On Saturday, I rushed through dinner, putting food in my mouth and chewing as quickly as possible, sometimes drinking from my glass of water to wash down the unchewed food. My mother kept scolding me, telling me to slow down, but I told her that Dorene and Grace were expecting me at six. Another lie. But what was a girl to do? If I told the truth, I probably wouldn't go on my first date.
At 5:50 p.m., dressed in a short-sleeved black knit top and my favorite pink poodle skirt that flared to my knees, I waited outside the double doors of my high school. My black and white saddle shoes and pink socks completed my outfit. I stood there, shifting nervously from one foot to the other, clutching the sides of my skirt in my sweaty palms. Not that it was hot. There was a slight chill in the air.
I should have asked Rostand if he had a friend for Dorene and gone on a double date. Then I wouldn't be alone on my first date. Alone with a boy I barely knew. A boy! An elderly person with a driving license. And a mustache. What if he considered me a child? I was just a high school sophomore. New to high school. He was an elder. What if I did something stupid? There were no instructions on dating.
All I wanted to do was get home as fast as my legs would carry me and bury myself under the covers on my bed. With each movement of the second hand of the watch on my wrist, I moved a little further away from the school gates. Closer to the street. Closer to home. If I had arrived on the sidewalk, I probably would have disappeared. What stopped me was the horn of the blue car that stopped on the sidewalk in front of the school. I looked at the car without moving. More out of curiosity than the idea that it was for me. But when the horn sounded a second time, I leaned forward and looked more closely. An arm stuck out of the driver's window and a hand waved above the roofline.
I rushed to the car and leaned forward, hands resting on my thighs, looking out the passenger side. The two front windows were rolled down. Rostand smiles behind the wheel. He seemed so sure of himself. How many dates had he been on? How many girls had he kissed? Oh my God, what if he wanted to kiss me?
I opened the door and sat in the passenger seat, holding my skirt under my thighs as I slid my legs into the car. After closing the door, I looked straight ahead through the windshield. My heart was beating wildly. My shoulders rose and fell as breath passed my lips.
Rostand asked;
Was I ready? No of course not. I nodded without looking at him.
Rostand grabbed the lever on the steering wheel column and shifted into gear. The clutch squealed a little before the car lurched forward and took us off again.
Rostand said;
➖I need a new clutch. My dad bought me the car and we are fixing it up. When we received it, it barely worked.
He had his own car! Not only did he have a driver's license, but he also owned a car. I sat staring out the windshield, my hands folded in my knees and every muscle in my body tense.
Rostand asked;
➖Did you see me play last night?
I turned to Rostand for the first time;
➖Play what?
➖ROSTAND: Football. I am an end. I caught a touchdown pass.
➖ME: Do you play football?
➖ROSTAND: Yeah, didn’t I tell you? I am an end. Sometimes I block and sometimes I run for a pass. Notre-Dame tells me about a scholarship.
I began to relax;
➖I have never seen a football match.
Rostand faced me with a huge smile before turning forward again;
➖You should. And not just to see me play. It's funny. When we win, anyway.
Rostand patted the seat next to him;
➖Why don't you sit a little closer? I do not bite.
I didn't realize that my hip, thigh, and arm were pressed against the inside of the door. I moved to the middle of the seat, tugging on my skirt to make sure it didn't ride up, but stopped with plenty of space separating us. Rostand looked at me with his smiling face before turning his gaze towards the road.
➖ROSTAND: It’s better. Now we don't need to shout anymore.
I didn't think we shouted. But it was nice to be away from the open window. With my hair pulled into a ponytail that stuck out at the back of my head, much of the skin on my neck was exposed to the breeze. It made the cold air colder.
After walking a few blocks in silence, Rostand said;
➖You don't talk much.
A knot formed in my stomach. Blood drained from my face. My mouth was dry like the Sahara desert. I opened and closed my mouth several times, but nothing came out, like a ventriloquist's dummy whose operator had forgotten to speak.
➖ROSTAND: It’s okay. I like this. Some girls never shut up. All they do is talk, talk, talk.
He took one hand off the steering wheel and used his fingers like a quacking duck saying: talk, talk, talk.
Without realizing it, I let out the air trapped in my lungs in a long wheeze.
After more silence, Rostand said;
➖You should try to become a cheerleader.
I asked him;
➖Me? For what ?
