Guy after one another, she always entertain the guys wanted to court her. The guys aimed to break her heart to bring back their pride as womanizer and to prove that no women can resist their charm. Unfortunately, Abigail can handle her emotions well and those guys taste their own medicine. No guy can defeat her on her game; she always played her role very well until the University called her as Sweet Cold Blood Miss. Every man she was with told that she was the sweetest girl that they know all their lives. She made efforts and she has the charm like she was casting a spell to make them fall in love with her. Those guys knew her but they can’t resist themselves to fall to her traps. Month after a month she have a boyfriend and every guy with her into relationship wishing that they can break her heart but it ends up by breaking their hearts.
One afternoon, Abigail approached them, “You wanted to eat some cakes today?” she asked Crissa and Eunice smiling
They can’t guess what happened on her suddenly invitation, “Do you have a problem?” Eunice asked
She shook her head, “Nothing, I just wanted to eat a slice of cake today” she answered
Even Crissa looked at her suspiciously, she didn’t say any word “We will go” she said
They traveled from school to the mall, Eunice and Crissa can’t think any reason why Abigail suddenly asked them for cake and in their surprised, she bought a whole cake in strawberry flavor and three slices of cake with different flavors.
As she looked to her friends she suddenly smiled, “Are you okay, I noticed that you are thinking on something” she said
“Nothing important, we are thinking what the occasion to invite us here was” Eunice said
Crissa fixed her eyeglasses, “We are thinking, if you were celebrating for breaking another man’s heart or you celebrated very important occasion this day” she added
She chuckles, “Did you forget something today?” she asked excitedly
The two tried to think what occasion they missed, and they guessed more as they remember the occasion in Abigail’s life that they celebrated together but guess after guess, she always said no.
Suddenly Crissa’s eyes widened, “Oh my gosh, I’m sorry sis” she said like she knew the celebration all about “So, are we welcome to your house later?” she asked
Eunice still didn’t know what is the celebration all about, “Did I missed something?” she asked still thinking about the celebration
She smiled sweetly to her, “Today is Mom’s birthday” she answered “Do you remember that, don’t you?” she asked
Eunice clapped her hands once, “Oh I am sorry dear, I forgot” she apologized “We will be there by dinner, please tell to Aunt Celine” she said
“Mother will be very happy if you will join us to her birthday celebration later” she said
They were relieved when they know the reason why she suddenly bought a cake, “Maybe we are thinking too much for her, Crissa” Eunice said while they travel towards their home.
She smiled to her, “Maybe, but I’m still worried about her” she said
By evening, they went to Abigail’s residence to celebrate their Aunt Celine’s birthday that made her happy.
Crissa gave her a gift, “Auntie, happy birthday!” she said tenderly
Eunice hugged her, “Auntie, happy birthday! We wish you all the best things in the world” she said “by the way, the another gift was from my mom” she handed her the gift
“Thank you dear” Celine said cheerfully “Thank you Crissa” she kissed her
Celine was very happy when Crissa and Eunice was always with her daughter, she felt secured for her daughter when she knew that she was with them. “You can eat now” she said while preparing the table and utensils that they need “I know that you consider our home as your own, so feel free” she added. There were no visitors aside for the Eunice and Crissa. After her husband was separated from them, she always celebrated her birthday with Abigail only but when she had her friends she was very happy celebrating her birthday with three beautiful ladies.
The next day, everybody on the University was surprised when the Mr. University of another school visited there and his purpose was to court Abigail. No one knew about his background but he was known to be a leader in the University he was belong. The man asked everyone about Abigail, then he found where she was;
He stood up properly and walked like a gentleman, “Excuse me Miss” he said “Are you Miss Abigail Sarmiento?” he asked politely
She just looked at him like she was reading his mind, “Yes, anything that I can do for you?” she asked
He gave her a bouquet of flowers, “All the rumors are right, your beauty was Aphrodite - like” he said trying to flatter her
She tried to smile even she feel irritated on how he talked to her, “I’m sorry, did you want to court me?” she asked in a sweet voice trying to hide her annoyance
He smiled at her, “Can I, court you?” he speak the word so tenderly
“Can you go back tomorrow for my answer?” she asked
He felt some ego to her words, “Yes, I can go back tomorrow for your answer” he answered “Don’t worry I am not in rush, so you can think about it” he tried to be more gentleman.
He turned his back already when Abigail called his attention, “You didn’t tell your name” she said
He faced her again, “I’m Diether Demino, Mr. University of University of Nale” he introduced himself
She was surprised that the man in front of her was the proclaimed as Mr. University, “So you are the famous Mr. University from the neighborhood” she said
He smiled arrogantly to her that made her more irritable, “Yes, I am the Mr. University but I don’t want to use it to make you mine” he said trying to convince her to his pure intention
She smiled sweetly to him, “Thank you for respecting me, see you tomorrow” she said
Diether turned his back with a grinned thinking that he can have Abigail to his innocent looks.
