It was as if thousands of sharp blades had passed through Adelie's body at the same time. All she could hear was a high-pitched ringing in her ears, so the general hubbub of disgruntled young women didn't reach her.
Gustave sought the gaze of his beloved satisfied with his choice but he found only empty eyes. He suddenly had a shiver, and if Adelie didn't want to marry him, if these last weeks had only been an illusion. Perhaps she had let herself go so as not to attract the wrath of her King.
At the King's announcement, the Queen Mother had left the room pissed off. Isador was silent as a carp. The counselors had also left the room.
It was Marietta who had brought Adelie back to reality.
" -Miss ? You feel well ? Are you very pale? »
The King's cousin gently placed her hand on Adélie's shoulder, and she jumped.
"I...I..." she stammered.
-Is it because the King did not choose you as his wife? You know it doesn't matter, you will probably meet true love, someone who will take care of you and put you before his Kingdom... Mariette tried to reassure the young woman. I...
- Forgive me, I didn't hear you.
-I am Adélie Bauduin... she said weakly, her legs felt like cotton. »
Marietta gasped in shock. The shock passed, a big smile split his face revealing a multitude of dimples.
"But it's wonderful, you seem like an honest young woman, I'm more than happy to welcome you to the family!" »
Adelie couldn't hear any more and collapsed to the ground with a thud.
The room goes quiet immediately.
Gustave seeing the young woman he carries in his heart faint in this way could not help but run towards her.
He passed a hand under the young woman's head to lift her up.
"That one calls Augustus, he cried"
Auguste, the King's private doctor had already taken care of Adelie when she fainted the first time she saw the King.
When Adelie opened her eyelids, she recognized the doctor's room. She strained her ears to hear the discussion going on behind the doors.
“- Your Highness, if I understood correctly, the young woman I cared for is none other than Adélie Bauduin, your future wife?
- Absolutely Auguste but please tell me she's fine.
-Since you are her future husband, I owe it to you, Your Highness, to inform you that she is a fragile young woman prone to frequent discomfort in the event of stress or panic.
-What do you mean by that? Gustave got angry.
-Well, if she encounters too strong an emotion, she runs the risk of feeling unwell like this morning or the other day, these unwellnesses are dangerous for her and for... the potential heirs she will bear by becoming your wife , she can fall or get hurt like today. explained the doctor
-What should I conclude Augustus?! The King grew impatient
-Just that you have to be very careful with her, I repeat to myself, Your Highness, but she is fragile. »
The door swung open. Gustave walked towards Adelie. She was suddenly seized with anger towards her Sovereign.
She was still too weak to scream so she whispered to him:
"How dare you"
Gustave was taken aback, he didn't expect her to react like that, was she really mad at him?
"You made this decision without telling me about it, it was totally selfish of you! Adélie's tone was rising.
-I am the King, I make the decisions I want
-Stop playing childish and constantly hiding behind your title of King! I thought you'd choose a suitor you brought here! I had prepared myself to return to the kitchens a palace! I...I..."
Suddenly Adélie felt tears burn her eyes, her throat knotted and her voice became quavery. His anger dissipated.
"I was prepared to lose you..."
Gustave took her in his arms, the wet face of the young woman was buried in his shoulder. She was sobbing.
"Forgive me, far was my desire to make you unhappy but I could not reveal my true intentions until this morning..."
He caressed the young woman's golden hair.
Their embrace was for the first time, conventional because they were now engaged and therefore promised to each other.