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Chapter 6: Caught and Trapped

London’s POV:

After being forced to sit for Ruby and Katya, they finally let me see myself after ‘making me over’. I’ve got to say they’re not bad. I don’t look like a hooker and the make-up is very light so it still looks somewhat natural. It goes very well with the outfit I finally decided on which consists of a ruffled black skirt over some black leggings with a lavender shirt topped with a leather jacket. These girls have got this place stocked up with rocking clothes. I don’t even know why we went to the mall.

“I love it,” I say after taking myself in. I’m rocking the badass look with some high top combat boots, I seriously love it. I turn to look at the rest of the group, Avery’s wearing some dark wash jeans with a cute off the shoulder top and her hair’s down as well as mine. Katya is wearing a trendy royal blue dress with some black heels and definitely party-able. Ruby’s wearing a light pink dress that flares down to her knees, it’s very pretty. Destiny’s wearing a one shoulder black dress with black heels and Naomi’s wearing a mauve knee length dress with a leather jacket and black heels, trendy and badass. “I have to say this city better be careful or it’ll catch fire ‘cause we are hot!”

They all laugh in response and we just talk amongst ourselves and drink from the fully stocked bar on the boat. So, we can get drunk and we don’t even need fake ids, the perks of being rich. After a couple more drinks of vodka I think I might be drunk. When we finally dock I’m completely drunk and ready to party.

“We’re fucking this city over tonight!” I scream at the top of my lungs to the open space before me. The sky is already dark and that means we’re about to rock this night. Katya had already had a car sent over to be waiting so we didn’t have to call for service and since she’s the designated driver she hasn’t drunk. No need to make stupid mistakes as to risk somebody else’s life. As we’re driving I notice something extremely weird while I know that I’m drunk I happen to be one of those drunks that notice their surroundings. This is how I noticed some poor sucker was trying to screw us over. “Pull over!”

“What? Why?” Katya asks concerned.

“I’m just trying to confirm something,” I clarify. She does as told and so this the bitch following us. I get out of the car.

“Where are you going?” Katya whisper yells.

“Don’t worry keep the car running and ready to peel out,” with that I make my way to the suspect. He rolls down his window.

“Are you okay?” I’m guessing he’s attempting to disguise his true intentions.

“No, my friend’s in the car and she’s having some sort of attack, can you help us?”

“Uhm, sure,” he says uncertainly and gets out of the car. I take that as my opportunity to attack him from behind. I grab him in a headlock and spin him then I punch him in the jaw and just to secure my safety in his ‘huevos’ as well. When he’s on the ground I take his keys from his hands and run to our car.

“Go! Go!” I scream not knowing if he has a spare.

“Why did you do that?” Katya asks looking back at the figure lying helplessly on the ground.

“That bastard was following us, dude I just saved our lives,” I tell her and with that we continue to drive in silence. The other girls drunk enough they didn’t notice anything and continue talking amongst themselves. Sheesh, if I hadn’t been here they would’ve been murdered.

Aiden’s POV:

“Dude are you sure we’re going the right way?” Ashton asks for the nth time.

“Yes, Parker told me that they were going this way,” I answer him. After Parker called, I woke the guys up and made our way here on my speed boat to arrive faster than a regular boat. Now we’re on our way to find Parker’s car to find the girls, but we’re having trouble contacting him.

“Isn’t that Parker’s car on the side of road?” Athen asks.

“Dude, isn’t that Parker on the ground next to the car?” Aaron says. We pull over and get out of the car. That is indeed Parker. We help him up and he explains what happened. Apparently one of the girls that he was following got out of the car tricked him and beat him up. We all try really hard not to laugh, see Parker is a pretty buff guy that’s been working for my family for a long time. To think that a girl beat him up is hilarious.

“It’s not funny!” he exclaims.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Can you describe your attacker?” I question in my best cop voice, which makes us all crack up again, except for Parker. “But seriously what did she look like?” I ask seriously when I sober up. He gives us a description of the ‘little devil’ and we all crack up realizing that is our very London he’s speaking of.

“That’s the girl that has caught your eye sir?” he asks looking at me like I’m crazy.

“Yes,” I say waiting for him to say something that will anger me and cost him his job. Out of the corner of my eye I see Ashton shaking his head and running his index finger along his throat as if to warn him from death.

“That girl has inhuman strength. She’s pretty though, I think she will be perfect for you,” he says to which I smile. I knew I chose right when my heart settled on London. “But how will you find her now?” he asks the thing we’re all wondering.

