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Chapter 3: Buried Demons

It’s eerily quiet as I make my way down the road. Seeing as it’s September and we live by the coast it’s a bit chilly out. I know other people would be scared in my position, alone at 5 a.m., walking in the dark. You might question what I am doing. See, I refuse to be told what to do and if it takes me waking up at 4 in the morning to make my way to school at 5 just to avoid a group of jerks then so be it.

I still can’t believe all I had to go through to get here. I made my way out of my house thru the back door. Why the backdoor? I don’t underestimate the guys, for all I know they could have someone watching me. So, I jumped the fence to the neighbor’s backyard and made my way to that street. Lucky for me I’ve strolled around here quite a lot so I know my way around the area. I’m so tired as I make my way to school, but anything to show the six devils that I’m not one to obey orders. Luckily, my parents aren’t light sleepers so I was able to sneak out, not like they’d question it if I got caught. I’m known for doing impulsive things.

I finally arrive to the two story building where torture is practiced on the youth population from Monday to Friday. I walk up to the doors and try to open them and to my luck they are open. This school should really upgrade in security. I mean I know it’s a small town and it’s ‘safe’ but still. Anyways, I make my way to my locker and get my things ready, surprised that I can see in the dark, but the window allows the moonlight to illuminate the inside and with my small flashlight I can make it through.

I walk up to the window and sit down, glad that I can sit on it with room to stretch and relax while looking out at the beautiful beginning of dawn. I place my jacket on top of me for warmth and succumb to a deep slumber.

“Can we wake her up?” is that Ashton I hear? Why would he be at the top of the Eiffel Tower with me? This is supposed to be a dream not a nightmare.

“Here this should do,” I don’t know what Asher meant that is until I woke up with a jolt with cold water on my face. “Oh good, you’re awake.”

“Yes, thank you for that,” I tell him with a tight voice. I’m going to get you back for that Asher.

“Good now that you’re awake, can you tell us why you can’t follow a simple order,” Aiden questions.

“See, funny thing actually, I’m not a dog that’s going to sit when you say ‘stay’. I do what I want and I want my freedom,” I tell him. I don’t know why the guys now look amused but I don’t think I like it.

“Well,” Adrian drawls out, “funny thing is you’re with us now so you kind of have to ride with us,” he finishes.

“No, you’ve guys had girlfriends before and none of them were ever considered part of your elite group. I’m not even a girlfriend or friend your leader just has a little crush he needs to get over,” I say.

“See I completely agree with you, but for some reason the guys find you entertaining and they really like you and think they have to protect you,” Asher answers.

“Aw, isn’t that cute, now cut it out,” I direct it to all of them.

“Aw, isn’t that cute she thinks she can just get rid of us,” Ashton mocks.

“Nice talking to you only not so much, I have to go now,” I say getting ready to walk away wiping my face with my jacket thanks to Asher. I actually thought I had made it without them when I feel an arm around my shoulders. I look up and surprise, surprise it’s Aiden.

“You’re sitting at lunch with us today do not try to skip out,” he instructs me. Wow, does free will mean nothing to these people?

“If I agree will you leave me alone,” I say dully. He looks at me like I’ve grown a second head.

“What’s wrong? You never concede so easily,” he actually looks concerned.

“I’m just tired of running and I woke up super early today to just evade you guys but apparently it’s not working so I’m just giving up for a while,” I say beat. Today wasn’t the only day I haven’t gotten sleep but I’m not about to tell him that. I really think it’s starting to catch up to me though I feel like at any moment I might pass out, which I will also not tell them.

“Let me walk you to class then,” he says as he guides me to my class.

Ugh, this day can’t get any worse, it’s like I have no strength to do anything. Lack of sleep can’t cause this now can it? I mean the lightheadedness, the lack of strength. I hope it’s nothing bad. It’s time for lunch and I’m heading towards the table in the back where I usually sit at with my best friend Avery. Yeah, I know I said I’d sit with the poisoned idiots but apparently I have enough strength to be defiant. Plus, I need my friend with the way I’m feeling. Avery is the only person that is aware of my lack of sleep. She’s the only person I can trust after everything.

I’m sitting with my head in my hands when I feel movement beside me, I immediately think its Avery. I look up with the slight sting of tears in my eyes, must be the lack of sleep. I’m surprised to find Asher looking at me with a bit of annoyance which dissipates when he takes the state I’m in.

“What’s wrong?” he asks. That’s one thing I’ll forever be grateful for about Asher, he doesn’t fake concern he asks out of honest curiosity. I appreciate the fact he doesn’t fake an emotion that’s not there to make it seem like he cares.

