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Volume I; Chapter 03






The boys were playing a sort of ball-stealing game on the grass that devolved into somersaults and wrestling while the girls and the few adults chatted on the concrete patio where the tables, chairs, and food were located. I noticed my mother waving at me. She was sitting with the Taren. Mrs. Taren fanned herself.

As I approached, Mrs. Taren said to me;

➖Never get pregnant in summer

➖ME: Why?

➖SPEAKING: Hormones.

I asked;

➖What is it?

My mother leaned forward and said;

➖You'll find out when you're older

Great, something else about sex I didn't know. I assumed it was about sex because Ms. Taren was talking about being pregnant.

Ms. Taren says obviously;

➖You are sixteen now

I shrugged my shoulders.

She asked;

➖Would you like to babysit from time to time?

I answered;

➖Me? I don't know anything about babies.

➖PERLA: Lenny sleeps most of the time we need you. Just so Malek and I could get out of the house. We love him to death, but we need time to ourselves. And at first we'll only do it when your mom is home, so if you need help, she'll be there. We talked about it and your mother said she was fine with it. You can do your homework while you babysit. So, what is it?

I answered;

➖If you think I can.

➖PERLA: Yes you can

➖ME: Okay.

Mrs. Taren turned to her husband;

➖Malek, show Florette the apartment. I can't get up from this chair. Too hot.

Mr. Taren placed his glass of lemonade on the table next to him and stood up from his chair. He came closer to me and when I didn't move, Mr. Taren put his hand on my lower back and pushed me lightly. His touch gave me chills. It was just above my butt. I don't remember any boy touching me there. Not that Mr. Taren is a boy.

When we approached the back door of their apartment, Mr. Taren rushed in front of me and held the door open. I brushed against him. And I mean brushed. He hadn't opened the door all the way, so our bodies brushed against each other as I slipped past him into the apartment. My little breast was pressing on his arm. He closed the door behind us and declared;

➖Thank you for doing this. This will be of great help.

➖ME: I'm a little scared. I have never taken care of a baby.

Mr. Taren placed his palm on my cheek and said while looking into my eyes;

➖Lenny is going to sleep so all you have to do is be here.

I looked him in the eyes. They were blue, like those of Eden. What surprised me was that I didn't walk away. I leaned into his hand.

I say;

➖Okay, if you think so

➖Yes. Let me show you around.

Mr. Taren showed me around the kitchen and where the snacks were. He then showed me the bathroom and then their bedroom where the baby was napping in a crib. I walked over to the crib and looked at Lenny lying on her back with her arms raised and legs bent. She was so cute. As I turned to look at Mr. Taren, my eyes stopped on the bed that he and Mrs. Taren slept on and had made love on. My breath caught and when I looked at Mr. Taren, he was smiling.

Because of the sleeping baby, Mr. Taren asked in a low voice;

➖Any questions?

I shook my head.

He whispered;

➖Good. By the way, happy birthday.

Mr. Taren placed a hand on my lower back again as he leaned down. His lips touched the corner of my mouth. Not my cheek. The corner of my mouth, including a large part of my upper lip. And it wasn't a kiss. His lips lingered there for what seemed like an eternity. It was my first kiss even if it wasn't complete. Before that, all the kisses had been on my cheek or forehead. And the hand on my back was not still. He was sliding back and forth. I even felt his little finger stretch out to touch me under the waistband of my shorts.

I stopped breathing. I thought my legs were going to give out. But just before they did, he pulled away from me and nudged me until I started walking. We left the apartment in silence and he sat next to his wife again, picking up the glass of lemonade. As he sipped it, he looked at me over the glass with those Eden-like blue eyes.

The butterflies in my stomach were the strongest they had ever been. And I felt a tingling between my legs. It was like an itch that needed to be scratched. An itch like I've never had before. If I was alone, I would have squeezed my crotch. Was it an orgasm?

Labor Day was on Monday, two days after my birthday and my night out. The adults were thinking about returning to work after the three-day weekend, while the children were eager to start school. I only had one week of summer vacation left and then I would go to a new school. High school. But he starts in second year, not first year. Children who attended a parochial elementary school from kindergarten through eighth grade entered high school for their ninth year as a freshman. But public elementary schools ran from kindergarten through sixth grade, then to middle school for seventh, eighth, and ninth grades, and finally to high school for tenth through twelfth grades. So I was entering high school as a sophomore, not a freshman, but it was a new experience for me nonetheless.

But that’s not what I was obsessed with. I had been kissed by a boy for the first time. Well, Mr. Taren wasn't a boy. It was a man. And was this even the kind of kiss lovers shared? Maybe he had intended to kiss me on the cheek like other kisses I had received over the years, but he had simply missed. Although his kiss attracted a large part of my lips. Unlike everyone else. But not only did his lips touch mine, but his lips seemed to have lingered longer than a usual kiss. This wasn't just a quick kiss. Or had I imagined this? Had I imagined everything? No not at all. I couldn't imagine the butterflies in my stomach and the itching between my legs. These were real.

