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Chapter 2: Rendezvous Gone Wrong

“You guys kidnapped me to bring me here?” I ask once all the guys are in front of me trying to keep my calm. The guys seem nervous. I’ve never seen them like this. Wow, I must seem scary.

“Oh my God! I love it,” I say as I head to the front of the zoo. I can’t believe it, I love coming here sure under different circumstances but I still love it.

“You really okay with this?” Aiden asks unsure. Aw, he looks so cute like a little puppy. Hey, he kidnapped me, he’s still a dog.

“Yeah, I mean I love the zoo it would have been better under different circumstances,” I answer honestly. I’ve decided to play it nice so they won’t see what’s coming their way. Yeah, I’m going to win this war. We make our way to the entrance and I’m about to pay when I’m interrupted.

“I’ll pay for it,” Aiden tries to interject, keyword tries.

“No thanks I can pay for myself,” I’m glad I didn’t lose my bag through the chase.

“No it’s cool we brought you, we’ll pay,” he argues.

“That’s sweet but no,” I counter.

“Look I’m paying and that’s it,” he says irritated. He’s irritated? Is he the one that got kidnapped? I think not. He is one crazy bastard, one minute he’s all sweet and the next I want to kill him all over again.

“No. I’m paying for myself and that’s final,” I say firmly.

“They already sound like a couple,” I hear Asher comment. I turn to him and unleash the fury of my eyes upon him. For once he seems a bit afraid.

“Do you have something to say?” I question him. He takes one step forward, well I was expecting him to take one step back.

“Yes, I do. Aiden is paying for you now get over it,” he states.

“Fine,” I reluctantly agree but they just made me more determined to make this day unforgettable, for me. Once we pay we make our way inside and I follow trying to look at my surroundings.

“Where should we go first?” Aaron asks, hum I haven’t heard from him in a while. I was beginning to think he left.

“How about we go feed the ducks?” I ask excitedly. They all look at me funny, probably ‘because I’m not putting up a fight.

“Fine,” Aiden says as he grabs my hand and leads me in that direction.

“Um, excuse me I don’t need a guide,” I tell him.

“I know but we learned the hard way that you like to run. We’re not taking chances,” he tells me smirking.

“Whatever,” I roll my eyes. “So why did you guys kidnap me?” I question curiously.

“Would you stop calling it kidnapping, we merely took you out for a day of fun,” Ashton clarifies.

“That would have been great if I had agreed, but no you guys like to do everything illegally,” I mumble. “Anyways why are you taking interest in me. I haven’t done anything to you if anything I steer clear of your oh so greatness,” I tell them.

“Aiden has a crush on you,” Adrian states.

“Dude,” Aiden says.

“What?” Adrian questions seeming genuinely confused.

“You don’t just say it straight out,” Aiden counters. Is he blushing? That’s cute.

“Why didn’t you just tell me, it would’ve been so much easier,” I tell him.


“Of course, I would’ve told you straight up that not in a million years will I date you,” I answer smiling. I hear the guys all roaring with laughter.

“I think this is the first time Aiden’s been rejected,” Asher says patting Aiden on the back.

“Why? Why don’t you like me?” he questions.

“I, it’s just you’re a jerk and annoying and I just don’t like you,” I answer honestly. Hey, honesty is my number one policy.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make you like me,” he says smugly. Why do I feel like I just started my doom?

We arrive at the little pond where they let you feed the ducks. Now while I love it here my favorite section is the flamingos because I think they’re beautiful. So why did I ask them to bring me here? Five, four, three, two….

“Dude what the hell?” exclaims an angry Aiden. He stands up soaking wet, looks like somebody didn’t like their trip. This is hilarious my day may just have a bright side. We are all cracking up, he looks hilarious, especially when a duck bit his ass. Uh oh, he’s making his way towards us.

“Why did you push me?” he asks Ashton. Ha, he thinks it was Ashton.