“Nothing’s wrong, the world is just rainbows and butterflies,” I answer with what I hoped was mock cheeriness but just comes out deflated. Ugh, I have got to sleep today. Truth be told, I’m scared to close my eyes and succumb to the darkness.

“Look, I know I’m the last person you’d come to for help, hell you don’t even really know me, but I will listen. I know something’s wrong I can see it in your face. I’m not asking you to tell me but at least get some rest. Would you like me to drive you home after lunch?” he asks. Wow, I never thought I’d have a somewhat heart to heart with Asher: badass.

“Why would you leave after lunch?” Avery asks, sitting down across from me. “Why are you sitting here?” she asks Asher cautiously after noticing him.

“Well, we told London here to sit with us at lunch but being the stubborn girl she is I figured she wouldn’t listen,” he explains.

“So you took it upon yourself to make my life a slight more difficult by pestering me with your presence?” I ask sarcastically.

“Good to know you’re not sick enough to deprive us of your wits,” he shoots back.

“Whoa, what’s wrong?” Avery asks after finally taking in my appearance instead of watching our banter.

“I haven’t been sleeping very well,” I explain vaguely while sending her a look that says more than a couple of words.

“Oh,” she says her face immediately crestfallen. She knows how hard it is for me sometimes and she’s been the rock in my life ever since I met her. Without her who knows where I’d be by now and I’m not being over dramatic. I’m being completely, painfully honest. When I said my parents wouldn’t care if I was sneaking out, that was partially true. Honestly, my parents haven’t been my parents for a while and it’s my entire fault. I caused this and I’ll forever live with the guilt, I don’t deserve them. I don’t deserve anyone.

“Since when?” she asks, so that nobody would understand. Thankfully the other guys haven’t arrived.

“Five nights,” I answer knowing she was referring to how many restless nights I’ve gone.

“What are you talking about?” Asher asks clearly having lost track of the conversation.

“Nothing,” I answer quickly. He looks at me, he knows that I’m lying but doesn’t call me out on it. Thank you Jesus, the devil has a heart. Thankfully he doesn’t even have a chance to attempt to interrogate me as the rest of the guys arrive. Aiden doesn’t look very pleased, uh oh.

“Hello London, I wanted to ask you something,” he says and clearly that’s a fake happy tone, even Asher scoots away from me. Yeah, thanks a lot Ashy-poo.

“Sure?” I say uncertainly.

“Do you wear glasses or contacts?”


“Do you wear glasses or contacts ‘cause clearly you can’t see as this is not our table,” he deadpans. Ah, he’s mad that I’m not a lapdog that obeys.

“You know clearly it is not your table, so why don’t you scurry on over to your table?” I make a shooing motion to emphasize my displeasure with his presence. I notice that everybody had been watching us closely to see who wins.

“No, I think we’ll make this our table from now on,” emphasizing our to mean everybody including Avery which surprises me. Maybe they’re not that bad, oh snap out of it London.

“Whatever, I’m leaving you coming?” I obviously direct my question to Avery my only friend at the table.

“Sure, where we going?” Ashton pipes up. I rub the bridge of my nose clearly not in the mood for games.

“We,” I motion to them and I, “are not going anywhere. We,” I motion to Avery and I, “are,” I finish. We begin making our way to a different destination when they look like they’re about to protest. I throw them a look that must’ve been fierce enough for them to shut their traps, finally. I don’t know what to do to make them understand we’re not buddies, but I’ll think about that later.

“Hey are you okay?” Avery asks referring to our earlier topic, as we reach my locker.

“I’m fine. I guess thing’s will get better with time, they just have to,” I add that last part to reassure myself mostly.

“It’s been seven years, don’t you think that’s enough time. Why don’t you consider help maybe talking things out will help,” she suggests.

“No, the only person I trust is you anyone else is out of the question. Quite frankly I don’t think I’ll ever be able to trust anyone,” I finish explaining. And it’s true, I don’t think I’ll ever trust again.

“I just need to figure out how to move on from this,” I add the last part. Ugh, I can feel that headache coming back. Wait do headaches your vision?

“London!” I hear Avery shout but it sounds distant. Oh God, am I fainting? Great just great, this is exactly what I need.

“London!” since when did Avery’s voice get so manly and….soothing? I feel myself falling and I wait for the impact since I seem to have lost the ability to control my limbs, but the impact never comes. I look up and I find myself staring at a stormy sky. Aiden’s eyes seem to be brewing a storm, his face etched with worry and concern. Why? I do not know, but that stormy sky is the last thing I see before the darkness envelopes me and I’m dragged under.

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