The door opened, two guards made their entrance followed by the Queen-Mother.
Adelie felt very vulnerable without the King by her side.
"So how is my son in love with you?"
- How is it your Majesty? Choked Adelie
-My son, the King, is in love with you miss and I do not know what magic you used for that but I would not hesitate to lead you to the stake for witchcraft if necessary. The King of Vésan will not marry a simple commoner! exclaimed the Queen Mother "
Adelie was impressed by this woman. Pale skin, ebony hair and brown eyes. She looked like a witch.
Adelie gulped, should she take this woman's threats seriously, this same woman who was queen before?
Nevertheless she decided to find her Sovereign to inform him of her mother's threats. She had no other solution, she little servant.
Arriving in front of the King's apartments, a dozen soldiers stood guard, armed to the teeth. Adelie hesitated for a moment to turn back, but she tried to approach anyway.
She knocked on the door and no guard moved, she relaxed, so she had permission to come.
She knocked a second time on the large solid wood doors adorned with gold. No answer, she tried everything and entered the room.
She was dark. Only a few candles were dancing on a table.
" Your Highness ? she stepped forward timidly.
Still no response, maybe he was away. She was about to leave when a noise came from the bathroom.
Gustave bursts into the room. He was in trousers, he was no longer wearing his shirt. Adelie surprised looked away blushing, she had already seen too much.
The King's smooth torso had bulging muscles that had accelerated the beating of the young woman's heart.
“God he is beautiful” she thought
The King was amused by her embarrassment, he put on his shirt without buttoning it in order to put the young woman at ease.
"Do you want to see me? he asked
Adélie was struggling to regain composure, she had even for a moment forgotten the reason for her visit.
“- Her Majesty your mother visited me a few minutes ago. She threatened to burn me alive if... I don't know why...
-My mother ? Victorine? he laughed.
-Yes, Her Majesty the Queen-Mother, replied Adélie without remaining serious.
-Why did she say that?
"I don't know, Your Highness, but she said you were in love with me and if you were to marry me she would pass me off as a witch..."
Gustave was no longer laughing. His face suddenly darkened.
"Is...Is it true Your Highness?" Hesita Adelie
-No, you will not be burned at the stake, the King reassured her.
- I do not speak of that Your Highness, is it true, are you in love with me? »
Adélie immediately regretted her questions for fear that the Sovereign would get angry. He advanced towards her. His heart was pounding.
Gustave knew he was going all out, either she pushed him away and it would all be over, or... he didn't know what would happen if she didn't push him away.
Only a few tens of centimeters now separated them. The King was two heads taller than the young woman.
He tenderly placed his large hand adorned with a ring on Adelie's cheek. She flared up immediately.
Coming a little closer to her he whispered
"I can't lie to you Adélie, you make my heart beat without my being able to control anything..."
His voice was deep and sweet. His breath had reached Adelie's neck. She felt electric shocks up her spine and a strange feeling seemed to twist her insides. 3
Despite that, she couldn't help but smile. She whispered, her body practically glued to the King's.
"Since you saved me that night, you've been making my head spin, Gustave"
She said his name looking him straight in the eye. The King swooped down on her instantly