“How could you?” I ask Ashton. “What are you trying to do? Ruin our day at the zoo?”

“I didn’t do it. Dude you’ve got to believe me,” he tells him.

“Are you sure someone pushed you? I mean couldn’t you have just tripped?” I turn to Aiden. “No need to blame other people for your clumsiness,” I say when he hesitates.

“Whatever where to next?” he asks. I think he hurt his man pride.

“Can we go to the giraffes?” I was stunned that Asher asked. Not so tough. So he likes giraffes, this will be good.

“Yeah, let’s go,” I say. We make our way through the zoo. There are not many people which I’m kind of happy for. When we make it we just mess around looking at the majestic animals.

“I’m going to kill her!” we suddenly hear Asher: The Beast, scream. Someone’s not happy.

“Whoa, dude what happened and what’s that smell?” Adrian asks sniffing around. Suddenly he starts laughing and backs away with the rest of us.

“Did you fall in giraffe shit?” I ask innocently. He seemed to get a little angrier and came at me, the other guys hold him off.

“Whoa, you can’t just blame her,” they try to reason with him.

“Next time think better than to kidnap me you jerks!” I scream as I ran away from them. Someone’s bound to help me, but then I remembered the zoo being almost deserted. The sneaky bastards they planned it. That’s cool I’ll just hide until they get tired of waiting. Yeah, I was the one that pushed Aiden in the duck pond and Asher in giraffe shit. I hope the others don’t think they got off or they’ll be in for a surprise.

“What the hell?” I hear Ashton scream. Guess he decided to look for me in the bird section I was going for bees to attack the nectar I poured on his jacket but birds will do. Then I see Athen running and screaming like a little girl, it cost me my favorite black glove but it was worth it putting those ants down his pants. How he didn’t feel that beats me. I have to be careful and control my laughter so they don’t find me.

I begin to make my way away from them when I stumble with an interesting picture. Apparently, Adrian thought I’d be hiding inside the monkey’s cell thingy. How he got it open beats me but I do know one thing when it closed he wasn’t too happy. I thought he’d have fun hanging with the monkeys for a while.

“I’m going to get you back for this!” was the last thing I heard before I left. Apparently the door locks immediately when you close it, hilarious. I was skipping my merrily way when I came across a sight for sore eyes. Apparently, Aaron found me more daring than the others as he was looking for me at that little bridge by the crocodiles or alligators, I don’t even know. He was looking down and around, what am I supposed to be hiding inside a crocodile? Oh well, didn’t stop me from pushing him in. No, I did not want to kill him. I made sure the animals were far enough away that it would give him time to get out. I just merely wanted to scare the crap out of him. I didn’t think guys could be that pitchy and the way he jumped was out of this world. I was almost on the ground laughing when I saw Aiden making his way to Aaron, I started to run. Maybe he didn’t see me.

“London!” yeah he saw me. I began to run for my life, he may have a ‘crush’ on me but he seemed furious. Maybe his butt still hurts, beats me. I was running towards the entrance when I bump into something. Ouch, that hurt. How many times will I bump into something today?

“Oh, you’re going to pay now little London,” why of all people did it have to be Asher? I begin to look for ways around him. “Ah ah ah, enough! Now you’re going to come with me, find the other guys and we’ll go home, okay?” he’s trying to lure me in with promises of safety but I know better. That’s like you’re killer handing you a gun! When my eyes landed on a ray of hope: the trashcan behind him. I push him as hard as I could and like I expected, with a bit force you go down pretty hard.

“Get me out of here!” he roars, I just begin to run to the parking lot. I should find my way back home. Finally, freedom sweet freedom.

“London! Get over here now!” I turn to see Aiden and the rest of the guys beckoning me towards them. They don’t seem very happy. I started on my way once again, but it wasn’t until I saw Adrian that I noticed there had only been five back there.

“Hey Adrian, you’re not letting me go are you?” I ask feeling defeated.

