Adelie did not understand what she could have done to curry favor with the King. She wore a dress that must have been worth more than her parents' house, and Gustave had given her a set of rubies the price of which she hardly dared imagine.
She had taken the first real bath of her life. The servants had even poured a few drops of rose essential oil into the water.
A fat woman had come to do her hair. She had her hair up in a nice bun but she had let a few curls fall around her face and a streak down her neck.
Adélie had dreamed of looking like the Ladies of the Court, but she would never have imagined being so close to reality.
She was contemplating herself in the bedroom mirror when the King entered.
“- Do you like the set? he asked »
Adelie hurriedly bowed awkwardly in her big puffy dress.
"Thank you your majesty, she is beautiful, but no offense...why are you doing this?" Dare she timidly
- Do I have to have a reason for everything I do? »
Gustave had deftly avoided the question, leaving the poor young lady disconcerted.
"May I know your name?" he resumed
- Adelie, Adelie Bauduin
- You have a first name of rare beauty Adélie”
The young woman's cheeks flushed. She didn't know where her first name came from, she had always found it strange.
She had so many questions to ask the King but her rank as a servant prevented her. Adélie therefore let the King lead the conversation.
“My dear, I would very much like to take you to see the gardens, they are of rare beauty in winter, even if they no longer bear flowers, I still find them just as beautiful. »
Adelie nodded, obviously she couldn't deny Her Majesty anything.
In a snap of their fingers they found themselves in front of the gates of the palace ready to go for a winter walk in the paths of the gardens.
The young woman still did not understand what was happening to her but she preferred not to say anything and enjoy a little.
Wearing an ermine cape offered by the King, she descended the large marble steps leading to the garden.
Gustave was waiting for him downstairs, he was also wearing a cape and he had put on a pair of boots.
The cold wind prickled Adelie's rosy cheeks. Her blonde curls twirled as she descended the stairs.
Gustave was smiling down at her.
"She's so beautiful," he whispered to his valet. The latter suppressed a smile.
Baptiste was the King's confidant, officially and in front of the court he appeared as his valet but he was in truth his closest and faithful friend.
“- She is yours if you wish, Your Majesty, whispered Baptiste.
- I don't want to force her, if she doesn't love me our union would have no meaning
- So make her love you”
Their conversation stopped when the young woman arrived.
"Where do you want to take me your majesty?" she asked shyly
- In the winter garden, if you don't mind? »
Adelie smiled and took the arm that the king held out to her. God she's beautiful when she smiles, he thought.
At the bend of an alley was the famous winter garden. A fully blooming glass greenhouse indoors
Adelie was amazed, she didn't know you could grow roses in the middle of winter. Gustave was obviously very proud to amaze her.
They entered the premises. A table and two chairs awaited them. The King had the table laid so that they could have tea.
Adelie struggled to sit down in her big dress. She studied each flower with her eyes as if this moment could end at any moment, she would become again the poor little maid in the kitchen forced to make soup.
"Are you pensive? remarked the king
- Yes... I was wondering why you treat me like a lady, your majesty? she says
- Why wouldn't you be a Lady?
- I'm just a servant, I'm only good at making soups Your Majesty
- I am convinced that you are hiding other talents from me, Adélie, am I wrong? The king was amused »
Indeed the King was not mistaken, Adélie had many other talents. She painted fantastic canvases but her parents had too little money to buy material for her so she contented herself with sketches in small notebooks that she kept preciously in her blouse.
Adelie just smiled. It was the first time in her life that someone treated her with a minimum of respect, apart from her parents, all her life she had been just an ant among all the others, only two more hands to work . But today everything changed, she found herself having tea with the King and without really knowing why her and not someone else.
Gustave emerging from his reverie
“Can I ask you something that is close to my heart Adélie?.