“What was she wearing?” Ashton asks and we all look at him.

“Uhm, she was dressed up, they all were when they got off the boat. They might be headed to a club,” Parker elaborates.

“Maybe they went to the one closest to this area. We should go and check it out,” I suggest. With that we all pile into the hummer we had to rent since we had to leave our cars in the last town. Hopefully we will find them here and drag them all back home where we will be watching them and not leave them out of our sight.

London’s POV:

We passed three clubs on our journey but finally decided to go to the fourth one we saw. It’s very lively inside, people dancing to the beat of the music blaring from the speakers, people drinking at the bar and enjoying other’s company. This might just be what I needed to take my mind off my troubles. I took three energy drinks so that my ‘exhaustion’ crap does not get in the way of my partying. With that I make my way onto the dance floor and begin to move to the rhythm of Lana Del Rey’s Go-Go Dancer.

After dancing for a while I make my way to look for the other girls. I spot Naomi at the bar sitting down and looking as the other people dance.

“Hey, why aren’t you dancing?” I ask. She gives me a sheepish smile.

“I don’t really like being in crowds, I’m actually kind of shy,” she says looking down.

“Hey, don’t look at the ground. Make your way onto the dance floor and dance your cute little behind out and if someone gives you shit you come to me,” I tell her. This is so unlike me but these girls actually grew on me in the span of a couple of hours. When she doesn’t make a move I grab her by the hand and drag her with me. I begin to dance and with an eye roll she begins to move to the beat of the music. I was about to leave again but DJ Got Us Falling in Love by Usher came on and I had to dance to it.

Once the song was over I tell Naomi I’m going to look for the others and she decides to tag along. We find them all sitting at a table.

“Hey guys, had fun?” Katya ask and we nod.

“Yeah, how about you guys?” I ask. They all nod enthusiastically. All of a sudden I feel hands on my waist.

“Wanna dance?” whoever had the audacity to touch me whispers in my ear.

“Bitch I suggest you remove your hands up off me before you get your ass kicked,” I sweetly suggest without turning to look who it is.

“Why do you have a boyfriend?” he asks.

“Yes, she does,” we all look at Naomi who spoke up. “Aiden Anders won’t be happy if he finds you touching his girl.”

“Aiden Anders is not my boyfriend,” I exclaim without thinking.

“Well then one dance won’t hurt,” whoever says still standing a little too close for my choosing.

“Actually it will. Cuz I’m about to punch you if you do not remove your hands from me right now,” I warn emphasizing the right now to make my point.

“See I don’t think so, bitches like you like to be felt up,” after that all I saw was red. I remember my fist flying to the jerks face. I continued to pound his face when his bitches arrive to his aid but my friends weren’t having it. I knew Avery could fight but the rest surprised me. There was a crowd gathered up as we continue to beat the shit out of these guys. Suddenly I feel myself being removed and look at people I wasn’t really expecting to see, the cops.

Aiden’s POV:

“This is the third club we hit and we haven’t found them. Are you sure London doesn’t know we’re looking for her?” Asher asks frustrated.

“I don’t think she knows but where could they be?” I retort.

“Let’s just check this club maybe they’re there,” Adrian suggests. We head that way and make it inside. We all divide to look through the whole place I make my way to the bar where I see some man being tended to for his wounds by the bartender.

“That bitch if I ever see her again she better watch herself,” he sneer while wincing as the bartender puts ice on his busted lip. He ignores the black eye cuz like I just said there’s no helping that.

“Did you say something to make her attack you sir?” the bartender asks fighting off a grin. I wonder what happened.

“No, my mistake was approaching her. It’s just that I saw her dancing and she just looked beautiful especially her wavy black hair with the different colors. I just wanted to talk to her,” he explains. At this my ears perk up and I approach him. I ask him to describe her and when I confirm that it’s London I ask if he saw where she went.

“Man that bitch is crazy along with her other friends. The cops arrived and tried to arrest them, the one that attacked me kneed one in the gut. When that one went down she pushed down two to the ground so hard they knocked out cold. Oh, and let’s not forget the one who grabbed her to begin with. That one was taken to the hospital after she smashed his face into a nearby table and broke an empty bottle she found on his head,” he explains. Oh my god, what have you done London?

“So they got away?” I question.

“No, apparently they had back up and they took all six girls to the police station,” he answers. With that I leave him and find the other guys. After explaining everything they laugh and we begin to look for the police station. Hopefully we can pay and influence the cops to leave their slates blank and finally drag them home.