➖ROSTAND: Because you are pretty.
My heart stopped beating for a moment. A tingling spread throughout my body. He said I was pretty. No one had ever told me that. Sure, my aunts maybe and my grandmother, but not a boy. My heart started again, but it was beating at twice the normal speed.
➖ME: You just say that
➖ROSTAND: Not really. You are really pretty. That's why I asked you out.
I went from jubilation to anger in an instant. I asked narrowing my eyes;
➖Because I’m pretty?
➖ROSTAND: Because I like you. It's just nice that you're pretty too.
My anger faded and my head felt like it was going to fly away. I couldn't have stopped the smile that spread across my face if I wanted to. Not that I wanted to.
I say;
➖Thank you
Rostand gave me a quick glance before returning to the road;
➖For what?
➖ME: For saying that. It was sweet.
Rostand laughed and, without looking at me, said;
➖Don’t tell anyone I’m nice. I'm supposed to be a tough football player. You will ruin my reputation.
I laugh, feeling at ease for the first time since I got in the car. I crept a little closer to Rostand;
➖Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.
We arrived at the cinema where Rostand bought our tickets. It was the first time someone other than my parents bought my tickets. There were perks to being the girl on a date.
The ride to the Bello Monte neighborhood called Parmona was short and when we arrived it felt familiar. I had an aunt and uncle who lived in an apartment building in Parmona. My grandmother lived with them, so we visited them often. Sundays. I just didn't know that part of Bello Monte was called Parmona and I had never heard of Parmona. But how bad could it be? This was where my grandmother lived.
When we arrived at the dock, I saw a few cars parked. At least we wouldn't be the only ones there. The pier was rather dark. There were a few lights on wooden posts, but no cars were parked beneath them. And even though it was dark, Rostand turned off his headlights and turned on his parking lights as he slowly drove toward a vacant area that was also not lit. He turned off the parking lights and then the car.
Rostand passed his hand, palm up, on the dashboard, near the inside of the windshield;
➖Here is the Parmona pier. Can you hear the water?
I listened more carefully and heard the small waves crashing against the wooden pilings that supported the pier.
➖ME: Yeah, it’s peaceful
➖ROSTAND: You really can't see the pier or the water at night, but you can hear the water. And unlike all buildings, you can see stars.
I leaned forward to look through the windshield. Rostand was right. The sky sparkled with thousands of stars. Something we didn't see in most places in Bello Monte because of all the lights. This is probably why Rostand and the other cars parked in dark areas, away from streetlights. To see the stars.
Rostand slid towards me on the seat so that we were close, almost in contact. I guessed it was more comfortable not to be cramped behind the wheel. He extended his right arm across the back of the seat, behind my head.
Rostand asked;
➖Good, right?
I leaned down again to look through the windshield;
➖I like the stars.
When I leaned back, Rostand's arm had slipped from the top of the seat and was now around my shoulders like in the theater. So, like in the theater, I rested my head on his shoulder. His body was warm. It was relaxing.
He asked;
➖Can you see the face on the moon?
It wasn't a full moon. Maybe three quarters.
➖ME: I don’t see a face.
Rostand pointed at the windshield with his left hand. His other hand was on my shoulder, and when he showed it, he pulled me tighter against his body.
He said pointing;
➖You see, there are the eyes and the nose
I saw neither eyes nor nose. But I couldn't focus on the moon. Being held like that and being so close to a boy warmed my body. Made it tingle. Rostand kept talking and pointing, but I didn't hear anything. My breathing deepens. I was nervous about him holding me like that, but I was afraid he would let me go. I wanted to be held by a boy. It felt good.
Rostand asked;
➖... cheese?
I only caught the last word;
➖ROSTAND: Do you think the moon is made of cheese?
➖ME: Of course not.
Rostand placed the finger he was pointing under my chin and tilted my head back. We looked into each other's eyes.
He says;
➖You are so pretty
I felt my cheeks burn, but I didn't say anything. That was nice to hear. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. I couldn't hold back the sigh that escaped my parted lips. It was a kiss. No chocolate was involved. Just lips. My first real kiss.
His lips remained on mine. My eyes closed and I savored the sensation. He pressed harder and his lips flattened mine, then I felt his teeth behind his lips. After what seemed like forever, but it wasn't long enough, Rostand pulled away from my mouth.