I really wanted to tell Dorene and Grace about the kiss. We had no secrets from each other. But I was afraid to tell them. Mr. Taren was an adult and married. It wasn't like telling them about a first kiss on a date. Either way, it probably wasn't even a real kiss. They teased me about it, so I kept it a secret. The first of a long series.

But I really liked the kiss. What would it be like to have full lips with someone my age? Maybe I would find out if a guy asked me out on a date.

School started and I reconnected with kids I knew from middle school and only saw at school. They didn't live in the few blocks that made up my world outside of school. There were also a few new kids, but I wasn't outgoing enough to introduce myself. I did check out the new boys though. How were the boys going to know that I was now allowed to date?

Always good at English, my guidance counselor placed me in an advanced English class. I didn't want to be in a class without my friends, but my parents agreed. We had fought and I had cried, but it had made no difference. So my English class was full of people all older than me. Talk about a shy girl's nightmare. And to make matters worse, I couldn't find the classroom on the first day of school, so by the time I got to class, the only unoccupied seat was next to a boy. The classroom was set up with two columns of desks side by side, an aisle, two more columns, another aisle, etc. The empty desk was in the back row. I always sat in front. The troublemakers were sitting in the back, not me.

Trying not to look anyone in the eye, but looking at everyone, I walked towards the empty office wishing I was invisible. I pulled my skirt under my thighs as I sat in the chair and let the hem of the skirt fall to my knees which I pressed together.

The boy next to me said;

➖Hi, my name is Rostand

My breath caught. The inside of my mouth was cotton. He was talking to me. An elder. And he was cute. He had black hair like Eden, but brown eyes. There was a little fuzz on his upper lip. He was able to grow a mustache! And he spoke to me.

I tried to speak, but it turned into an embarrassing scream. I cleared my throat, swallowed hard, almost a gulp, and said;

➖My name is Florette.

He asked;

➖What's in this matter?

I picked up the scuffed brown suitcase that I had placed on my desk when I sat down and placed it on the floor next to my chair by the aisle.

➖ME: It's my clarinet... I had a band last time.

He nodded while looking at me;

➖I don't remember you attending any of our classes before.

➖ME: I'm in second year.

About to put my hand over my mouth, I fortunately caught myself in time to let my hand fall to my side. It would have been disastrous. So immature. Inside, I was angry with myself for saying that. I told him I was young.

He says;

➖So you must be smart. I'm glad you're sitting next to me. I prefer sports to books.

The professor avoided me answering when starting the lesson. When she answered the call and called me, everyone turned and all eyes were on me. I was the new kid that no one knew. When evaluating me, especially the girls, they probably thought I had transferred from another school. My high school was huge, not like a small town school where everyone knew each other. Bello Monte was not like that. There were more than two million people crowded into seventy square miles. But once the course started, I was forgotten.

My next period was lunch where I told Grace and Dorene about Rostand. They wanted to know everything about him. There wasn't much to say other than he was an elder and he even had a little mustache. They begged me to know more about him. I told them I would, but I knew I was too shy to go through with it.

By the time I walked into my last class of the day, I had fallen into the high school routine. In middle school, the whole class traveled together from one subject to another, but in high school, everyone had their own class schedule. This is why I was able to take an advanced English course. My last class was Band and I was excited. I loved music and wanted to be good at playing an instrument. They chose the clarinet for me in middle school, so that’s what I was learning to play.

In the band classroom, I ran into some classmates from the middle school band, so we chatted while others entered the room. It was set up like my high school band room, with the chairs in a semi-circle facing the front. Except he was bigger. It was only when the teacher clapped his hands several times that I noticed it. But when I did, my jaw dropped. He was magnificent. Mr. Jovan was young. A Norse god with longer than normal blonde hair, blue eyes, blonde sideburns, and a goatee.

The professor was dressed all in black. A black sports jacket, not a suit, sat on the back of his chair. There were pieces of leather on the elbows. His tie was also black and the knot was loose with the top button of his shirt open, and the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up halfway to his elbows. And even his shirt was black. I had never seen a teacher wear a black shirt. They always wore white or light blue. His pants weren't like dress pants. They were corduroy and of course black. He was unlike any teacher I've ever had. He got away with it because he was a musical genius. Classically trained, Mr. Jovan was a child prodigy who performed at Carnegie Hall at the age of fourteen. But when he became involved in Beat culture that rejected economic materialism, explored Eastern religions, and experimented with psychedelic drugs and sexual liberation and exploration, he abandoned all that and became a teacher. My band teacher was a member of the beat generation.

I spent more time in class swooning over Mr. Jovan than paying attention to him. Until he caught me with the wrong sheet music on my stand and told me to stop daydreaming and pay attention in class. If he had known I was dreaming about him, I would have run out of the classroom, run home, and lock myself in my room until the end of the semester. Maybe for the rest of my life.

Every day, Rostand spoke to me in class. I actually responded and relayed everything to my lunch companions. As the days went by, I became more comfortable talking to Rostand. I actually liked him. Dorene and Grace were jealous. To my shame, it felt good. Our priest said that pride was a sin and therefore I was committing a sin, but that didn't take away from how good it made me feel.


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