London’s POV:

Arrested. That’s just great, now how are we going to get out of this one? The girls are sitting in the cell while I stand banging my head on the cold bars.

“London stop, giving yourself a concussion will not help us,” Avery advices. She says it jokingly but I know she’s worried about me due to prior incidents. Plus she’s worried the stress will hurt me. I send her a smile letting her know I’m fine. I slide down the floor to wait for god knows what when a cop approaches our cell.

“You girls have been bailed out, they’re letting you know,” he says as he lets out which he does not look happy about. They’re letting us out? Who the hell would let me out on the street after beating four of this town’s ‘finest’? He leads us to the front where I regret coming out and beg the cop to put me back in the smaller. The cop looks at me like I’m crazy while Avery drags me out embarrassed by my ‘appalling’ behavior.

“London come on, they just saved our asses. Be nice,” she instructs.

“Saved our asses, dude how did they even know we needed ‘saving’? Huh, explain that, I’ll tell you they’re stalkers,” I ramble.

“You know we can hear you right?” Adrian asks.

“Of course you can, you guys are always there; ready to make my life miserable when given the chance!” Aiden begins to make his way towards me while I move back.

“London we are not trying to hurt you we only want to help you okay? Now we’re going back home,” he tells me calmly like I’m one of those jumpers that need to be talked down a rooftop. I shake my head. I turn around and begin to run towards the police station, they have to help me. Or, at least lock me back up whichever is fine by me. I keep underestimating Aiden’s speed as in matter of seconds I’m thrown over his shoulder and dragged back to the car.

“Help! Help!” I scream. When we make it back to everybody the girls are all standing behind Avery who doesn’t seem fazed by the famous Venomous Six.

“You guys are friends with the Venomous Six?” Katya asks.

“Friends, no,” I begin to laugh, “They’re stalking us,” I explain. She looks at me like I’m crazy. I look around and notice that the car we rented was there. “how did you guys drive it here?” I ask curiously.

“I hot-wired it,” Asher says in a duh tone. I roll my eyes, how am I supposed to know that I’m to expect the worst of them?

“Here you guys must be thirsty,” Aiden says handing the girls water bottles while they take them graciously. All but me. “I didn’t do anything to it,” he says.

“And Chris didn’t punch Rihanna,” I say sarcastically.

“Just drink it,” he says while the other guys snicker watching the scene unfold. I notice Asher’s ready to pounce as if I’ll attack at any second. Who can blame him?

“No,” I say. He uncaps it and takes a drink then holds it out for me once again.

“Sorry, I don’t want to get any diseases,” apparently I pushed the last button with this one because he begins to walk towards me.

“Just drink it,” he says walking.

“Why is it so important for me to drink it if there’s nothing wrong with it?” I ask. Wrong answer because next all I see is him right in front of me downing the water down my throat. I spit the first couple drinks in his face. Apparently that made him angrier because he grabs my jaw, tilts my head and forces me to swallow. He looks at me with care in his eyes but all I feel is fear.

“Now was that so hard?” Ashton taunts which earned him a cut lip from me. After that I remember Aiden restraining me in the car. Asher’s driving Katya’s rental with Aaron on the passenger side, Destiny, Katya, and Naomi in the back. I’m stuck in their Hummer while Athen drives with Ashton on the passenger’s side. Ruby, Avery, Adrian, Aiden and I sit in the back. I begin to notice that the girls are knocking out and then they’re suddenly asleep. They drank those waters before me, I realize.

“What did you do?” I scream at Aiden and Adrian.

“Relax, they’re just sleeping you will all wake up fine,” Adrian tries to reassure. On the inside I’m freaking out and I do the only reasonable thing to do. I begin to open the door to throw myself out. I’ll come back for the girls, I think. That is merely the thing I wished to do but Aiden has Athen lock me in and he places me in his lap to slide to where I was sitting. I remove myself from his lap and sit on his side.

“Why?” I question looking at them and it’s only when Aiden looks at me like he’s in pain and wipes a tear that I notice I’m crying. He may look like he cares but this bitch will pay for this move and if something happens to these girls I’ll kill him myself. I turn to Adrian and he seems heartbroken because I’m crying but they’re lies. No one cares. “What did I ever do to you?” was the last thing I remember mumbling as I fell into that dreaded darkness feeling nothing but anger and what hurt the most, betrayal.

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