What happens when you accidentally clash with the scariest thing in your life? A killer? No. A zombie? Think again. A va...
Chapter 1: Worst Day Ever
Could my day get any worse? I ask myself as I make my way down the hall to my first period class. Yeah, first period, my day has barely begun and it’s already a disaster. First, my alarm clock decides to take a vacation so I woke up late. I had to hurry up and take a quick a shower, get dressed, do my hair and all those things we enjoy to do in the morning. Frankly, I don’t even know if my clothes match not like I’d care anyways, it’s not like anybody will point it out. People know better than to challenge me, I’m not mean or the drama queen, I just don’t care about what people think of me.
I’ve never noticed how long this hall seems to be, wait this is not the way to my English class. Where am I? This is what happens when I think, now I’m lost. As I try to take in my surroundings to make my way to class, which I’m like half an hour late to, I hear voices. I try to remain hidden I don’t need any teachers to think I’m skipping class, I do not need that drama right now. When I suddenly hear the thunderous laughter a scowl immediately forms on my face. I know that laughter anywhere, who wouldn’t? The Venomous Six, the school’s group of bad boys/ hottest guys.
I immediately fasten my pace to get to class, the halls are empty and they are sure to see me if I linger. I cannot have that, not because I am afraid, no if anything they should fear me. I happen to know one of their dirty little secrets. One of the reasons I hate them is said secret, second is they just think their all that. So far I’ve managed to stay under their radar; I don’t know why all the girls fawn over them. What’s so great about them? They’re just pretty faces I’m sure that underneath their exterior they are despicable human beings. I was so into my rambling that I did not notice I ran into a wall, I really need to start paying attention.
“Ow,” I exclaim sure that I was alone.
“Are you alright?” someone asks. Looks like I didn’t run into a wall, I look up to apologize to whoever I ran into. I might not be caring but I have manners, that is until I see who I ran into. When I look into those beautiful cold blue eyes my manners flew out the window.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I say a bit rudely as I try to sidestep him. Apparently Mr. Almighty had different plans.
“Hey, you’re London right?” he asks intrigued.
“No, I’m Paris,” I say as I once again try to go around him. Apparently he’s not having it.
“Wait! I’m sorry, I have a feeling you don’t like me, did I do something wrong?”
“Look I’m sorry for bumping into you and no you didn’t do anything it’s just that I don’t really like you. Now if you excuse me I am already late enough to class,” I send him my best fake apologetic smile and walk away. That’s it London, don’t look back, don’t acknowledge the bastard almost there.
Damn, so close. I can hear Aiden’s feet shuffling as he hurries to catch up to me. Come on, finally I begin to see the familiar classrooms. Five more doors and I’m there, four, three, two, my hand is on the doorknob. Wow, I can’t believe I’ve made it. I’m pretty sure I’m smiling so wide right now I’d scare a little kid.
“You have to open it to be completely free from me,” I’m startled as I notice Aiden leaning against the wall a couple of steps from me. “And that is if you make it inside,” he adds with a smirk.
Was that a challenge? Why can’t this jerk leave me alone? Have I been so horrible in life that God decided to punish me? I’m nice to people, well the ones I like, but I’m polite to those I hate. I think I just proved that with jerk over here, seems like I’m going to have to pull out the big guns. I turn to him and smile, hand still grabbing the doorknob. This is how you know these teachers don’t care for my wellbeing, Mr. Tyler already saw me thru the small window on the door and he ignored me, bastard.
“You’re right, I have no reason to hate you,” I address Aiden with a fake polite tone; man I’m good at faking. “It’s just that I care so much about my education that when I’m running late I can get a bit cranky, I apologize. How about we talk this over lunch?” I ask with a smile. I’m a good liar, care about my education my ass, I hate these teachers and one of them is going to pay for ignoring me.
“I don’t know, I’m not a very trusting person and how can I be sure you’ll show up?” he asks, pretending to consider. Fine he asked for it.
