Every day, Rostand spoke to me in class. I actually responded and relayed everything to my lunch companions. As the days went by, I became more comfortable talking to Rostand. I actually liked him. Dorene and Grace were jealous. To my shame, it felt good. Our priest said that pride was a sin and therefore I was committing a sin, but that didn't take away from how good it made me feel.
Part of my English course curriculum was creative writing and the teacher sometimes had us work in teams of two. For convenience, the teacher divided the people sitting next to each other into teams so that Rostand and I were teammates and worked closely together. Rostand loved it because he said I was smarter than him. I loved it because I got to work closely with him. Sometimes our shoulders bumped. Sometimes our knees. Sometimes our hands or forearms touched each other. He even placed a hand over mine on my desk while talking to me. My heart beat faster at those times. And the itch between my legs that I hadn't realized when Mr. Taren had kissed me on the side of my mouth had returned when that happened. Sometimes I would find myself squeezing my thighs and swaying. And breathe hard. I desperately wanted to press down on my groin with the heel of my palm, but of course I couldn't do that in class.
We were given the task of writing a short essay and asking our teammate to critique it. I finished mine quickly and watched as Rostand leaned over his desk, gripping his pencil tightly as he struggled with his own. He was constantly erasing what he wrote, erasing pieces of eraser from his paper and scribbling something instead. Sometimes he would even erase the new thing he had written to write something else. He finally looked up.
I asked;
➖ROSTAND: I suppose.
➖ME: Do you want to read mine first or should I read yours?
➖ROSTAND: Mine sucks.
I held out my hand;
➖Let me see.
Rostand threw his notebook on my desk. He landed on the near edge and slid towards the far side. I slapped my hand on it to keep it from flying off the desk. I picked it up and read it. It wasn't very good. Not only were there spelling and grammatical errors, but the beginning didn't match the ending. I started reading it again from the beginning.
He asked;
➖Do you want to go out with me on Saturday?
My head turned;
Speaking slowly and pronouncing each word individually as if speaking to a fool, he asked;
➖Do…you…want…to…go…out…with…me. .. SATURDAY ?
Then he said at a normal pace;
➖Go to the cinema. There's a new movie that all the girls are talking about called Oklahoma!
➖ME: You mean on a date?
Rostand smiles;
➖ME: I, uh…
I couldn't tell him I'd never been on a date;
➖I'll have to ask my mother.
➖ROSTAND: Okay, let me know tomorrow. So how bad is my essay?
His essay? Who cared about his dissertation? I was asked for a meeting!
Later, at lunch, Dorene and Grace asked me something new about Rostand. I told them about the mission and how we worked together. They were almost panting as I told them how close his body was to mine and that we touched each other sometimes. Both girls leaned forward, hanging on every word.
I say in a neutral tone;
➖Oh, and he asked me on a date
Dorene screamed;
➖GRACE: Oh my God!
Grace was a split second behind her, but just as loud.
About half the cafeteria turned in our direction.
I whispered;
My cheeks burned.
Grace asked in a low voice;
➖What did you say to him?
Dorene leaned forward and waited. She held her breath.
➖ME: I said I would ask my mother.
➖GRACE: Don’t do that!
His voice was strong again.
➖ME: I have to.
➖GRACE: Don’t do it. What if she was like my mother? What if she changes her mind and says you can't go out yet?
Dorene declared;
➖Thanks is right. Do you want to go out with him?
➖ME: I think so. I love it. But I never had a date.
➖DORENE: Where will he take you?
➖ME: A film."
The two girls were silent for a moment, looking at each other, I guess trying to read each other's thoughts, then Grace turned to me;
➖It’s a safe appointment.
Dorene asked;
➖Does he have a friend? We could double the appointments.
➖ME: I don’t know. He didn't say anything about double dates.
Grace asked;
➖So are you going to do it?
➖ME: Do you mean lying to my mother?
➖GRACE: I mean, go on the date, but yeah, that too.
➖ME: What should I tell my mother?
➖GRACE: Tell him you're at my house.
➖ME: What if she spoke to your mother?
Again louder than I would have liked, Dorene said;
➖I know!
That made me glance around the neighboring tables. I thought everyone at school now knew I was going on a date. Then she lowered her voice;
➖Tell him you went out with me and Grace. We'll tell our mothers that the three of us are going out. We'll find somewhere to go.
Grace asked;
Dorene said;
➖I don't know... Uh wait! We will go to the same film as Florette.
I screamed;
➖Don’t you dare!
This time it was me who was too loud, so my eyes shifted to the tables near us.
➖DORENE: Why not?
➖ME: I don't want you to look. I will be quite nervous
Dorene smirked;
➖So you leave
➖ME: Yeah I guess.
That night, I couldn't meet my mother's eyes. I felt so guilty and I knew she could read my mind. Ever since I was little, she always knew what I didn't want her to know and that night was no different. She even kept asking me what was wrong. I squirmed and looked at the food on my plate. My father, as usual, was unaware of this. He remained silent while eating, but he would glance at me or my mother when there was a long pause in our conversation. Somehow I managed to eat dinner and my mother told me I could go out with Dorene and Grace on Saturday night.
As soon as dinner was over and I helped clean up and do the dishes, I rushed to my room and hid until bedtime. I didn't even watch the TV shows we usually watched as a family. I told my mother I had homework to do. Another lie. In my room, I didn't do anything for school. I sat up in bed with my back against the headboard and my arms hugging my raised knees to my chest, wondering if my mother knew I had lied. And I'm worried about the meeting with Rostand. At least we were going to see a movie. People don't talk in movies. I couldn't make a fool of myself.
The next day, in English class, I sat with my back straight and my hands crossed on the desk waiting for the teacher to start the lesson. When Rostand greeted me, I answered him but I didn't look at him. My heart was beating wildly. I thought it was going to explode in my chest.
Rostand asked;
➖So what did your mother say?
I turned to him. His smile should have been contagious, but I was shaking and biting my lower lip. I finally managed to ask;
➖About what?
➖ROSTAND: You're going out with me on Saturday. Did she say everything was okay?
I say with as much bravado as possible;
➖Oh that. Yeah
➖ROSTAND: Great! I'll come pick you up at six p.m. The film starts at 6:30 p.m. We will have plenty of time to go there by car. Will you have finished dinner by then?
I asked;
➖Oh, I thought we would take the bus. Will your mother drive us?
➖ROSTAND: No, I drive and I have a car.
My eyes opened wide;
➖Can you drive yourself?
Rostand's smile was ear-to-ear, showing perfect white teeth;
➖Since I was eighteen. So, will you be finished at six?
➖ME: Um, yeah.
Wow! He had a driving license. I was hoping my parents would get me a learner's permit.
➖But don’t come looking for me at my house. I'll meet you in front of the school.
Rostand's eyebrows furrowed and his brow furrowed;
➖That won’t be very courteous of me. What will your parents think if they don't meet me?
➖ME: Oh, they won't be home. They have an exit. I will come from a friend's house so it will be easier everywhere.
I lied more often now.
➖ROSTAND: Okay. Eighteen hours outside the school Saturday evening.
➖ME: Okay cool
On Saturday, I rushed through dinner, putting food in my mouth and chewing as quickly as possible, sometimes drinking from my glass of water to wash down the unchewed food. My mother kept scolding me, telling me to slow down, but I told her that Dorene and Grace were expecting me at six. Another lie. But what was a girl to do? If I told the truth, I probably wouldn't go on my first date.