure I get to make her look at me and make her fall head over heels for me 

She just wait!!!

I kept quiet till the entire flight and within some hours we were landing 

As soon as we landed everyone was going down and now I hated not taking my private jet I hate this waste of time with people and I lack patience 

Before I stepped down I put on my sunglasses which made me look cooler and more like a gentleman

I looked around for no reason but am sure I wanted to see where the lady was headed I didn't but when I was giving up to mind my business I saw her some miles away from where I was I think she's heading to a hotel 

I followed her behindly to see if I'd get any clue on who she is....


I didn't know why I replied that guy laidat but I guess I was supposed to 

I don't want someone to distract me from my purpose from here 

His features alone are too tempting 

His perfect jaw that's drawing my palms to touch 

His grey eyes and beautiful lips made his face so handsome but I won't fall for those physical looks tho 

All men are the same they just gonna break your heart 

I don't trust them

I was leaving after the airplane landed and thankgod there was a nearby hotel I don't need to look for a fancy one since it's just for a day and I will go back 

As I was walking I felt someone following me behind my instincts were telling me it was the man on the airplane but I doubted thinking it might be any enemy so I kept walking pretending to be oblivious of the follower

When the person was getting a bit close I dropped my key and swiftly picked it but not without seeing the stalker with me sideye

It was him I wonder how jobless he is to follow a lady up like that and he couldn't even hide fast that I caught him

Well he could stalk all he wants but won't get a piece of me

I hurried inside 


It's 12 o'clock and I wonder why am not yet dead the pains am going through is more than I've ever imagine 

It's just too much and I've been calling on death but it turned deaf ear on me 

I wonder how my daughter is fairing for the first time I'm actually having a thought of her 

What will she see me as?

Would she still agree to live with me?

Would I be able to face her?

We'll all this thoughts doesn't matter cos I am gonna die soon in the hands of a monster

Rhetorical questions kept popping in my mind I didn't mean to be cruel to her 

It's just that I keep getting pissed seeing that she was the reason I lost my unborn boy child and wife 

I was loosing my mind since that incident even though I know I don't do all those to her in my right senses I still couldn't bear the thought of having another person care for her 

I was feeling they were gonna go easy on her 

My mind was just in chaos I ain't thinking straight neither was I making sense 

But I'm having this feeling that I miss my daughter I miss her face and her urging me to help her do things 

Even if I was going to die I'd plead with Nasa to atleast let me see her one last time and say sorry before I go to the underworld

I'm sure I'd find my sanity there

I'll just wait till she comes back for me I wonder what's taking her time...


Immediately it was midnight I contacted Dean and he texted me his hotel address I needed to leave for work so no one's gonna suspect anything 

Few minutes...

In the new hotel I change my name and everything thanks to Dean who already knows and told them so it was easier and no long questions 

I have to meet someone tonight 

He might think he's a lord and is smart but after this deal I'll end him myself 


I've worked for Nasa for 4 years now yes I've been in this business for long 

It's all about trading illegal and legal goods 

Anybody who gets in the way is eliminated without two thoughts 

But Nasa's main aim is to free little girls who are in horrible situation which they can't speak out 

Girls who are humiliated, assaulted or intimidated by any human 

She always there to rescue them she always torture these people but when humans are still proving strong and stubborn trying to over power her 

She started killing them,this power of a thing is such a strong force 

No matter the will to do good 

People will turn you evil

But it takes a good heart and pure mindset not to really be the true evil

Let's say do the justice and even though it means doing the wrong things but for some reasons justice must be served

Now back to business I need to go set things with my boss 

I wonder what she's upto this time.

I knocked on her door and she said I should wait after some few mins she let me in and when I entered I nearly tripped 

gosh!! she was looking to pretty as hell so dangerously hot 

only a man with extra nerve could walk up to her cos even though she looked pretty she ain't approachable especially to men 

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