“You know what? You’re right; I’d rather eat nails than to eat with you. So goodbye,” I begin to turn the knob. He he, I’m clever. I’m about to step inside when- Oh my God! I think gravity stopped working. Could my eight birthday wish have come true? Nine years too late but hey I’m not complaining, and that’s when it hit me. Someone lifted me up from the ground and I’m being thrown over someone’s shoulder? Ugh, I am going to kill Aiden.
“Put me down!” I scream. Not to irritate but for someone to come and help me, and okay to irritate him a little bit.
“Stop screaming,” he says. This is kidnapping and he’s making demands? Someone’s not the brightest bulb.
“No, now put me down and forget this ever happened,” I try to convince him.
“Let me think, no. I’m tired of you ignoring me and now you’ll have to talk to me.”
“When have I ignored you? This is the first time I speak to you and might I say nice butt,” hey I give credit where it is due, you can’t blame me.
“Are you checking me out?” he asks me amused. Ha, he wishes.
“Ha, you wish, but since technically I’m speaking to your ass I happen to notice,” I say in a duh tone. “Now put me down,” I plead to no avail.
“No I think we can have fun,” he says and even though I can’t see him I know he’s smirking.
“Fine,” I say deflated. I stop struggling to make him believe me, I feel his grip loosening. That’s right lure the attacker in, yeah I watch Criminal Minds, and I know how to do this. When his grip is loose enough I kick him where it hurts, ha should’ve watched out for my pretty feet. He lets me go completely and mentally I’m doing a happy dance. He’s crouching now holding his man pride, it’s amusing.
“Next time you should listen to me, I mean I tried to warn you,” I scold him like a dog. Yeah dog not child. I begin to walk away; I turn to make sure he’s not following me. I notice he’s semi smirking? Why would he be smirking when he just got owned? Smack, I should really stop thinking while walking it happens to be very dangerous. I just ran into a wall, I look up to see, oops.
“Hehe, sorry for running into you. Um, I got to get out of here,” I say nervously when I look up to see Asher with his arms crossed across his chest. See, individually I wouldn’t be afraid of him, but behind him are Athen, Ashton, Adrian, and Aaron. You guessed it the rest of The Venomous Six, I'm still not afraid of them but considering I just trampled their leader they might not be too happy. I don’t think they know yet, this is your chance London. So, I hold my head high and try to make my way around them, keyword try. Why are the halls so empty today? I look down at my watch, five more minutes until the bell rings then I can make my getaway. Okay, operation distract sexy jerks in progress. What? Just because I hate them doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate their looks.
“Don’t even think about it, let’s just do this the easy way,” Ashton, Athen’s twin pipes up. The devious jerk apparently figured my plan out. Time to play dumb, yeah I am one persistent girl.
“Excuse me, did I do something wrong?” I ask, putting on my innocent façade. Like I said I’m good at faking things. Asher looks at me with a speculating gaze. I meet his green eyes with an unwavering stare to assure him I’m being honest. I kind of am, I don’t know what I did for their little group to be on me.
“So you didn’t have a little encounter with Aiden, you know tall, brown hair, blue eyes?” He asks.
“Aiden who?” I ask, inconspicuously taking a couple steps back. I decide to discretely derive my gaze from them to make them believe something else has my attention. “Oh my god,” I say, as I will tears to spring to my eyes.
“What?” Athen, the sensitive twin asks.
“I can’t believe him,” I ramble with a somewhat broken voice.
“What? What’s going on?” Asher asks, seeming worried.
“My boyfriend, he he’s cheating on me,” I point behind them as I let a tear slip. They all turn to look and I run like my ass is on fire. I begin to make my way to second period Calculus, 30 more seconds for the bell to ring. I slow my pace as I near my destination. When the bell rings and the halls crowd I make my way inside the class and to my seat in the back. Whew, what a morning. Wow, I should really be an actress I praise myself. Apparently, I’ve been deep in thought because someone startles me.
