The servants were running in all directions. A week had passed and Gustave had had a very pleasant time with Adélie. But they hadn't kissed since. So much so that Adelie began to doubt her place at court. When she had learned that the King was giving a ball in order to find his future wife, she had, in spite of herself, had a twinge in her heart.
This evening would take place the biggest ball ever given since the marriage of the deceased King with the current Queen-Mother. Gustave had disbursed a colossal budget just for the decoration, the lodging of the young girls, the meal, the musicians. He hadn't done things by halves. A way to entertain the people to make people forget the revolts.
The Sovereign also had to discreetly dedicate a budget for the dress of the one who made his heart beat. He had made sure she was the most beautiful tonight. He had chosen for the fabric, ivory silk delicately covered with lace. He had asked the seamstresses to bare the shoulders. He was in a hurry to see her in it.
Adelie had hesitated a long time before putting on this dress. She didn't feel worthy to wear such an outfit and she didn't know if it wasn't inappropriate for her to join the King's suitors.
She gently touched the finery that the King had given her for the occasion. The stones shone in the light of the setting sun. The ball would soon begin and while the hundreds of young girls were dying to arrive and see the King, Adelie remained anxious.
She put on the dress, the fabric slipping on her milky skin. A servant helped him close it. She would have liked Flore to help her so much. She let her blonde curls cascade down her back but still braided a few locks into a crown around her head.
Her maid gently hung the necklace around her neck while she put on the earrings.
She observed herself in the large mirror in her room. Adélie remained pensive for a few moments, where had gone the domestic gardener's daughter that she was a little while ago?
Gustave was also anxious to see his sweet in the dress he had made for her. He wore one of his ballroom costumes, nothing extravagant but conspicuous enough for the people to recognize their King at a glance.
The Sovereign signaled to his guard to ring the bells and open the doors of the palace, the ball was beginning.
He went to the balcony overlooking the reception hall and watched the young girls enter the room. Some were captivated by the flowers, others by the buffet when a small group of them noticed it. They started screaming and waving their hands. Gustave felt uneasy.
The musicians began to play soft tunes on the violin. Some girls, the most courageous, began to dance together. One of his advisers approached the King, still on his balcony.
“Your Highness, it's up to you to play the comedy and remember to be convincing. »
The Sovereign turned around without understanding
"It won't be enough to stay on your balcony watching them, you have to go downstairs and dance with a few girls so as not to arouse any suspicion"
Gustave knew that his adviser was right but he didn't want to come down until Adélie arrived. Unfortunately after half an hour he resigned himself and went down despite the young woman's absence.
At his arrival the music stopped and all the suitors stopped to make an awkward bow to the King. Gustave put on his Sovereign mask and smiled at them. He went to sit on his throne at the end of the room. He had it specially moved to the reception room. Put on a platform, he could observe all the room.
The last latecomers arrived in the room and then the doors were closed. Gustave kept his eyes fixed on them. The two large and tall doors were directly in front of him at the other end of the room.
Suddenly he heard small puffs not far from him. Three young women approached him. One of them, with ebony hair, bowed a little.
"Your Highness, I...I was wondering if...if you would dance with me..." Dared the latter.
The Sovereign had no desire to dance with her but he forced his smile and stood up. The young woman did not hide her joy.
We made room on the track. The musicians began a waltz and they whirled under the envious gaze of all the others. Gustave was no longer smiling, the young girl might be pretty, but he didn't like her either, he wanted Adelie.
When the music stopped he inwardly thanked the performers for cutting the dance short. He was going to be able to return to his throne but suddenly he realized that everyone was staring at the door.
His eyes sparkled with joy when he understood.
Adelie stood in the frame of the huge doors of the room in her ivory dress, she was sublime.