His lips remained on mine. My eyes closed and I savored the sensation. He pressed harder and his lips flattened mine, then I felt his teeth behind his lips. After what seemed like forever, but it wasn't long enough, Rostand pulled away from my mouth.
My eyes remained closed as I basked in the sensation before they opened. He smiled at me, a smile that warmed my heart. The kiss was better than I could have imagined. I wanted more so I pursed my lips, grabbed the back of his head and brought his lips back to mine.
The second kiss lasted longer and this time Rostand moved his head from side to side, crushing my lips against my teeth. My heart was beating wildly. My body tingled. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I squeezed my thighs together.
I groaned.
Something poked my lips. Something sweet. And humid.
With his lips brushing mine, Rostand said;
➖Open your mouth.
My lips parted and his tongue entered my mouth. As soon as he touched my tongue, I beat mine against it. I didn't know why, I just did it. I had licked his fingers in the theater and even felt the tip of his tongue with mine, but now I was licking his tongue. I liked doing it.
Something inside me was unleashed. Feelings that I had repressed or maybe I just didn't understand. It was another major milestone in my life. I attacked his tongue with mine. I moved my head. Our lips flattened. Our teeth were scraped. Our noses bumped. Spit ran down my chin. My arms went around him and hugged him tightly. My hips swayed with my thighs pressed together.
None of this was done with conscious thought. It just happened
And then my mouth hung open. My tongue stopped moving. My breathing stopped. Rostand's hand was on my chest. Time froze. I froze. He will be. I should have opposed it. He pushed her hand away. Good girls didn't let boys touch them. But it was like turning on a switch. My tongue went crazy against his. I grabbed the back of his shirt and held it in my fist. The more he squeezed my chest, the more I responded.
That wet feeling in my panties was back. I rocked in the seat. My legs opened and closed. The itch between my legs was there. It wasn't an itch. It tingled like someone was tapping a live electrical wire on my pussy. Each jerk made my hips move.
Rostand's hand left my chest for a moment. I felt an emptiness, a desire to return. And then his hand was under my top. On my stomach. On my burning skin. His hand slid down my chest, now on the bra. I felt his hand better. Fewer layers of clothing. And then his hand slipped under the bra on my bare chest. No layers of clothing get in the way. Skin against skin.
I gasped into his mouth. I groaned. Sighed. I had never felt anything like it. Rostand squeezed the flesh of my chest, running his thumb along the side. It heated my skin. And then he pinched the nipple. I screamed into his mouth. And I felt a jolt between my legs. So hard that I had to squeeze my thighs together and lean forward, forcing myself into Rostand more than before.
Rostand's other hand, his right, joined his left hand under my knit top and bra to cup my second breast. He squeezed both. He brushed both nipples with his thumbs. I didn't think I could take any more.
And then his left hand slid across my stomach. Under the bottom of my knit top. He continued until he was resting on my knees, between my legs. This sent another jolt through my pussy. My hips dented on their own. But he stopped pressing. He was gathering the materials. I felt it creep up my legs. Higher and higher.
I should have stopped him. But I couldn't. My body was on fire. I wanted his touches. I needed it. I wanted the feelings they created. New feelings. Feelings that I had never dreamed of existed.
And then his hand rested on my bare thigh. My skirt was bunched up on my knees. I should have pushed his hand away. I should have put my legs together. I should have lowered my skirt.
I spread my legs.
Rostand's hand was now on the inside of my thigh. On the soft, sensitive flesh there. Skin on fire. Tingling. And then his hand moved higher, to the front of my panties. My culotte shorts were big, not skimpy like today. It came to my belly button. And the leg holes weren't cut high. The panties covered my entire butt and part of my thighs.
Rostand's hand pressed against the front of my panties, his fingers pointing toward my belly button and the heel of his palm toward my crotch. The hand moved side to side, up and down and even in circles. The meaty heel applied most of the pressure. If I had thought that our touching tongues or him touching my breasts would send shivers throughout my body, they were nothing compared to what I felt now. That itch was back, but increased tenfold. A hundredfold! I rubbed his hand, yearning to feel more of that wonderful feeling.
Thoughts of what Dorene's sister had said filled my mind. It's the best feeling in the world. Oh my God, what I felt was the best feeling in the world. And then his hand slid down and his finger snaked under the soaked cotton crotch. On my vulva where few hairs had yet grown. I couldn't breathe. And then the length of his finger passed between my lips inside the slit. The tip of my finger touched something unlike anything I had ever felt before. I closed my eyes. His finger moved from side to side, rubbing that spot. The butterflies in my stomach went wild. I was going to explode.
And then Rostand's finger slipped into the slit and pushed.
I screamed, pushing his hand away;
It wasn't the jolt of pleasure I was expecting. It stung. Like a bee sting. It hurt a lot. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. My pussy was on fire, but not in a good way. I pushed Rostand hard on the chest until he backed away. I pulled down my skirt and crossed my arms over my chest, leaning forward and swaying. Tears.
Rostand asked;
➖What is the problem?