“A bit jumpy are we?” crap I forgot Aiden and I share this class, and he happens to sit next to me. This really is the worst day of my young life, I almost feel like crying.
“Aw, don’t cry. Aiden’s here he’ll take care of you,” Aiden coos like I’m a child.
“Don’t worry about me I can take care of myself, but do tell have you had any problems?” I ask, directing my gaze to his lower region. His face gets red with anger, just what I wanted.
“Don’t you worry, you’ll be paying for that pretty soon. You know any girl would’ve been delighted to be in your position, I rarely speak to anyone outside the group,” I roll my eyes, cocky much?
“Well why don’t you pester them with your presence and let me be?” I question. He pretends to think, I already know his answer. He’s a bad boy what do they like more than themselves? A challenge, that’s all I am.
“No, I want you and when I want something I get it,” he says looking straight at me, challenging me.
“When hell freezes over,” I say sweetly. To my surprise he laughs.
“Oh, this is going to be so fun,” he says, excited? Am I missing something?
“Ms. Peters and Mr. Anders, you guys are needed in the office,” Mr. Schmidt says, I hadn’t even noticed class begun. Could they have seen what happened last period? I look towards Aiden to glare at him when I notice he’s smiling smugly. Uh oh.
“Come on London,” he says a little too cheerily.
“Mr. Schmidt, I don’t think it’s me they want,” I say nervously.
“Nonsense, stop with this foolishness and make your way to the office,” he bellows.
“Um, can Aiden go first? I don’t really like him,” I plead with my puppy eyes. He rolls his eyes but gives in anyways; no one can resist my puppy dog eyes.
“Five minutes, Aiden go first,” he says.
“This isn’t over,” Aiden sings in my ear. What did he mean? I shake it off and wait for the time to pass. When the five minutes pass I make my way out the classroom with my head down. Why can’t my life just be happy for once? I ask myself. I continue to walk to find my path being blocked by somebody. I look up, okay not somebody but somebodies, I gulp.
“Um, hey?” I say unsure, it sounds more like a question. That’s when I notice all six are here.
“Weren’t you supposed to go to the office?” I ask, regaining my voice.
“About that, the guys and I didn’t like your little stunt this morning,” Aiden answers. Okay, not good. I don’t even think about it, I peel out with six incredibly handsome guys after me. I make my way downstairs, if I can just make it to the office and report an attempted kidnapping it’ll all be good. I’m at the bottom of the stairs when I feel hands on my waist and I’m pulled back into a hard chest.
“Not this time,” Aiden whispers in my ear and I shiver. It should be illegal to have that voice.
“They’re here, he caught her,” I hear Asher inform the others as they make their way towards us.
“This is kidnapping,” I try to reason with them.
“We don’t care,” Ashton answers. I should’ve known, I’ve seen this behavior before. It’s all part of the Behavioral Analysis Unit. In the words of Agent Hotchner, you can’t reason with psychopaths.
“Bye bye life,” I say as they drag me to a back exit. Probably so they won’t be seen in action. I refuse to make my doom easy, so I began to kick and scream.
“Let me go! Let me go!”
“Dude shut her up,” Aaron pleads. I used to think that he was the nice one, the one that I hated less but he just made his way up the list.
“Stop screaming!” Asher screams at me. I have to reason with this one, Aiden and him seem to be the psychos of the group. I make my bottom lip quiver and tears pool in my eyes.
“Dude you’re scaring her,” Adrian pipes in. I’ve always liked him, he’s the quiet mysterious one. I think I could work with this one.
“Would you help me Adrian?” I plead sniffling.
“Give her to me Aiden. I think she’ll go with me,” he says. Aiden reluctantly lets me go.
“Don’t make any moves you know she’s mine,” Aiden tells him. This bastard I’ll kill him. No, not now, right now I have to give the best performance of my life. Adrian puts an arm around me when I reach him. I lean into him and bury my face in his neck and bite. I push him down then I make my way through whatever part of the school we’re at.