“Of course you can go,” he said, I couldn’t believe it. “With me to the guys and tell us all about your day at the zoo. Let me begin, monkeys are not as much fun as you’d like to think. They are actually very aggressive, one actually kicked me in my nuts,” he exclaimed. I thought it was funny but better hold my laughter I don’t think it’d be appreciated.

“My day wasn’t that great either….” I try, but I don’t think it’s helping. We finally get there and I almost died.

“Asher are you calm enough now?” Aiden asked for the fifth time after Asher pounced on me ready to kill me.

“She threw me on a pile of giraffe shit!”

“You know what Aaron you drive her,” Aiden instructed.

“No!” he screamed.

“What?” Aiden questioned.

“She threw me on the crocodiles, I could’ve died!”

“She did what?” Aiden exclaimed.

“It’s not like I would’ve let him die,” I tell them.

“You know what, I’ll just take her on the bike,” Aiden said.

“What, wait no? Asher please drive me back. I’ll behave and I’ll be quiet please,” I pleaded, hoping that somewhere deep down there was a human being.

“No, hope you have the ride of your life,” he smirked. One can only hope.

“Come on, and hold on tight,” Aiden said. I could only do as he said after the day I had today, battling for my life, I was completely worn out. I was a bit scared when he started the bike that I’m pretty sure he’ll have a bruise somewhere on his torso. Minutes later……

“Whoooo! Take that bitches!” turns out riding on a motorcycle can be the ride of your life. I think I faintly heard Aiden chuckling but who knows.

“Didn’t think you’d like riding on a motorcycle,” Aiden yells over the roar of the engine and the rushing wind. It feels pretty awesome.

“Yeah, me neither,” I answer him. We’re still driving in the same position from which we drove here in. Apparently that’s their style, boys. After a few minutes I decide to ask the golden question.

“So, am I going to be able to go home?” I ask nervously.

“London, you were always going to be taken back home. We tried telling you, but apparently you don’t do too well with reason,” he answered chuckling. I could feel his arms moving up and down. Yes, I also felt his very well built muscles. I began to run my hands up and down feeling them when I felt him stiffening.

“Oh, don’t be so stiff. I’m just feeling your muscles and might I say, wow do you work out?” I comment.

“Of course, don’t you think I’d have to be in shape to fight?” he answers, relaxing. We finally arrive to our destination. It’s not until Aiden climbs off the bike and helps me down that I notice they’ve brought me home. I know I should’ve been happy, but I didn’t tell them where I live.

“This is just so you know we know where you live. Don’t try to skip tomorrow,” Asher informs me when he gets out of his car.

“H-How did you know where I lived?” I ask a bit scared.

“Oh, Asher lives three houses down, the twins just moved in right across the street and Aiden will be moving in next door pretty soon,” Adrian informs me. No, that can’t be true. If you haven’t noticed these guys have money and while I am not poor, I’m also not as rich as them.

“Why would you guys move in here? I mean you could live anywhere,” I question.

“Easy, we like to keep an eye on things that interest us,” Aaron answers.

“What would be so interesting that you’d move here?” I ask and they all laugh as if it should be obvious.

“We already told you, you,” Ashton answers and I for one am speechless. What the hell? Now I’m going to have to watch out for these jerks. I think my life is finally coming to an end.

“Be out here at eight tomorrow we’re driving you to school,” Aiden says as they get ready to leave.

“And don’t even think about leaving early, we will know,” Athen tells me. What? Now I can’t go to school peacefully? I guess karma really is a bitch. This is payback for my little entertainment session at the zoo.

“See you tomorrow,” Asher sings as he gets in his car. Out of anyone, he’d be the most pleased in my discomfort. A few minutes after they left I’m still outside in the same spot trying to process what happened. What am I going to do now? Oh, that’s easy, retaliate. They think they won, they won’t see what’s coming.

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