When he left Abigail sat down again on the bench, “Oh my, I think another one will give me a headache” she said
Crissa noticed that she was not feeling well, so she approached her “Are you okay?” she asked then she sat down next to her
She looked at her, “Where is Eunice?” she asked
“She’s still have class until five o’clock” she answered “It looks like you are not feeling well” she said
She tried to calm down herself, “Another guy wanted to court me” she said sadly “I wanted to have a quiet life, I am tired of being like this” she sighed
She felt sad for her, “But why don’t you to try to love this another guy?” she asked
Abigail looked at her eye to eye, “What if this guy wanted to court me just to play with games with me?” she asked Crissa seriously
She thought anything that made her calm, “Do you know this guy?” she asked
“No” she shook her head “he came from the another University, his name is Diether Demino” she answered
Crissa think another way to figure out who is was he, “If you wanted we can go there and asked who was he” she offered
She looked her again fiercely, “What if he will know that I am checking his background in the University?” she asked
Crissa simply laugh at her, “You will disguise, as another person” she said
She thought about it and wanted to play with her idea, “Okay, we will play your game Crissa, let’s wait for Eunice” she said with a playful
They went to the library for a while until Eunice sent a message to them, “Where are you?” she asked
Crissa saw her message; she just tapped her to say they will go where Eunice was waiting. When they left the library, they immediately went to Eunice whereabouts.
“Hey sis” Abigail greeted her
She raised an eyebrow, “Where have you been?” she asked
Crissa smiled at her, “Don’t get mad, we are just in the library while waiting you” she explained
“I want to go home” Eunice said
Crissa and Abigail smirked that made Eunice chilled, “What are you thinking?” she asked
“Deither Demino from our neighbor University wanted to court me, and I told him to be back by tomorrow for my answer” Abigail explained “Since I don’t know he was to the University, Crissa thought a plan what was his purpose on courting me” she added
Eunice rolled her eyes, “But I wanted to have rest, my head was already aching because of Mathematics” she said
Crissa smiled at her, “Okay, take care honey” she said goodbye to her then she pulled Abigail’s hand
“Hey, wait a minute” she ran after them “Where you will go?” she asked
Crissa immediately stopped, “We will go to the University of Nale and we will investigate about their Mr. University” she answered
She suddenly confused, “Wait, what are you trying to do?” she asked again
Abigail chuckles, “I thought you are listening when I told you about that” she said
“I am listening when you told me that this Diether Demino wanted to court you” then she suddenly stopped when she realized something, “Wait, don’t tell me this Diether Demino is their Mr. University, am I right?” she was very surprised
Crissa nodded like she was encouraging her to join to her investigations.
Eunice’s attitude suddenly changed, “Why didn’t you tell me that you will investigate their Mr. University?” she walked ahead of them then Abigail grabbed her arm;
“Wait a minute, I need to disguise to be someone so that they will not know I am checking his background” she explained
Eunice just looked at her, “Okay then, I’ll put some make up on you and I will lend you my eye glasses so that you make look like a weird lady” she said
Abigail felt excited to her offer, so they went to women’s comfort room and she applied a weird make up then when Eunice was finished, she lend her eye glasses to her “Maybe, in that kind of makeup no one will notice you” she said as she look at her in the mirror
“Maybe, but why we didn’t give a try by walking in our school first if someone will recognized me?” Abigail smirked as she looked herself in the mirror side by side
They went out and walked towards the gate, no one recognized Abigail because of her makeup that moment even the guard didn’t notice her.
Crissa was very excited when they went out from the gate, “Let’s go?” she asked excitedly
They went to the University where Diether known to his title, they act like freshmen there. As they planned, they asked who Diether in the University to some ladies there was at that time. They collected many information that made them disappointed, Diether was known to be a womanizer in the University but he was very good in hiding it because he always play the gentleman role. Also, they knew that Diether was courting the famous lady in the neighbor University named Abigail. Some of the ladies there who admired him got mad to Abigail because he chose another girl from another University to court instead of courting women in the same school. Unexpectedly, a woman tell her opinion about courting Abigail that made them shocked;
“Who wanted to bet that Diether will break that Abigail’s heart?” she asked. The woman was known as Napthalie one of the girl friends of Diether
Crissa approached her, “Excuse me Miss, may I know whose this Abigail?” she asked innocently. Crissa was very good in acting innocent
Napthalie looked at her very well, “I think you are a freshmen here” she said
“Yes, I am” she answered
“Why are you asking who was Abigail? Do you know her?” she asked
She was a little bit nervous on her question but she made herself calm, “I like Diether very much since the day I saw him in the stage and I wanted to bet that he can break that Abigail’s heart” she said stuttering
Even she didn’t trust her, “Okay how much was your bet?” she asked opening her palm
She took her wallet, a get a 500 - bill that made Abigail and Eunice surprised, “Are you forsaking me?” Abigail said to her mind when she saw and heard that Crissa wanted to be broken hearted in the bet
“When will I know, if I win the bet?” she asked
“Give me your number and I will sent you a message when you win the bet” Napthalie answered
After that, Crissa went back to her friends, and pulled Abigail’s hand “Let’s go” she said
Abigail and Eunice just followed her until they reached a nearby cafeteria, then Crissa took a deep sigh “Oh my, that was very close” she said
“What did you do? You wanted me to be hurt by that cheater?” Abigail asked
“Sis, don’t mad at me, I’d just tried if the bet was true or not” she answered smiling “Now you know, what are you going to do?” she asked
She crossed her arms, “Fine” then she ordered a drink for them