“Get her!” uh oh, that’s Asher and now he sounds mad. Now while Aiden and Asher are both psychos, Asher tends to be a bit temperamental. Now I’ve done it, I’ve angered the beast, the realization hits me and now I run like my life depends on it. Which it does since I’ve awoken Asher: The Beast within. Life it was nice knowing you, wow I’ve never had to run so much I must be in shape. I finally made it out into the road in front of the school, what do I do? Wait that car seems familiar. I think it’s a student so I motion for it. I get inside the nice black Audi R8 with the tinted windows. Wait tinted windows, there’s only one Audi in the school with tinted windows and that’s when I hear the click of the lock.
“Asher, buddy I don’t suppose 'please' will get me out of here?” I turn to look at him. Why is he covered in mud, he does not seem happy.
“Why are you covered in mud?” I question confused. He then laughs cynically, there's no humour in it.
“What’s so funny?” I ask, I notice that Asher is gripping the wheel pretty tight. Yeah I think he’s still in beast mode.
“When you made your getaway you pushed me in a mud puddle, ” Asher answers me and I can't help but laugh.
“Hey where are the-,” I trail off as I notice the two motorcycles, one on each side of the car. On Asher’s side is Adrian on a black and red motorcycle and on my side is Aiden on an all-black motorcycle. I was wonderign where the rest were when I see another Audi R8 like this one but red with Aaron in it. On each side of it are the twins in similar motorcycles like Aiden and Adrian's, except Ashton is on the all black one and Athen is on the black and red one. What are black and red their trademark colors?
“What are they too cool for helmets?” I ask no one in particular.
“They’ll be alright,” Asher assures me, note his voice is somewhat hard.
“So, um Asher I’m really sorry for you know…,” I trail off trying not to anger demon number two, Aiden being demon number one.
“Oh don’t worry you’ll be sorry,” Asher says smiling. Wait smiling? Oh no that’s an evil smile, I should know.
“What are you going to-,” I trail off as I slam back when he presses down on the accelerator. Jerk could’ve given me a warning. I turn back to see if we lost Adrian and Aiden, when I don’t see them I smile. Ha ha, losers. Then I notice they were still on our sides, wow these guys drive fast. I feel all badass. They definitely know how to drive in style, they really are some cool riders. It’s like a dream come true if only they’d sing Cool Rider from Grease 2. I love that movie.
It’s been a while since we’ve been driving. I wonder where we are going.
“I want a cooool rider, a co-ooo-ool rider,” suddenly the car stops.
“Are we there yet?” I ask Asher. He doesn’t answer me instead gets out of the car and walks towards Aiden who has also stopped along with Adrian, wow so many A’s it’s like they planned it. Then I notice Aiden making his way to the car, hum weird.
“What did you do to Asher?” Aiden asks amused as Asher gets on Aiden’s motorcycle, glares at me and turns to the road ahead.
“What me? I didn’t do anything. I’ve been a perfect angel,” I exclaim.
“He said something along the lines ‘if she sings one more song from Grease 2, I’ll kill her,’” he informs.
“What he doesn’t like Grease 2, that’s un-American. That’s like hating puppies,” I exclaim, but on the inside I’m making mental notes, he he devious me in action.
“So where are we going?” I ask while looking in the back. The guys are still trailing behind us.
“Don’t worry about where we’re going, you’ll have the time of your life,” he answers. I knew it, they’re taking me to a secluded forest to kill me and dump my body.
“Someone will look for me,” I try.
“Don’t worry we texted your mother from your phone saying you’d be home late. Oh here by the way,” he says as he hands me my phone. Idiot, now I can call the cops.
“Don’t worry I’ll give you the battery when we take you back,” so close. Wait did he say when I get back? That’s a possibility, I see the light.
“We’re here,” he says. I hadn’t notice the car stopped moving. I get out and take in my surroundings.
“No way, are you serious?”