I say between two sobs;
➖You hurt me
➖ROSTAND: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I thought you liked that.
➖ME: It hurts. I want to go home.
I turned away from Rostand to turn my back on him. I reached under my knit top and pulled my bra over my breasts. Then I smoothed the top and only then turned around to face the front. I pulled my skirt over my knees and sat staring at the windshield with teary eyes.
➖ME: I want to go home
➖ROSTAND: I don’t know where you live.
➖ME: Take me back to school.
The ride to my high school was mostly in silence. Rostand tried to talk to me, but I sat silently, leaning against the inside of the door, my only sounds the occasional sob or moan. It was a first date I would never forget. I was held by a boy for the first time. Kissed by a boy for the first time. I did things with a boy that I never dreamed of doing. Kissing with my tongue. Letting him touch my breasts, and under my bra at that. Letting him put his hand up my skirt and into my panties and touch me where only a husband should. But what confused me were the feelings it provoked. I loved every minute of it, except the pain at the end. I was embarrassed to talk to him. Maybe I had overreacted.
Rostand stopped on the sidewalk where he had picked me up and asked;
➖Are you sure I can't drive you home?
I did not answer. I opened the door and went out.
➖ROSTAND: I’m sorry if…
I slammed the door and walked cautiously towards my house. The pain between my legs wasn't that bad. I wasn't going to do any jumping jacks, but I was able to walk almost normally. I took one last look over my shoulder to make sure Rostand was gone. I didn't want him to follow me home. I didn't know how I was going to face him at school on Monday.
When I was on my porch outside my front door, I dried my cheeks and eyes before going inside. My parents were in the living room.
My mother asked;
➖Where were you?
➖ME: With Dorene and Grace.
➖I called Dorene's house when you didn't come home. She was already home. It was hours ago. We were scared to death.
My mother caught me lying. I couldn't make the situation worse by lying more. So I say;
➖I had an appointment
This caught my father's attention;
➖A meeting? With whom? How come we don't know? How come he didn't come to pick you up at home?
The tears flowed again. This time, a different kind of pain.
➖ME: A boy from school. I told him to come pick me up from school.
My mother said, her voice full of anger;
➖Because you lied to us. You didn't want anyone to know you had a date.
➖ME: You said I could date someone when I was sixteen.
➖So why did you lie about it?
➖ME: I'm sorry. I was afraid you would change your mind and not let me go.
➖We would have let you do it. We said you could do it at sixteen. But now I can't trust you, so you can't date anymore.
➖ME: Mom, it's not fair.
➖You did it yourself. If you lie, we can't trust you. Now go to bed.
I ran up the stairs and into my room where I dove face first onto my bed, bouncing on the mattress. A slight pain between my legs reminded me of how the date ended. I rolled over to the edge of the bed and sat down with my feet on the floor. I pulled my skirt up to my waist, spread my legs and leaned forward. I was about to pull my panties to the side to see why my pussy hurt when I saw him. The crotch of my white panties had a blood stain. I knew it wasn't my period, so I pulled the crotch to the side and patted and prodded the area. It hurt a little, but not much. And then my finger went inside.
Oh my God, I was no longer a virgin!
Voices woke me from a deep sleep, a sleep I wasn't ready to get up from. Too brief sleep. The night before, when I came home from my meeting with Rostand, I had been sent to my room for lying to my parents. I should have regretted lying to them. But I was sixteen. So what I regretted was getting caught. But that didn't stop me from sleeping. What worried me was losing my dating privileges. I had waited sixteen years to date. And when I stopped getting upset about it, I worried about what happened in the car in Parmona. I knew what I had done with Rostand was wrong, good girls didn't do that, but the feelings were unlike any feelings I had ever felt before. Feelings that had prevented me from stopping Rostand. Feelings that wanted Rostand to continue doing what he was doing. Feelings that scared me. I tossed and cried until the early morning, when I finally fell asleep. Only a few hours ago.
My room was on the second floor in front of the house. The only window was above the front door. I pulled the pillow over my head to block out the voices. I wasn't ready to get up. But then my eyes opened. The voices were those of Dorene and Grace, as well as those of my mother.
I threw the pillow aside, jumped out of bed, and ran down the stairs barefoot and in my pajamas. With my ponytail undone and all the restless sleep, my tangled hair was flying in all directions, much of it in my face. I kept taking it out of my eyes to see. The front door was open, my mother was inside the house, and my two friends were outside, standing on the porch facing her. I skidded to a halt as I neared the bottom of the stairs.
I screamed out of breath;
➖I will be ready soon. Give me a few minutes.
I turned around and started to take the stairs two at a time when my mother screamed;
➖Florette, you’re not going anywhere.
I stopped halfway up the stairs and turned. I say;
➖I want to be with my friends.
It came out as a moan.
➖Well, you should have thought about that before you lied.
➖ME: I'm sorry, I won't do it anymore.
My mother turned to my friends;
➖Sorry girls, but Florette isn't going anywhere today.
She closed the front door. Right in front of my friends' faces.